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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. How the great had fallen each day it is the Brit did this did that. If aren't drunk, getting kick in the head, now they scamming good folks.
  2. Speculate, the wording would that so call friend be a Thai Barfine. 🤔
  3. Correct, pulling money or stopping isnt respect it is control. Another perspective I got from talking to Thais, which goes along their line of thinking. We give them support a better life which they freely make the choice. One hopes it money is buying love that later one hopes it comes to respect, appreciation even love for what we are doing. In conversation girl once said " foreigners treat Thai like dogs " They dangle money at us we like dogs have to respond to them. I sat there quiet like a Thai man thinking to myself you working this job cause a Thai Man walked out on you. Now you complaining he doesnt understand you get on your nerves. I know of no dog that has a house, car, no longer has to spread her legs get a sizable allowance? Sounds like we are the dog LOL.
  4. Education, I was curious to your claim and plan. What you indicate is not the type of policy " organization " in general a person can obtain. Every company insurance being offere in Thailand is based on age, ex.. 20-25, 26-30, 70-75, regardless premium will rise average 4000 baht a year. Polices are sold alacart inpatient and out. Premium " 24,000 baht " a month that comes to around $300-400 a month x 12 = $$$$$. As posted he cant afford what he had already and cancelled! Then policies sold here " pre- existing condition even jock itch you arent going to be accepted LOL, they claim wont cancel your policy but your premium will rise regardless then policies purchased coverage are limited a policy for 2-3 million baht coverage a person over 70, cost could range around 75,000 baht. Whatever your company coverage not available to many of us " civil servant " if you are happy more power to you but to many it isnt obtainable your explanation your own words seem to prove it. So people drop their coverage like myself, I purchase insurance for over 10 years never use yet premium continue to rise. Once I had a coverage for 1.5 million, at 45,000 baht, all of a sudden company daid we wont provide coverage any longer BUT can offer a policy for max 800,000 baht premium will be still 45,000 baht. New company will pick up coverage 1.5 premium 65,000 " 65-70 " but to be accepted must go to specific hospital get a full checkup 8000 baht and remember pre - existing " This is what insurance is all about from my experiemce in Thailand.
  5. 🤧Try communicating, try compromise, try not thinking of yourself.
  6. For years I have a number of accounts some with my wife name joint. Money place into all accounts have been taxed prior. Although I live here way over the 180 days I return home yearly to file my taxes. Each times these accounts obtain interest right after a tax is removed. I dont see taxes being removed from my Thai son nor my wife personal accounts. Does your answer pertain to my situation?
  7. For years I have a number of accounts some with my wife name joint. Money place into all accounts have been taxed prior. Although I live here way over the 180 days I return home yearly to file my taxes. Each times these accounts obtain interest right after a tax is removed. I dont see taxes being removed from my Thai son nor my wife personal accounts. Does your answer pertain to my situation?
