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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. And finally

    Who says anyone is smarter now?

    My great grandfather was an blacksmith, I'd be in trouble trying to make a sword or plow, and don't know anyone else who can either.

    Knowing how to change channels on the Tv or turn on your Pc, doesn't make you smarter than your ancestors.

    Ah yes but at least we had the ability to invent the TV and without it what would the Thais do?

  2. Wow what did I start ? laugh.png As to the creation theory. All 3 religions of the book in the story of the creation contain an almost identical line. "Let us create man in our image" As to my original post, my significant other is still struggling with the memoery of what she witnessed.

    Yeah and all 3 are sexist tripe where does it say lets create woman in our own image, men always comes first.

  3. The idea of karma is nothing complicated. Deepak Chopra's definition of, what he calls, the spiritual law of Karma is simply this: any given point in a person's life, that they may find themselves in, is simply the result of the previous life choices they made leading up the that point. Good life choices point you in a good life situation. Poor choices will put you in poor life situation. It's got nothing to do with religion, or superstition, or any kind of mumbo jumbo. It's got alot to do with one's self control, or lack there of, and the intellect, or the mind. Yes it can be said that you reap what you so. Lack of self control - or discipline - usually due to emotion based decisions, or choices, invariably lead to negative outcomes. A simple example is that if one drinks too much alcohol you generally end up feeling like shit the next day. Simple cause and effect situation.

    It got all F***ed up with these 3 words though, assumption, lived before baloney. Good choices can still end up bad ie I found £1000000000 on the floor in a bag and handed it in to the authorities, I never heard anything else from them no reward was given or choice 2 I kept it, invested it, and had a great life. is one of these choices good?

    Would you also like to tell us that santa claus, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy also exist. Sorry but your example is nonsense. The reality is that if you found a bag with a sum of money like that in it then it wouldn't be too long before the wrong type of people started to show interest in you. Do you really think that the people who would misplace a sum of money like that would just idly sit by and forget about it? Better luck next time with the assumption and baloney. Perhaps you could also fit nonsense into your silly little quote as well.

    I could have put W***er but didnt

  4. The idea of karma is nothing complicated. Deepak Chopra's definition of, what he calls, the spiritual law of Karma is simply this: any given point in a person's life, that they may find themselves in, is simply the result of the previous life choices they made leading up the that point. Good life choices point you in a good life situation. Poor choices will put you in poor life situation. It's got nothing to do with religion, or superstition, or any kind of mumbo jumbo. It's got alot to do with one's self control, or lack there of, and the intellect, or the mind. Yes it can be said that you reap what you so. Lack of self control - or discipline - usually due to emotion based decisions, or choices, invariably lead to negative outcomes. A simple example is that if one drinks too much alcohol you generally end up feeling like shit the next day. Simple cause and effect situation.

    It got all F***ed up with these 3 words though, assumption, lived before baloney. Good choices can still end up bad ie I found £1000000000 on the floor in a bag and handed it in to the authorities, I never heard anything else from them no reward was given or choice 2 I kept it, invested it, and had a great life. is one of these choices good?

  5. And Gravity. That's a load of <deleted> as well. Otherwise it wouldn't be called Newton's gravitational theory. And what about special relativity? Free market theory? Let's face it, knowledge is just as much fairy stories, and we would be as well forgetting about the modern world altogether.

    If you believe in karma, or don't, what difference is it going to make to what you actually do?


    it doesnt matter for the here and now

  6. we evolved from some ape-like creature, homo erectus I think. Perhaps you think aliens made us in a lab, mixing homo erectus DNA and their DNA like it says in the Sumerian texts? Lol

    No evidence, only a theory.

    Other theories include God and aliens, all equally valid theories as no evidence either way.

    No evidence for what? Evolution?

    There's tonnes of evidence.

    there is actually big holes in the survival of the fittest model which says gradual constant change. Evidence points to big/quantum leaps in evolution.

    Yeah I go with that a mutation which is far better than the current norm reproduces and passes on its best qualities to its offspring will surely rule over a short time frame

  7. we evolved from some ape-like creature, homo erectus I think. Perhaps you think aliens made us in a lab, mixing homo erectus DNA and their DNA like it says in the Sumerian texts? Lol

    No evidence, only a theory.

    Other theories include God and aliens, all equally valid theories as no evidence either way.

