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Posts posted by SidJames

  1. No Joseph jokes please.

    I'm in need of a carpenter to build in a few cupboards & fix a few doors so can anyone here recommend someone that they have used before?

    If all else fails I will ask at the wooden furniture shops in Thepprasit Rd 

  2. 1 hour ago, champers said:

    There are many fly to U Tapao, AA same aren't there?

    I suppose there must be a demand for a Swampy bus or they would not be running them.

    I don't think that there are any scheduled flights in or out of UTP at the mo 

    • Thanks 1
  3. It reminds me of when the football transfer window would open in England & just about every media outlet & talking head would connect nigh on every decent player with a move to a rich club & then if one of those moves actually happened then they would report & point out how they had called it in advance whilest of course leaving out the very many calls that they got completely wrong.

    They love nothing better than patting themselves on the back & telling all & sundry about how clever they are.

    See you next Tuesday , the lot of 'em.


  4. With a good lawyer she should only get DUI.

    There's a point where she could legitimately claim that she in fear of her life because so many people not in uniform were attacking her & being a lone woman out late at night she was in fear of her life & was in a state of absolute panic.

    How many do-goers were involved there & most likely made the job in hand harder for the police?

    There was a cavalcade of bikes joining in the chase.

    How would they know what had happened previously?

    If seemed as though people were joining in for fun & she may have a case & claim for criminal damages.

    Random people were just running up & attacking the vehicle, she was in a confused state & most likely completely frightened.


  5. 10 hours ago, kinyara said:

    Lol. When I went in shortly after they re-opened I couldn't believe how much weight a couple of the more attractive long term staff had put on. Didn't look like they'd been putting in the hard yards on the family rice paddy up country during lockdown. 

    I've been saying exactly the same thing.

    This younger lot have never worked the fields so when they go home they won't do it so they must just lounge around all day eating sticky rice

    • Like 1
  6. No!

    Eyes are the windows to your soul but in all honesty you need the best care that you can get for your eyes so go to Rutnin Eye Hospital in Bangkok.

    Their reputation is excellent with the best eye docs in town & not that expensive considering.

    Our local 'top end' hospital has not been covering itself in glory over the last few years in regards to the accounts dept so well worth a trip to the place that the local well educated bats go to for help in that area.

    You don't get a second chance so much with eyes like can with your teeth.

    They can't just be rebuilt to do a job just because someone messed one up before.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. The high performance vehicles need to be maintained & their engines turned over more especially in the heat & humidity here as the oil emulsifies after a while.

    You'd need to know your stuff as you can't exactly bring the car back to Customs & demand your money be returned, it's very much a case of caveat emptor.

  8. The laws of the rest of the planet do not exist here & that includes the sciences.

    We are blessed that we're allowed to stay a while is such a blessed & regal country that spreads it protective wings over all of us.

    If anything bad happens then it must be someone else's fault as the government here have done such a sterling job in protecting everyone & no one can prove otherwise.

    Let the made up facts speak for themselves.

    • Haha 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Eindhoven said:


    Not sure that is fair. My call/visit to City Hall was entirely successful. No hint of a request for remuneration. But of course it helps if you speak to the right person in the first place.

    I did and action was swift.

    So I can say that in all of my interactions with City Hall they have solved or helped to solve the issue without any suggestion of payment.

    You're right there PSV, I have heard of people getting some success at City Hall but it is when a specific shop has cheated someone & it's fairly straight forward with proof of purchase etc or a signed contract that was not honoured.

    When the issues are cloudy then you need an insider to point you in the right direction for the most part.

    I was even told that there is a department built just to deal with issues that foreigners have but I don't know if they told anyone at City Hall about it.

    • Like 1
  10. I am guessing it's best if you find out who has the actual power to sort these messes out, it might be a city official or it might be the wonderful BiB.

    Once you find that out then a negotiation is probably required & a fee paid for services to be rendered & a completion bonus.

    If your lawyer won't go to City Hall or soi 9 then find one who will.

    Even the local Thais know that there always has to be some kind of recompense made as the police & city hall staff are not strictly civil servants in our sense of the word & it's understood that there is an entrepreneurial aspect to their job.

    The trick here is finding the right person because you can end up bribing getting advice from the wrong person & you are milked again back to sq one.

    Good luck!

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