  8. You right! 😂 now can we move on from you? the man is dead R.I.P. can you understand when someone tells you " agree to disagree, don't high jacked the thread " or do you think that continuing so you have to be right will bring back the dead. If that is the case I apologize and please continue!🤣
  9. I was trying to be nice you not a clue as to the area you sitting behind the key posting picture from other sources By others. if you had even a bit of common sense would figure out your picture surrounding dont match up. But you right! cause you didnt go there but got information second hand by bad reporter. SUN! Guess thay is your GOD might want to get your hesd put of your own canal so you can actually see the Sun. There is no road work last picture, no barriers, no closure. Go see why make a fool out of yourself and make this about you! 🤧
  10. I think if anything you got the picture mixed up or the reporting is incorrect! What I'm going on is the direct information the article stated! A Soi 24! B. The two pictures you posted of the Ambulance at night although terrible you see the barriers, that is right at the intersection of Nermpludwan and Soi 24, you picture the first one it isn't noted but there is a 7/11 small one right there! This 7/11 has been there a long time consider to be a smaller one than what they are opening today. C. You picture ambalance coming from the West, facing East matches up with one of my photos without the barriers in place. NOTE: FLOODING OR NOT THE REASON FOR THE ROAD WORK THERE USED TO BE A METAL DRAIN GRID ACROSS THE ENTIRE ROAD THAT DEGRADED AND BECAME DANGEROUS THAT GRID IS PLACED RIGHT IN FRONT OF A BEER BAR NAME HAS CHANGED BUT BEFORE COVID NAME WAS MARYLOU. THE REASON FOR THAT GRID IN THE PAST WATER WOULD RUSH DOWN IN A DOWNPOUR AFTER MARYLOU THEREAFTER ALL THE WATER WOULD SETTLE IN THE FLAT SPOT FLOODING ALL THE BUSINESSES THEY WOULD CLOSE THE ROAD FROM BOTH DIRECTIONS. Today when I went by not looking at photos posted by anyone I went there and there isn't a drain any longer put in drains on both sides the drains under the road aren't 32-inch cement pipes but square drains so big one can drive a mini cooper through. This method is being used throughout Pattaya on the Darkside years now in Soi Siam Country. Water must still drain through small cement drains but these larger drains hold the water under the road so people don't see the water on the surface and reduce flooding. My guess is what I saw today the work is nearly done so the larger drains must be working. D. The last picture you just showed is near 1-2 KM, up from the intersection bottom of Soi 24 nowhere near the intersection that was shown in the two photos you provided which doesn't match up with your last one. If you head down the Soi from your last picture when you come to the end that is where the road work is being done and closed on the right would be the 7/11 I suggest you go there instead of pulling photos, all my original responses come from the original story written. Your last photo whoever provided is blowing smoke up someone's butt You see any road work barriers in your last photo. I remember a year back a reported rape of a farang female jogger at the Lake, the story wrote the jogger was on the Soi Siam Countryside but display a photo of her jogging out from the Choppawithe size. I stand by my comments and location from the story! We can agree to disagree but let us not drag it on and take over the thread. Again Rest in Peace!
  11. I do understand, these photos taken dash cam of emergency vehicles are after the fact and seem downpour during accident has ended. As you know the area west going east just before Soi 24, there is a big 7/11 across Pussy cat bar there area slope down on a heavy downpour water comes rushing down to Soi 24 where the work is being done. On one occasion coming back from a bike ride though it a challenge to see if I could ride up against the rapid didnt get far another on my PCX was a challenge. So if one is coming down downpour speeding, or road rage etc.. Not the time or place. To be honest although the photo shows the road to be close left side heading east one can scoot between the cones Ive done it several times since I use that Soi to go home on the left there is a bar right there. On my bike I dont use the detour. As noted I dont see any cameras in that area unless the 7/11 caught as to what happen the witness doesnt seem to provide much. RIP
  12. As noted the Thai locals refer to the entired Soi as Nernpludwan regardless of the Soi being name as noted around the gas station and pizza hut. Technical you are correct the signs back that up. Work as it now though not finish motorbikes are riding through which is exactly what I did to get photo, cars as noted coming to the 7/11 from East must turn right then left side Soi, then another left coming out the other side. I do not dispute regarding the lighting made no mentioned of it! reason they call it the Darkside Regardless of the name one choose to call the Soi we are talking exactly the same location my photo shows taken a few hours ago. I wish a link was posted of the accident Ive not seen it but has no relevamce to my overall posting since Im not given an opinion as to why and how this accident happened. The photo given is for those who dont know what the Soi looks like have an idea.
