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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. I'd say just invest your money and use it for rent - all things considered. Could become a target for nastier interlinked relatives in future.
  2. Do you find the place is swamped now with Chinese...? I got in just as the train line got going and it was so smooth going from VVieng town to LP. Surprised the Chinese have not bought out half the town and pumped the prices..room rates are still pretty cheap at the budget end..charming old creaky townhouse rooms.
  3. Hope it works out..my fav. place in Asia is LP but I find that staying a certain amount of time then coming back in future works for me vs thinking of staying there continously....those sleepy streets and Beer Lao and the people are so chilled out...plus a steady supply of white chix coming into town....nice. There is a great Indian restaaurant just as you come on to the peninsula and turn right to go along the riverside road...fantastic food.
  4. Haha, look at you all feeding the troll..he will be on to his next polarising topic next week after he does not go.
  5. Care home. My dad had it, it was terrible way to go..eventually the urge to eat even goes.
  6. This guy has been at it since he joined..gets you all typing doesn't he ?
  7. Tone "deaf"....yes, otherwise true I used wrong word also...not integrate....comprehend from a distance would have been better. I rarely found any common ground with males in Thailand except may be younger uni guys - a slightly different outlook than most out there.
  8. = another mental case that gravitates to Thailand.
  9. Sounds like you really are integrating into the country you live in.
  10. How about X or Y os Z...etc etc ? It's just the specific structure of the culture here - hence the response. How about a simple thing as jumping the queue in the UK and the response it gets, vs the way that is not such a trigger in other countries ? It was just a bad bad specific cultural trigger event. Do you go out you way to bare your feet at people in Thailand in the disrespectful way every day...why not, it has absolutely no meaning or effect to/on you ?
  11. Specifically with using a FOOT on the back of a DOCTOR...that guy transgressed over the foot taboo and the doctor as top of the tier in respect in Thailand...serves him right, a shame on westerners. You could not have paired a more taboo set of things in Thailand except maybe adding in a monk instead of a doctor.
  12. The irony of this guy and all he represented..as it turns out he was on the hunt for his shadow self... << The psychoanalyst Carl Jung first developed the concept. Jung used the term “shadow self” to describe the things people repress or do not like to acknowledge. He theorized that it is a counterweight to the persona, which is the self that people present to others.30 Aug 2022 >>
  13. It is the way you need to do it here..... 1/2 second hits......short...short...short (=watch out !) vs the loooooooooooooong horn beep which comes across as angry.
  14. Rough one, sorry to hear that. You kept a lid on that for a while...for a good reason I suppose. I'd go private lawyer route regradless of automatic free process...
  15. Tony showing his hand behind the scenes already ?
  16. Do you have a company name for this type of place or is that not allowed per forum rules ?
  17. I think he was saying thankfully he ignored naysayers when it was much cheaper back then.
  18. I think in the case of Ebola as it is so distinct and externally horrific...many of them would get the vaccine who avoided the covid one ?
  19. Joking aside, think I had covid stuck in me last 6 weeks and now feel these symptoms came up... MANIFESTATION AND DIAGNOSIS OF COVID-19-RELATED MYOCARDITIS After 1-3 weeks, they have heart symptoms, such as fatigue, palpitation, chest tightness. Just would not leave me and at low level, and different to flu.
  20. I think covid was just a dress rehearsal for the incoming alien ships arrival and proper lockdown like in Half-Life 2. We all complied globally anyway, so it's good to go. Waiting for the announcement from President Kamala Harris as Biden will be dead by the time the aliens get here.... 😂 🥳
  21. 'nuff said - 'contributing cause'...some health wreck with 8 serious conditions dies and trace of covid in them = covid death stat.
  22. How is OTC working you are depositing into your bank or something else ? Never really heard of doing a crypto cash-out OTC.
  23. Is that the old :- died with covid or died from covid chestnut ?
  24. I think depression anxiety doubled during lockdown in world anyway. Section below The impact of COVID on mental health Recent surveys released by the OECD found that mental health has deteriorated significantly since the start of the COVID‑19 pandemic. From March 2020 onwards, the prevalence of anxiety and depression increased in 15 selected OECD countries, including several European ones. https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/09/09/europes-mental-health-crisis-in-data-which-country-uses-the-most-antidepressants#:~:text=Share of the population reporting chronic depression (2019),-Chronic depression %&text=It is interesting that the,131 DDD in 2020 respectively. Probably why it's such a non-topic also.
  25. Who even isolates at this stage ? I notice when people say they might have covid or flu-like sypmtoms...they slant to 'flu' and don't mention covid at all. I rarely hear any mention of the word covid here in the UK. It's like a collective bad dream that everyone wants to forget.
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