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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. 8 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    Road accidents and associated death and injury cost the community an enormous amount of money.

    To say someone riding helmetless is only a risk or cost to themselves really shows ignorance.

    See the attached breakdown of road deaths in Thailand. A couple of things stand out for me - the fact that bikes contribute 73% of all road deaths, and that Thailand loses 3% to 5% of it's GDP due to road crashes.


    road deaths.jpg

    Not wearing a helmet is a victimless crime.


    Being knocked off your bike bike a car, bus or truck is a crime, against the bike rider.

  2. 1 hour ago, papa al said:

    Well made it across the pass, no prob.

    One construction zone muddy mess.

    My bad, that was not the highest pass.

    It was pretty cloudy/foggy.

    Visibility <30m at times.

    Really nice big room at Monaco hotel $18.

    Lake view and everything.

    Sent laundry out.

    Plan to base here for a few day doing day rides in surrounding area.


    The Tram Ton Pass is the highest pass in Vietnam, why do you think otherwise.


    Hope you don't mind my suggestions :)


    Nearby great riding........http://vietnamcoracle.com/sapa-y-ty-scenic-motorbike-loop/

  3. 14 minutes ago, impulse said:


    The answer, not so much if you get on a scooter, with or without a helmet.


    Riding a scooter increases your odds of being killed by 2000-4000% over riding a 4 wheeled vehicle.  The helmet reduces that risk by 40% so it's only 1200-2400% more dangerous than riding in a car.  The safety Rubicon was crossed when you threw your leg over the seat, not when you decided whether to put on a helmet.


    Wearing a helmet to ride a scooter in Thailand is like putting on a condom to do a crack whore.  Probably a good idea, but wearing one or not isn't the big decision.


    Where on earth did you get the figures 2000-4000%?

  4. 53 minutes ago, papa al said:

    Rode 300K Hanoi==>SonLa today.

    Decent road Scenic mountains 

    a little bit smokey.

    The FI Honda Winners runs well.

    If not mistaken, rode last 200K on 3.2liter gasoline.

    Sounds too good.

    Better check again 2mor.

    If you continue along that road another 70km at Tuan Giao turn right the route through the mountains is wonderful

  5. 1 hour ago, joeBr said:

    Ok. Fingers crossed :)
    Wont make it to CM it seems so that would not be an option anyways.
    Can't imagin my life here without 2 wheels :D

    I need to correct my last message. 


    I am sure the hospital WON'T take money to write a false certificate.


    I am sure you will be ok, at worst have to wear glasses. 

  6. 8 hours ago, papa al said:

    papa Hanoi

    Staying old quarter for a couple days.

    Streets closed to cars eves 

    and much activity.

    Backpackers, older ‘farangs’,

    VN families and young peoples

    all eating drinking laughing= mellow scene.


    Heading north tomorrow or so.


    North to where?

  7. On 20/12/2017 at 2:19 PM, colinneil said:

    Well i for 1 think you are talking nonsense, many kind hearted honest people on this forum.


    did i go whining, set up a go fund me page?

    No i didnt, did not receive 1 baht from anybody.

    Yet i did, and still do get help/support from a few very good people, some of them are members of this forum.

    So until you know more about people on here,please be quiet.

    Colin, may i ask you, when you had your accident what happened? Were you at fault? What protective gear were you wearing?


    From your posts it seems you would follow the the rules of the road and also wear a helmet. 

  8. On 18/12/2017 at 11:44 PM, PEE TEE said:

    Why don't they just Ban alcohol and make it a class A drug like the others after all kills more than any other drug . anyone selling should be classed as a drug dealer . OHHH why not they are banning everything else /also ban loud music from bars   .also ban loud speaker adverbs from moving pick ups ect . also make a prison sentence for motorbike with no lights an on and on   welcome to land of B. S 

    Bad adverbs always bother me too! :)

  9. 7 minutes ago, impulse said:

    I get a kick out of all the guys bashing the Thai's work ethic, their methods and the decisions they make. 


    Have a look at the Euro heat index tables and see how long your Euro (or USA) super workers would be allowed to work under the normal conditions of heat, humidity and sun beating down in LOS.  You may safely get a few hours out of them in an 8 hour day, but they'd be legally entitled (required, even) to take quite a few breaks just to keep from keeling over in the heat.


