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Everything posted by Zyxel

  1. Lev Goldblatt was a Mohel with 40 years experience performing circumcisions. Over the many years Lev saved and collected the tips he cut in a huge glass jar as a remembrance of each circumcision he performed. Now facing retirement, he decided to have a leather goods maker create a keepsake for him made from the collection of tips. So; he went to Murray the leather goods maker and told him his wish. Murray said, “Leave me the jar, give me two weeks and come back. I promise you’ll be pleased. Two weeks later Lev returned, all excited to see what Murray had created for him. Murray opens a drawer and hands the Lev a pink wallet. Lev is aghast. “Vat is dis? I gave you 7000 tips and all I get back after two veeks is a little vallet???!!! Murray smiles and replies, “Rub it. It turns into a suitcase.”
  2. A wealthy man walked into a bar in Miami. As soon as he entered, he noticed an African woman (black), sitting in one corner. He walked over to the counter, removed his wallet and shouted, "Bartender! I am buying drinks for everyone in this bar, except that black woman over there!" The bartender collected the money and began serving free drinks to everyone in the bar, except the African woman. Instead of becoming upset, the black woman simply looked up at the guy and shouted,"Thank you!" This infuriated the wealthy guy. So once again, he took out his wallet and shouted, "Waiter! This time I am buying bottles of wine and additional food for everyone in this bar, except for that African sitting in the corner over there!" The bartender collected the money from the man and began serving free food and wine to everyone in the bar except the African. When the waiter finished serving the food and drinks, the African woman simply smiled at the man and said, Thank you!" That made him furious. So he leaned over the counter and asked the bartender, "What is wrong with that black woman? I have bought food and drinks for everyone in this bar except for her, and instead of becoming angry, she just sits there, smiles at me and shouts 'Thank you.' Is she mad?" The bartender smiled at the wealthy man and said, "No, she is not mad. She is the OWNER of this establishment."
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