  13. Mii Sorry for your lost 2008, friend rest in peace. I know this Soi for 20 years live on it travel daily up and down all hours including night. That time of the accident near midnight although this Soi is one of two in all of Pattaya which this one is on the Darkside very condense and populated with vehicles and foot traffic. One lane in each direction logical speed max 30-40KM/H safe but you would be lucky to see in general a bike doing that speed average seem 60 plus cars not much slower. Weekdays there two major schools on this road from 4-7, it is a mad house worse when it rains. If they ever want to revise their driver education set up a camera will have thousands of violations example as to what not to do. By midnight bars arent allow to open so this Soi is general very quiet. As I noted earlier Ive not seen cameras on this Soi, so I did a bit of investigating first this Soi is known as Nernpludwan it starts Sukhumvit across from Paytaya Klang. Coming from the West to East I saw only one camera it was over 1 KM from the area of accident. Also noted there is a 7/11 right at corner of S24. The Soi is very narrow with narrow sidewalk of a meter and utility poles are CM from the road. In 1. Years Ive seen two your adults die because the bikers refuse to give right away to car although the car had taken 100% of road unable for bike to pass instead thpugh they hit the gas go up the sidewalk last minute too late they hit the front of the car fly off straight into a utility pole head first snapping their head, neck and spin. On a heavy downpour this area is the most dangerous just before Soi 24, which has a down hill grade along with Soi Nernpludwan water comes rushing down from both direction it is completely flooded I seriously doubt the work being done will help. Not a place to be having road rage.
  14. Poor reporting, at this Soi there been construction for a month if not more. At Soi 24 it is close with basically a big hole prior they put in a metal grit drainage across the road but the grit started to break dur to weight of vehicle they lay a metal plate over which was always slippery. Last Oct, a friend coming down at 25 km/h in front another bike lost control at the plate anf crash causing others to do the same. I dont believe there is CCTV located but there is a 7/11 at 24 corner maybe they do.
  15. Then you in the dark as to actually how the country id run and operates.
  16. To the Mod I got what I needed please close the thread. Thanks everyone.
  17. Thanks! My bag as note not familiar didnt realize when mentioned Saphan Taksin it was a actusl BTS stop. 15 minuties yep Taxi.
  18. All that is True, but I enjoy taking the bus from Pattaya rsthet than drive myself or hire a car. It was gracefully noted to take the taxi from Ekamai which leads me it isnt so far from the station. Two, although I mentioned Ekamai it is more on the return trip since arriving into Bangkok I usually get off at Udon Suk take BTS to Nana area or Embassy. Ive found this best method on weekdays when traffic is heavy stop and go to Ekamai. I have a mobile cast or booth Im not an invalid it isnt about money I enjoy interaction and people watching but if it was a distant unable to handle or raining by my first preferrence of course I will go in style. So, I will not consider walking 15-30 to hotel with the booth in the heat if there is a 5mins walk from a nearby BTS station (name ?) then of course taxi. Thanks.
  19. Sound like it is close but many times taking Bus due to traffic on Sukhumvit I have a habit of getting off Udom Suk then walk up catch the BTS, if possible wehat stop for Hotel. Thanks
  20. I got a cast on left foot, not familiar with Saphan Taksin. Thanks
  21. Not familiar with Bangkok except for the Nana Area and the U.S. Embassy. Live in Pattaya, I need to meet a family member who will be staying at the Royal Orchid Sheraton. I plan to take the bus usually to Ekamai Station from there can I take the BTS train? I looked at the Hotel Map location not familiar but one search the hotel isn't too far from the BTS, and the map looks like I might need to make some connection to another train. Is anyone familiar with getting to the hotel what stop one need to get off if using the BTS? Thanks in advance! Any help would be appreciated.
  22. Keep dreaming Thailand! Hub of all Hubs, sports hub, Tour De France, Thailand doesn't have the facilities, certainly not going to use the Indoor Stadium been fixing, and improving for over 20 years?🤣 Instead how about forgetting it!
  23. Guess she panicked! car was parked too close to the ramp! 🙃
  24. If this mayor serious go to dept and person who is in charge of maintenance of elevator " your fired " not transfered. Then he finds out the person is connected Mayor backtracks back to normal business of sitting in his office doing nothing like those before him.🤑
  25. Here in Pattaya, they have spent all the funds where it matters visually all place Beach Road. There are so many to impress tourist they take up all the parking spaces. Go to the Darkside far and in between. As noted it is education and follow up which is ZERO. Also noted go to a mall try finding one. My wife restaurant each table has a small bin rarely they use tissue 9-10 times on the floor. No surprise any empty lot on isolated Soi, the land if not fence off is a dump.
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