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Posts posted by Englander

  1. For those who despise the state sponsored theft to finance the ultra extreme leftwing propaganda machine that is the BBC, here is a good website.


    Only decent place for news is the internet in LOS.

    Wonderful..... You are assuming of course that the news you get over the internet has not been blocked.

    Here is the only worthwhile English News channel, nice and unblocked even in totalitarian Thailand.


    Its only slightly leftwing influenced.

  2. Whilst walking down from the BTS the other day i saw a huge crowd outside i assumed there was some pop group or similar cool event happening.

    When walking nearer I was stunned to see it was people queueing for f'en donuts, they look to sweet and sickly for my tastes.

  3. Isn't it absolutely disgusting how low ( literally ) some people ( not just Thai's but i've never known a race so utterly at the mercy of money & do ANYTHING for it ) behave towards it ??

    They dont this at Liverpool Street Station several years ago for a music video, the wealthy banksters at first tried to be casual about it until realsising what was going on then lost their reserve to fill their pockets.

    Its quite a famous pop group video if anyone knows so they can put a link on, but i dont know any bands since Oasis.

  4. Rodney puts in transfer request.

    Sir Alex Ferguson has revealed Wayne Rooney wants to quit Manchester United.

    The Old Trafford boss admitted he was "shocked" and "disappointed" to hear the news but said he had not fallen out with the England international, 24.

    "We are as bemused as anyone can be, we can't quite understand why he would want to leave," said Ferguson.

    Ferguson said the "door is still open" for Rooney, who will miss Wednesday's European game with Bursaspor after being stretchered off in training.

    The frontman suffered minor ankle damage and will sit out the Champions League tie at Old Trafford.



  5. Hardly the best time to be spending dollars in Europe I would have thought.

    LIVERPOOL is in ENGLAND, the local currency is Great British Pounds, fcuken Europe you sound like a Septic, we know most Jocks vote to be governed by Europe but the English have a little more about them. rolleyes.gif

    The Dollar is at its long term average v the Pound

  6. To answer your question just talk up the 'great young players' at the club. The rot will take hold properly at Utd in the next couple of years only Ferguson is holding it together now.....but for how much longer?

    The rots been in place since the Glazers arrvied but wasnt totally noticed until Ronaldo went, and Ferguson the champagne socialist backed them from day 1 so he could get a nice kick back no doubt.

    Good article in the Mail, think he hits the nail on the head by pointing out the obvious that Fergies future team was to be built around the irreplaceable Ronaldo and Rooney.


  7. With 18 months and 2 viable transfer windows left until his contract runs out, now is exactly the time to be playing up, Rooneys isnt renowned for his loyalty as leaving Everton so early in his career showed.


    If he wants to go let him.

    I agree with what you wrote, but if he had 2 or 3 years on his contract thats a good time to sell and its in Man Us favour, with 18 months and cuptied for the Champs League id imagine youd get half of his true value which will now be somewhere near 25-30 million id imagine, and he'll get the a bumper signing on fee and pay packet due to this saving.

    Ive never seen a player go from being arguably the best in the world as he was playing out of his skin before his fairly minor injury at Bayern to utter shyt so quickly.

  8. Who is your team BTW Englander?

    Im wanting Man City to win the league this year, its just theyre akin to getting head off an ugly girl, in that it feels nice at the end but its not very nice to watch, maybe Rooney and a creative central midfielder could change that.

    He's left his boyhood club so ive no doubt he'd happily jump from red to sky blue.

    That has to be the worst answer to a " What Team do you support ? " question i've ever seen..:D

    That's what I thought :D

    Im trying to become a politician and thought it was a quite good analogy about whom id realistically prefer to win the league this year.wink.gif

    But other teams are even more depressing to write about so i try not to.

  9. It's not a time to be getting into battles with the manager and to be courting interest of other clubs.

    With 18 months and 2 viable transfer windows left until his contract runs out, now is exactly the time to be playing up, Rooneys isnt renowned for his loyalty as leaving Everton so early in his career showed.

  10. My answer was to Sergeiy,who seems to think any British living abroad should feel happy to have a Pension,as if its some kind of Government gift

    No, but the boom in house prices that has to be paid for by my generation and those just being born was a gift to yours ... or should that be something you voted to steal.

  11. The harsh reality is any foreigner here who is not of retirement age and cannot for whatever reasons work here, should have more than enough of an income to support his lifestyle here. If not then he should return to his country of origin and get himself a job.

    What if ive a rich Thai women who wishes to keep me in a life of luxury?

    For someone who is such a fan of the free market, you seem to contradict your logic by dictating to others what they should do.

    As for Dave coming here well im a young tattoo'd hoody wearing hooligan so maybe if he sees me he'll give me a hug!

  12. . What I am impressed about, is the way City ground out a result whereas last year we would have either drawn or lost that game.

    Man City's players and the way they are set up means theyll only ever grind out results, its the Italian way.

    Who is your team BTW Englander?

    Im wanting Man City to win the league this year, its just theyre akin to getting head off an ugly girl, in that it feels nice at the end but its not very nice to watch, maybe Rooney and a creative central midfielder could change that.

    He's left his boyhood club so ive no doubt he'd happily jump from red to sky blue.

  13. Rooney will not sign new deal. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

    Manchester United have been informed that Wayne Rooney will not sign a new contract with the club, according to reports from the Press Association.

    The 24-year-old striker's current deal runs out in the summer of 2012 and it is understood negotiations over a new contract have broken down.

    There has been speculation that Rooney will be sold in the January transfer window, with Real Madrid interested.

    However, United's response was to label that claim as "nonsense".

    More to follow.



