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Everything posted by Raindancer

  1. Yes, you can find the capacitor in Amorn or on Lazada. Only a few baht.
  2. Post deleted by user...( submit button stuck)
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  4. Double post deleted by user ( submit button stuck)
  5. Thks for that clarification. I have always used " for long term stay". And despite stating will arrive in seconds, it always arrives same day at 1413 hrs. And yet my neighbour and I did a transaction at the same time from a UK bank to Bkk for the same amount. His arrived within minutes and mine 6 hours later. I did contact wise by telephone citing the above, and they provided me with a list of reasons from their pre produced script. I must try your option of monthly expenses next time.
  6. Post deleted....double post
  7. It is probably due to the red sea cables being cut. ISPs in Thailand are struggling to provide enough bandwidth. Had a poor experience from 1630 hrs yesterday for 7 hours using Lan cable to my set top box and tv Isp engineers called out today and brought my bandwidth up to the required amount. No problem with phone or other wi fi accessories, but could not get my iptv apps to run without severe buffering. IPTV companies worked for hours to restore streaming. All good now.
  8. I don't know what you classify as " western" expats, nor where you get your estimated 300000 from. But there are other expats of varying nationalities, who will fall under the TRD statement of " foreigners " for income taxation. I would hazard a guess that this is far in excess of your 300000.
  9. And of course Asia has been hit with Internet issues, since February with the ship that was sunk in the red sea, thus destroying undersea cables. WizzTV did send out emails telling customers, they were working hard to maintain their services. And according to their reply to me this morning, there is no issue of them being closed down or having been taken over. My service is working fine.
  10. Do not tell me what I can and should not read. I did not report it! Another unsubstantiated comnent from you. This original post was regarding UK pensions, which i answered quite clearly. You decided to hijack the thread with your own agenda. You obviously are totally dogmatic in your views and don't like it when people stand up to your unsubstantiated posts and scaremongering. Give it a rest!
  11. I fully understood your question. And perhaps if you read my answer, I never suggested that you suggested that you personally,stated "there is evidence they will. I said that there is no current evidence etc etc. So let me be more succinct. Instead of asking why couldn't they do that, ask the question "why would they do that". There is nothing currently to suggest they would.
  12. Why are you suggesting this. There is only the rumour of this on this forum propagated by others. There is absolutely no evidence that you will need to provide income/ tax paid etc for extension renewals.
  13. I think that this rumour/ gossip of immigration requiring documentary evidence of income/ tax paid, is just non substantiated and is scaremongering.
  14. Agreed. And it is a simple enough task to produce your income and tax paid from the UK govt website. Plus one could always provide the P60 annual report. This of course assumes that those individuals with income outside of pensions etc, have declared this to HMRC, and will therefore show on their total income and tax document on UK govt website.
  15. You're very welcome. All we can do is sit and wait. But, I personally do not think we have much to be concerned about.
  16. I am not in a position to comment on whether or not those who claim uk pensions will be subject to Thai income-tax. But here's a scenario: 1. According to what I read, military pensions are not subject to Thai income tax. So leaving that aside, let's move on to UK state pensions. If and it is only if, Thailand decides to impose an income tax on the UK state pension, two possible outcomes: 1. Offset any UK income tax against any possible Thai income tax. If indeed that pension exceeds your annual Thai income tax allowances. These are my allowances: yours may differ, depending on marital status etc: a)Personal Allowance for self (PA1) - 60,000 b) Personal Allowance for wife (PA2) - 60,000 c) Over age 65 years exemption (OAE) - 190,000 d) 50% of pension income received, up to 100k (PD) - 100,000 e) In addition, the first 150,000 of assessable income is zero rated and free of tax (ZR Total allowance 560000 baht. My UK state pension does not exceed my total allowances. But, as there is no clarification from TRD, I will just wait out. I am not duly worried whichever way it turns out. I hope that helps in some way.
  17. Arrived early 1345pm. Went straight to the tent. Window one was free, so I just walked up and showed my email appt. The officer took my papers straight away. He said he didn't need my bank statements. 5 minutes or so later and he handed my documents to a colleague, who walked me inside and told me to wait to hear my name called. Called forward and handed over my latest bank book and copy,for yet another check and surprisingly enough, she asked for 12 months statements. No point in explaining that the officer in the tent said they were not required. I just gave them to her and smiled. I left 40 minutes after arrival in the tent. Edit: I should add that the reason she probably wanted the bank statements, is because I had 3 bank books( same account) with only 3.5 pages in, so the bank provided new bank books, because the previous two had no more pages left after all the updates. But the 800000 baht had never been withdrawn and this was confirmed in all 3 Bank books and verified by the statements. This obviously confused her because she asked " why so many bank books"?
  18. I have a retirement extension appointment tomorrow. So, I will provide feedback on the system, tent or no tent when I return home.
  19. Try this place. Excellent service and English spoken. Very reasonable prices. https://goo.gl/maps/aobTeuvvuBF8LJWeA
  20. Thank you everyone for your help. Amazingly, I managed to resolve the issue a few moments ago.
  21. Thank you. I will give him a try.
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