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Everything posted by Raindancer

  1. Does it really matter what happens to the passport copies? All you need to do is provide them as required by their stipulations.
  2. No. I actually meant 9 days, not weeks. I posted details on here in January at the time. But, I cannot see what colour copies has to do with my 9 days. My post is dated 25 January under "UK Passports". All details are there if you want to use the search function.
  3. It would be interesting to see the letters from DWP, that the OP refers to, and where they saw them on AN.
  4. My application in January in CM required photocopies of every single page, ( including blank pages) of my old passport. Here is a link that might help the OP, albeit it is based upon the BKK office. https://www.ajarn.com/blogs/bangkok-phil/renewing-a-uk-passport-in-bangkok And just to add, I downloaded my DTAC monthly bill as proof of address. My Thai DL had my old address of some years ago. DLT in Chiang Mai never changed the address after my DL renewal last year, and i didn't check it, before leaving. NB: 9 days later I received the call to collect my new passport. 😁
  5. Agreed. But Ulstermen will never give up their British nationality. So, it's going to be a difficult thing to slide into Irish Unity. There are too many painful memories and old fashioned unsettled feuds, in the psyche of the " old style" Ulstermen.
  6. Of course the South wants unity with the North. But Ulstermen ( the real name that Northern Irish Protestants are called) will do all they can to prevent it. Unfortunately, the first minister who is Sinn Fein, plus SDLP and others, are now outnumbering the Protestant members of Stormont and actively pursuing a United Ireland. And there is a majority in Stormont who support this. And, many of the Irish Parliament are also quietly in favour.
  7. Post deleted by user.
  8. Well, now I am confused. Is that 50% of pension received, with a maximum claimable of 100000k towards any allowances? Or ...50% of 100000? Which doesn't make sense. Why not just say 50k of pension received, is deductible as an allowance
  9. Mmmm. That's not how I read it. But we will just wait and see. Your table of allowances that you posted for a married man, over 65 with a non working spouse came to 560000 thai baht. And that is where I gathered my info.
  10. May I just ask for clarification on your statement that you don't have to lodge a tax return because you don't have to pay any Thai income tax Is that because: 1. You don't have assessable income over 220000 baht (married couple)? ..or 2. You do have assessable income over 220000 baht pa, but your income is lower than the current personal allowances? (married couple etc, over 65 and pension allowances etc) including the first 150000 that is exempt from income tax? I'm not asking you to go into detail. But a yes or no to either question would be helpful to understand. Many thanks.
  11. Nope. My maths are correct. 50% of pension is allowed. But....up to a maximum of 100000 baht is allowed towards the allowances to offset any tax liability. Therefore e.g a person on an annual pension of say 400000 baht per year, can claim 50% of that, but is limited to a maximum of 100000 baht claimed towards his annual allowances, pre tax.
  12. No such forms required at CM this morning.
  13. You would be surprised how WD 40 removes and restores fading headlights. Don't use a harsh cloth or the like. Just spray it on and rub continuously. Then repeat. Or, as one member suggested, a local carwash/ local worksop could do it for a couple of hundred baht.
  14. Yep....3 weeks and now he is asking advice on sin sod and marriage.....Amazing Thailand
  15. Strange how they operate. I did the same by email with all the info they wanted and they sent me a form to complete. Nice to meet a fellow UK vet. Same city and same age. Small world indeedπŸ™πŸ»
  16. Keep doing what you're doing at that great age. I hope I am as capable as you, if I ever reach that milestone.πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ»
  17. The body wasn't "released" it was retained for science. You say it is against Thai law, but then you say as his widow was there, it was just a formality. No Sheryl, I am not crossing swords with you, just slightly confused by Thai Law requirements, and being ok because his widow was there.
  18. Sadly I have just had deal with the bureaucracy of losing a long-lost dear UK citizen friend. He passed away in hospital and had specified that his body be left to science. The UK embassy were not informed by the hospital. And the widow also did not inform the UK embassy. I dealt with notifying HMRC and his other UK pension providers, by writing to them on behalf of his widow, who provided death certificate and pension details. The widow asked the hospital administrator if it was necessary to informn the UK Embassy, and they said no. They said, it only really applied to someone dying at home, where the police would automatically inform to the Embassy. I am not saying that the hospital administrator was right or wrong in their statement, but merely passing on a very recent experience.
  19. Perhaps you should have tried an Army one to be able to compare, I order to support your original comment. My last visit to an Army "cookhouse" was in the 90s. No mutton etc on show.🀣🀣 Just an amazing variety of choices. No different to the RAF station in Aldergrove that I also visited in the 90s.
  20. What is its intended use? You also need to know how many amps are required for the device, as well as voltage.
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