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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. is this yet another Bob handle...what has happeed to Thai Visa that they can allow multipe fake accounts - I assume -on the same device ? Most forums are wise to that and kick dupe account monkey business fast...
  2. What is the fine for being off your tits on a Pai Happy Pizza ?
  3. Tell it to all the retiree expats in Pattata....
  4. That would be a music stopper entrance in a gogo bar.
  5. gamma gobulin needs a padded cell.
  6. Was waiting for the words "cannabis" - since Thai govt. is so split personality at every turn.
  7. Aren't most guys over 65 going to Pattaya hoping to die through excess sex ? So it does not really matter ?
  8. 'sense' not seance..... 😉
  9. Also another avenue for sniffing.
  10. I thought the central reservation stops vehicles crossing into oncoming traffic ? Equialent of rear wheel stablisers on a toddlers bike.
  11. I love a good sniff of used Thai panties. Can't put a price on it.
  12. His eyes says it all - he is mental and as miserable as it gets...all in the eyes with people.
  13. ...it has apart from the pollution.... I'm in Broken Britain and can't wait to leave...burn through money every time I step out the door for not a lot.
  14. ....and Trump walked in and gave his ass to Putin when in all likelyhood this war is breaking Russia behind the scenes...money overseas frozen, EU hard pivot away from Ruskie fuel on-and-on and trump shows up with a begging bowl as he is <deleted> scared of Putin.
  15. Arrogant is one thing I never get from Thais. The Bangkok built environment tore ahead of Manila in comparison as I came to Asia 2000 and saw both same-time.... Manila has been left behind especially in public transport works. Pollution and endless visa rule changes worst but Thailand is not to shabby. 3rd world is a fuzzy term now and Thailand is strongly in transition...to what, not sure...but the pace of built environment development is faster than UK now anyway - or so it appears to me.
  16. Amen brother, dark roast I find in Laos at times is amazing.
  17. Yes, this top 10 poster ranking just increases junk threads.
  18. Keeping Thai clubland in the K-hole for years no doubt....
  19. Thank you for my new word of 2025. Apposite adjective apt in the circumstances or in relation to something
  20. He's piss scared of Putin..refer to any photos of them together...the body language. They are best of frenemies.
  21. The amount of vitriol from left to right supporters and vice versa ?
  22. Not being from USA has the country ever been more divided than now.....? (excluding the last civil war...LoL)
  23. Without an international bike license and/or helmet = your claim is invalidated as a tourista....A local license might only work with a national private insurers (axa etc) on a tourist visa...of course short time first visit tourists won't have that license..
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