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Everything posted by Raindancer

  1. Thanks for clarifying that. I made a hash of replying to your previous post, but you obviously got sight of it before I deleted it 🤣 I thought that the " health insurance" for expats only applied to those on non imm O-A visa/extensions, and not to other categories of visas/ extensions.
  2. Absolutely. I personally see this as a power play by the Director of TRD. Some Thai governmental officials love power. And like to make a name for themselves. MaoTseTung said something along the lines of" just because you have the power to make a ruling, doesn't necessarily make it right to invoke it, just because you can. I understand her rationale, but I really don't think it will affect the majority of expat retirees with DTAs. After all there is also a huge number of working Thais, who also don't pay tax. Finally, I think that this resurgence of an existing income tax regulation was designed for some of those people in Thailand ( Thais and foreigners) bringing in large profits from overseas investments without declaring them to TRD. Hence this " (one Size fits all) sledgehammer ruling to crack a nut. But I stand to be corrected.😁 Personally, I will not be leaving Thailand before the 180 day ruling. I'm happy enough to resolve any possible tax implications, as and when and if they arise.
  3. I've read it and I agree with previous posters, that it didn't say what you claimed regarding DTAs and pensioners. All this hot air around a "proposed" tax implementation and speculation, from so many unqualified sources and media outlets/ forums. I will gladly wait until everything is published, and if (and its a big IF), it comes to pass, I will adapt and apply what is necessary to abide within the TRD requirements.
  4. Hi Mike Thanks for the video. But it is slightly confusing when he states that a 70 year old male, with spouse not working, has assessable income of 549000 thai baht. Your previous tables amounted to 560000 baht for someone with the same scenario. Or have I misunderstood the gentleman in the video? It was also interesting to hear that even if your assessable income does fall below the TRD allowances of 560000, and thus no thai income tax liability, you still have to file a tax return, if your income is over 220000 baht.
  5. Yep, the food wasn't great on our side of the fence. I enjoyed Khan Creek, but was really glad to leave.
  6. That's quite amazing that we were both probably on the same flight. Landed at Brize, and took the train to Heathrow and onto Dusseldorf. Absolutely freezing. I always remember when cholera broke out and we had to use the RAF canteen/ cookhouse. I couldn't believe the difference. Knives and forks on the tables instead of us using are own kfs, and a great menu. The place was spotless compared to the Army cookhouse.
  7. Yep. I was with the OSS and left on a VC 10 13 December 70. I think the Queens Own were replaced by the Irish Rangers. But maybe my memory on that is scant🤣🤣🤣
  8. Amazingly small world. I was also stationed in Sharjah Apr to Dec 1970🤣
  9. PM sent with directions.
  10. See my post and map reference. If you still can't find it, send me a DM/PM and I will send further details.
  11. On route 1367. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jj9vAbEn37VexUpD7
  12. There is absolutely no need to be rude. I asked a simple question. And your link does nothing to confirm your scaremongering. But then again, your posts suggest a glass half empty, whereas I live in a positive and realistic world. But as your name suggests in the English dictionary, I won't need to read your rubbish interpretaion of what might or might not happen any longer.
  13. And what evidence apart from rumours and heresay, do you have to support your post? I would welcome sight of it. Or is this just another "chicken little " story.
  14. There is an excellent car seat repairer on Sansai Noi Road. Just past the temple on your left and they are on the right hand side. You will see car seats on the frontage area of their shop. Yes, I have used them for car seat repair and also for my lazy boy chair. Very professional and good quality work.
  15. Hence my post on using an agent. Perhaps I should have clarified my post.
  16. Did he use an agent. Possibly why the annual extension is beyond passport expiry date.
  17. Sorry, I'm not going to get into that. It's been beaten to death and Mike Lister has explained that numerous times. Yes foreigners income has always been assessable. But has never been fully implemented. Hence the TRDs proposal of tightening up an already existing law. I hope that clarifies it. 🙂
  18. Yes, i suppose thats one way of interpreting it. Or you could interpret it as I said and further explained below. The 560000 baht per annum I listed, includes the first 150000 of annual income that counts towards your " tax free" allowance, before any additional income might be taxed. That of course is depending upon this proposal being enacted by the TRD. Simple example: UK State pension max is around 11 to £11500 per annum. If that is multiplied by the current exchange rate, it is still under the 560000 thai baht of ( let's call them tax allowances) before any further assessable income is considered taxable. Finally, so that there is no misunderstanding of my post; The allowances I have posted are based upon: A person over 65 with income and with a wife. Hence the two separate allowances of 60000 baht for the western pensioner and 60000 baht for the wife or husband if the pensioner is a woman. I am allowing for the pensioner to be male or female. Hopefully that will stop any unnecessary comments from those who might choose to do so.
  19. The allowances are simple and have been published several times by Mike lister: Personal Allowance for self (PA1) - 60,000 b) Personal Allowance for wife (PA2) - 60,000 c) Over age 65 years exemption (OAE) - 190,000 d) 50% of pension income received, up to 100k (PD) - 100,000 e) In addition, the first 150,000 of assessable income is zero rated and free of tax (ZR Total allowance 560000 So the OP should not have anything to pay.
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