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Posts posted by Englander

  1. Man's a tosser. Anyone who invites him and his circus through their doors will end up getting dragged down into his messed-up depressing world.

    Well said he strikes me as if he thinks he is god not only his hand and he in his own words hates the English, must be running short of readies!

  2. Have never seen fights there.

    A while back i was there watching the football and witnessed a fight between to 70 year old (approx) Scandinavian chaps, they punched and moved in slow motion sitting down for rest every couple of minutes .... it went on for about 15 minutes and was an absolutely cracking bit of entertainment.

    They kissed and made up just in time for the 2nd half!

  3. Just had a sample of these guys on youtube..

    Dont think i'll be paying 950baht for a ticket,

    I can understand why the singer guy has got his face covered up in the promo shot :whistling:

    You just stick to Kylie son.

    I'll be off by then would loved to have seen them play out here, i highly recommend for anyone who has good taste.

  4. The answer is "Globalisation"... and it's not only happening in Thai Society - look into central and western european societies...the US of A!

    it's about time that these limitations and borders go FOREVER!

    Lets hope your child gets nowhere near political office if he/she thinks like you ..... the problem is globalisation.

  5. It has been proven that no one is too dumb to be president.

    Academically speaking Bush jnr was the best educated President ever was he not? Plus he was a fighter pilot which is no small achievement ... whilst clearly not the best public speaker and certainly incompetent when it came to running an economy and a murderer when it came to Iraq ... i often thought there must have been more going on between his ears then people gave him credit for ... especially a media thats as left leaning as can be in the west on the whole.

  6. Save your ire for the people who persue futile wars taking young lives on both sides or is that three sides and in the process squander billions.

    People who vote for political parties that back such wars then complain about them would also be banned from voting in my Utopia.

    Daves 5 year old child and father have died in the last year or so i hope he enjoys Thailand.wink.gif

  7. So the consensus is she's too dumb to be President, i wouldnt have thought we're the only ones who are enlightened .... those who pull the strings will be aware the average prole thinks as we do and she'll not get anywhere near taking office.

    On the Obama intelligence debate he is a fantastic public speaker with his Teleprompter, but his ideology comes straight out of the student union bar, and his govt. is unaffordable ... as stoopid as Palin is, her spending is far more likely to add up.

    With regards the Tea Party, surely an expat who enjoys the benefits of a country with low taxation, that has a govt. which doesnt interfere in every aspect of life would be a hypocrite to belittle it.wink.gif

  8. Anyway, nice to hear that Cameron may be living it up in LOS this Christmas while countless millions of his (and my) fellow countrymen will be consigned to a wretchedly miserable (and freezing) festive season thanks to the draconian spending cuts announced by his government last week. So much for all that "we're all in this together" crap which they have been spouting.

    People like you shouldnt be allowed to vote, you really have no understanding of the most basic economics, but just to keep you happy the DEBT will still be rising under the Tories, though the deficit will narrow by 2015.

    Educate yourself by looking at how much govt. spending has risen in 13 years, by 2015 we'll only be back at 2008/9 levels as a % of GDP and you call this draconian.rolleyes.gif


  9. i'm not sure you really understand how transfers work.

    I dont think any fan really understands them anymore, with all the clauses in them to make up the total sum, money going to 3rd parties, agents etc etc...

  10. Whilst i think the Tea Party movement is a wonderful thing (ie non interfering govt and low taxes), this women is clearly as stupid as stupid can be and an absolute nutcase to top it off with, and puts a shadow over the Tea Partys common sense aims.

    I cant believe out of how ever Americans support affordable government she'd be pick of the bunch.

  11. Sounds like Barton, thing is on the whole i wouldnt say the player is dirty just every now and then he does stupid things but as its Barton with his reputation it gets highlighted.

    Wenger has a point about teams intent on roughing up the opposition instead of playing football, but he's always been a hypocrite when his players do it so it ruins his argument.

    Name me one (1) manager who condemns his own players for foul play in the BPL.

    So are they all hypocrites or only the French ones ? :blink:

    Yes its only the French ones i was specifically picking him out because he is French.

    Strange this Frenchman wasnt shaking his head when Guiterrez was clinically taken out on the edge of the box.

    Allardyce, Bruce, McCarthy Coyle and Pulis whilst certainly being purveyors of the dirtiest anti football imaginable cant be accused of being hypocrites as they refer to leg breaking tackles as being part of the game and that the thugs like Henry Cattermole are honest pros ... theyre consistent in their promotion of thuggery.

  12. As an Englishman, l owe my existence to the sacrifices of many but for sure if the US Marines were not there for me/us in the 40's l would not exist.

    I salute you. :)

    Well said transam. They have my deepest respect and admiration. Seems some on here have short memories and should take a trip to the war cemetries in France.

    I will add i too am English, not American.

    Add Russians to that, in the end they made the greatest sacrifice to beat Germany in WW2.

    But you would exist Hitler had no intention of slaughtering everyone.

  13. Sounds like Barton, thing is on the whole i wouldnt say the player is dirty just every now and then he does stupid things but as its Barton with his reputation it gets highlighted.

    Wenger has a point about teams intent on roughing up the opposition instead of playing football, but he's always been a hypocrite when his players do it so it ruins his argument.

  14. see barton hasn't lost any of his edge when things start to go pear shaped. the look on wengers face said it all.

    oh but wait a minute, surely not. no cant have any such talk on this forum about opposing sides players kicking lumps of shit out of the arsenal team when they get played off the park, now can we. that just wouldn't be on now would it . whistling.gifwink.gif

    I missed the last 10 minutes but there certainly wasnt anyone kicking lumps out of the Arsenal team, Arsenal have got one of the worst red/yellow card records this season lots of Paul Scholes-esq tackles from what ive seen,

  15. The end of the cold world just spoiled a business opportunity for the USA.

    Thanks your god you have the Islam and Osama so you can keep the war games rolling.

    Short memory you have there comrade, the war in Afghanistan is justifiable its the war in Iraq that Obama has marketed as something else thats ballsed it all up.

    As for Iran, Clinton seems desperate to get something started there, itd certainly pull in a few votes for Obama in 2012.

  16. EastSaxCol posted here under his newest alias "Englander" :( he's had more names than Lord Lucan :D

    Ive never been EastSaxCol, but having common sense right wing views and being a Republican (not in the US context of the word) doesnt go down to well with the mods. ;)

    PS How many names did Lord Lucan have?

    Common sense and right wing in the same sentence? :lol:

    Still, I suppose everyone thinks their own views are 'common sense' now if only everyone else shared them, then they truly would be common sense.

    P.S. COYI! :)

    Devastating wit there comrade, 13 years of you leftys in control has destroyed England.

    Now fcukoff its a football forum.

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