    We had hundreds of Thais working for us and they didn't last long if they didn't work hard, and it was our Thai supervisors that canned them.  And they did amazing work- especially the welders.


    Next, compare the $10's of thousands of USD or Euro's you'd spend mobilizing all the equipment, crew, supervision, safety personnel, and waste management teams to chop down and haul off a tree in London or NYC and compare that to the thousand baht or so it probably cost to cut one down in BKK.  When the GDP per capita is 1/10 of what it is "back home" things happen differently.   It's an economic reality- and I'd add, a big reason a lot of the guys posting here can afford to retire nicely in Thailand.  (I wonder if the Thais have a joke that starts "How many Brits does it take to chop down a tree...")


    Plus, trees grow.  Root structures eventually compromise the safety and stability of nearby roads, sidewalks, buildings, wires and put everyone in the area at risk.  It's a shame when beautiful trees need to come down.  But if it's either a tree coming down, or risking someone being killed by the damage the roots cause, I'd go with cutting down the tree just about every time.  Just like the rest of the world.


    But if it's either a tree coming down, or risking someone being killed by the damage the roots cause, I'd go with cutting down the tree just about every time.  Just like the rest of the world.


    Not all, in more informed countries planting of the correct tree is overseen. Building too near to old established trees with TPO's (tree preservation orders) for example is not automatically allowed.


    If properly managed the only risk is of broken branches in a storm, and with good maintenance that mostly would be an ongoing thing. 


    Hugh storms etc, well you don't not plant trees because of what could happen. 

  10. Many years ago i was riding my motorbike down beach road with my friend as pillion. When a vehicle stopped in front with no indication, i went to overtake it only to be blocked by a baht bus. I waited for it to pass and the t##t in the passenger seat spat all over my friend and i!


    I told my friend to get off and raced ahead and waited where the road has turned left to to South Pattaya road. When they arrived at the light, i returned the favour of the quaint Thai custom of spitting at people. 


    Then very quickly disappeared! 

  11. 2 hours ago, AllanB said:

    Took the CRF off-road today, hitherto thought I was an off-road expert, obviously the easy-peasy Lifan made me look good, one or even two up.


    Okay we were two up, probably not the best way to do a virgin ride, but yes had a couple of (small fart) twitches in some sandy stuff. So need to practice on this different machine.


    Took to the loose stuff like a baby to the busom on the Lifan, using the engine's grunt to chug my way through the soft, rutted stuff, largely leaving clutch, brake and throttle alone. Child's play and good fun to boot, but can't do that on the Honda...at all, need very careful control of the throttle and clutch and even the rear brake. 


    Got the first service done and the rough running was explained, pointing out the lack of Cush-drive", didn't spot that, thought it was standard.


    My advice to anyone buying a CRF250L is to hire one for a day. 

    My first off road experience was similar. It goes against natural instinct to open the throttle and "plow" through the sand etc.


    My first bike was a Honda XL125 and i never thought about it then, just went at like a bull at a gate.


    Thinking of taking a day's lesson at a school  in Pattaya to build some confidence.

  12. 16 hours ago, NoBrainer said:

    According to their calculation (which is an estimate ,based on who knows what) the fatality rate is about 70 people per day.

    That seems quite high, as even on the busiest 2 travel periods, New Years & Songkran, that is about the fatality rate during those periods.

    Maybe those estimates were based on reported figures for those 2 holidays. The normal rate would be much lower.


    As I have said before, they could cut that fatality rate in half, just by enforcing mandatory helmut use everywhere in the country, all of the time, by everybody on a motorcycle.

    They would do this by way of massive fines and forfeiture of the motorcycles, of people not complying. Habits will change very quickly when it is announced that you will lose your motorcycle for 90 days, if caught riding without a helmut, and the first few hundred people that lose their bikes hit social media.


    This could be achieved in 1 month, if they wanted to actually do it.



    Cut the deaths in half by forcing the helmet law? Where did you come up with that imaginary figure?


    What country in the world confiscates motorbike for victimless crimes?


    How about stopping and harshly penalising the people who cause the accidents instead of persecuting the victims of accidents. (Motorbike riders in this case)

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