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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. and yet again, to repeat "How does that turn away quality tourists ?"
  2. I'd rather not. Best to pack them all in a stadium and let them go at it ?
  3. How are they turning away quality tourists exactly ? Please explain ?
  4. Shorts and a t-shirt..clothing on last legs...no ironing as the humidity takes care of that. CLASSY.
  5. Take Magnesium threonate if it does not inteact with any meds..there is also loads of magnesium in Spinach etc.....mag helps so many things...sleep/ mental balance/heart.
  6. Yeah Thailand is Planet Buzzkill now in too many ways.
  7. You mean like the full moon parties ? If so... thank you..haha.
  8. Haha, aren't they always...with the sheer volume it will never be any other way. Wonder which nation they will target next after China and India with free visas and Thailnd adverts...the multi-headed hydra that is the Thai Govt...always out of lockstep with itself. Wonder how long it will be before the expat tax gets repealed. Canny old white men are good at holding on to their money..I should know I'm always the first one to offer to buy the other person something in Thailand.
  9. The leprechauns on the UFOs took all the gold. It's all dovetailing together now.
  10. They have got other visa options till things go back to way they were in all likelihood.
  11. Her naked in public will be part of her systematic coersion claim against him. About as public and timestamped as it gets. That guys is just off his head...he is mentally ill.
  12. Flip-flop centre of the universe.... a comedy show in realtime = Thai government. They cannot stop dabbling, creating and u-turning rules.
  13. The forum mods can know if someone is using multiple accounts on one device active or inactive...it just drives the free content generation keywords along for google link entry to the site advert links. Simple as.
  14. Another persona for the long-term forum troll it seems...with yet more ridiculous button pushing posts.
  15. He seemed set for big things - now he's like an ankle biter with a chip on his shoulder.
  16. The meatgrinder that is Thai roads...no idea how I survived the roads...daily evasive action needed multiple times a day at times...there is a way in Thailand that they all do that anyone off a plane won't get...poor woman....oooh.
  17. OK, I got it finally...let the likes begin.... "Stoned Russian lady version of panty pirate Putin the slammer"
  18. I'm trying to think up a pun post connected to the word 'scout' and drugs to get likes...will get back soon....
  19. You seem very familiar with this operation ? Inside track ?
  20. Is 'Elvis Presley' the latest incarnation of whatshisname ? Similar language. The ever transforming forum troll.
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