  14. Sorry Woy.

    What I'm trying to get at is Woy doesn't have much experience at a top side with all the history,fan base,big name players,expectations and winning trophies etc...

    So he'll be ideal at Liverpool for a good few years then.biggrin.gif

  15. . What I am impressed about, is the way City ground out a result whereas last year we would have either drawn or lost that game.

    Man City's players and the way they are set up means theyll only ever grind out results, its the Italian way.

  16. Second from the bottom on goal difference. it's many years since we have seen this. Not a fan, but sad to see.

    Cheers, Rick

    Im not a Liverpool fan but its great to see them in the bottom, everyone likes to see the mighty fall. biggrin.gif

  17. When i read this on the BBC this morning, i thought of " West Africa " then i thought of " Nigeria " before i read it..

    Now either i'm psychic or when you are allowing an " equal playing field " like FIFA are trying to do when you're asking for votes, you're asking for trouble as people from Countries like this are simply gonna do this kind of thing over & over & over & over..:rolleyes:

    But of course, i could just be psychic like i said & the above is complete b*llocks..

    There has to be a better way for voting, this must have been going on for years for SA to win the tournament is testament to this.

    IMHO UEFA should withdraw its teams and go it alone FIFA isn't fit for purpose.

    I think a " European WC " would be the best thing in the World..

    Say, within UEFA, you could have us, the Spanish & the Italians hosting Games, why not ??

    Of coure it would need some fine tuning but a WC using the San Siro, Nou Camp, Wembley etc ??

    Yes please..

    Wasnt what i meant but that does sound like a fantastic idea.

    Basically most FIFA's money comes from Europe so if they want UEFA have got the by the short and curlys, and shouldnt put up with blatant corruption and people like the Jack Warner and these guys dictating terms of WC's.

    FIFA just seems like an organised scam ran by well connected politico types from corrupt countries to line the pockets of a few, i wonder if it actually does anything for the good of football these days.

  18. When i read this on the BBC this morning, i thought of " West Africa " then i thought of " Nigeria " before i read it..

    Now either i'm psychic or when you are allowing an " equal playing field " like FIFA are trying to do when you're asking for votes, you're asking for trouble as people from Countries like this are simply gonna do this kind of thing over & over & over & over..:rolleyes:

    But of course, i could just be psychic like i said & the above is complete b*llocks..

    There has to be a better way for voting, this must have been going on for years for SA to win the tournament is testament to this.

    IMHO UEFA should withdraw its teams and go it alone FIFA isn't fit for purpose.

  19. Anyway his policy objectives are stable prices and maximum sustainable economic growth. Inflation expectations determine peoples actions. If you believe the price of a car will go up next year you buy a car if you do not and it actually goes up you dont. If there is actual inflation then 'expectations of interest rates will rise'. Simply he is trying to achieve this. High 'inflation expectations' and 'low nominal rates' lead to increased spending and investment which leads to a rise in GDP rather than inflation because there is slack in the economy.

    We'll see shortly if QE2 happens, i'll take my hat off to you if youre correct though.

    As for the above statements, im a firm believer in letting the market correct itself which would have happened far quicker if non very intelligent corrupt governments hadnt intervened on behalf of the bankers and reckless, his actions are purely aimed at the short term and are causing huge commodity bubbles elsewhere in the economy.


    I'm waiting for equalling of trade tariffs with Asian nations to enable the west to pick itself up, until then i cant see how it will get any better without borrowing more and more money.

  20. Good to see the Sunday Times do their bit for Englands WC bid, but with Russia being so corrupt and all these banana republics having a vote for the upcoming staging of WC 2018, i cant help being cynical and thinking England havent got a chance. I wonder if the votes of African, Caribbean and Asian nations have been bought already.

    After the SA World Cup which was the worst in history and enough to make me not overly interested in the next one, a WC in totalitarian Russia doesnt appeal at all.


    Fifa is investigating allegations that two of its officials offered to sell their votes in the contest to host the 2018 World Cup.

    Reporters from The Sunday Times posed as lobbyists for a consortium of American companies who wanted to bring the tournament to the United States.

    They approached Amos Adamu, a Nigerian who serves as a Fifa executive committee member.

    He allegedly told reporters he wanted cash to build pitches in Nigeria.

    Mr Adamu, who is president of the West African Football Union, is said to have told the undercover journalists that he wanted $800,000 (£500,000) to build four artificial football pitches.

    This would be completely against Fifa's rules.

    The Sunday Times footage shows Mr Adamu wanting money to be paid to him directly for endorsing the US bid.

    In the video, he was asked whether the money for a "private project" would have an effect on the way he voted.

    Closely monitored

    He replied: "Obviously, it will have an effect. Of course it will. Because certainly if you are to invest in that, that means you also want the vote."

    Reynald Temarii, president of the Oceania Football Confederation, is also alleged to have asked for a payment, in his case to finance a sports academy.

    A statement from Fifa read: "Fifa and the Fifa Ethics Committee have closely monitored the bidding process for the 2018 and 2022 Fifa World Cups and will continue to do so.

    "Fifa has already requested to receive all of the information and documents related to this matter, and is awaiting to receive this material.

    "In any case, Fifa will immediately analyse the material available and only once this analysis has concluded will Fifa be able to decide on any potential next steps.

    "In the meantime, Fifa is not in a position to provide any further comments on this matter."

    A European nation will definitely host the 2018 World Cup after the United States - the last remaining non-European bidder - pulled out of the race on Friday. Australia withdrew its candidature in June. Both will refocus their efforts on 2022.

    England will now battle it out with bids from Russia, Belgium/Netherlands and Spain/Portugal.

    A 24-strong committee will decide by secret ballot on 2 December who should host the tournaments.

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