    Likelihood, Evolution , highly likely, Aliens highly likely although time scale is a factor ie Aliens existed millions/billions of years before us died out and distance is also a problem...... God unlikely most bizarre theory IMO

  8. we evolved from some ape-like creature, homo erectus I think. Perhaps you think aliens made us in a lab, mixing homo erectus DNA and their DNA like it says in the Sumerian texts? Lol

    Erm actually we evolved from crap floating round the universe, some tart it up and say stardust

  9. Is this thread going to be updated for the next 6 days with the death count?

    I find it quite disturbing how news sites always love to update death counts.

    All road deaths should be published every day to emphasize the danger that exists on the roads here. 34 deaths in one day is actually around the daily average for Thailand, so this news article isn't actually news.

    More it appears daily more chance people ignore it, familiarity etc..................until it happens to them and even then am sure many of the idiots carry on, after all it "wasnt there fault"

  10. 34 road accident deaths reported on first travel day of seven day New Year holiday


    BANGKOK, Dec 30 – Thirty-four deaths, and 501 injuries in 427 road accidents were reported yesterday (Dec 29), the first day of the seven-day travel period of the New Year holiday, according to the holiday traffic safety centre.

    The major causes of road accidents are driving under the influence of alcohol and speeding, said Deputy Interior Minister Thanit Thienthong in a news conference on Friday.

    The 427 road accident total for Dec 29 was 8.65 per cent higher than the 393 accidents recorded on the same day last year. The number of fatalities was 34, up 41.67 per cent from last year while injuries increased by 76 or 17.88 per cent from 425 injuries in the previous year.

    As Friday is the last working day before the New Year holiday, he said most travelers are expected to leave Bangkok for their hometowns upcountry today and major roads, particularly highways, connecting the capital and regions are likely to be congested.

    Meanwhile, Vibul Sanguanpong, director-general of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department as secretary-general of the holiday traffic centre warned motorists to beware of poor visibility in the morning, from thick fog in the North and the Northeast to heavy rain and slippery roads in the South.

    Special traffic lanes will be provided to increase traffic flow and officials have been deployed to accident prone areas to check drunken and speeding drivers as well as overloaded vehicles.

    In the northern province of Lampang, Pol Col Songkwan Ratchadathanawat, superintendent of Sopprab police station said four people were killed in an accident on the Lampang-Tak Asian Highway in his province.

    The driver of a speeding car lost control and swerved, hitting a roadside tree and was engulfed in flames. It is believed that the driver fell asleep at the wheel.

    Two men and two women were killed in the accident. Only one person could be identified, that being Sirilak Kitwanit, 34. (MCOT online news)


    -- TNA 2011-12-30

    Id dispute the speeding part, they are simply TOO close, no planning no forethought, no hope, best not go out in holidays.

  11. ^ .. with both fingers..

    "Bah Humbug," isn't that for that superior male religion icon thing ?

    Yeah, Chinese New Year..

    Hopefully I can be moved into the new property by that horror , oh, but wait having two builders jerk me around and the stable delayed , not even started, and now having to make a visa run this week...

    How can I reciprocate, what do Thais hate most ?

    At least we can post these annoyances for the consideration of potential ex pats, if only it were allowed 6 7 years ago when I first investigated moving here. I would have never considered it if I'd read what I and many others post now..

    Had noisy neighbours in a condo once, what you need is a ghost.

    I glued up their door locks when they were IN, this means when they go out they cant lock their door, then every so often Id open their door and leave it open when they were away, Then get the girlfriend to say she heard crying in the room all night and let the maid see the open door. Wife suggests ghost to maid, maid tells whole building, tenant leaves.

    Someone else suggested if you have a small child get it to say why is the girl crying in the upstairs window every night or similar crap

    • Like 2
  12. I firmly believe in Karma. Bad people do get what's coming to them, sooner or later.

    I lean towards belief in Karma. However, I wonder if bad dogs get what's coming to them also.

    A dog cannot be "bad" as it is not capable of understanding right from wrong. When humans do not have that ability we consider them to be mentally disabled. A dog does not deserve to be beaten to death in such a manner, although it can be argues that some humans might merit the treatment.

    But the reality is there is No right or wrong

  13. Travelman, you are very quick to dismiss the views of those with religious or spiritual beliefs. Then you say that you don’t know and don’t have all the answers, but that WE should give up OUR tripe ideas. Well, none of us have the answers, but that does not stop us having some sort of faith.

    I therefore respectfully request whilst your views might differ substantially from mine and billions of others who share a belief in “something”, please respect our right to those beliefs and not try to belittle or humiliate those whose views are different to your own.

    Thank you

    Ok lets leave it at "belief" and shelve it under "fantasy" because thats all it is, unfortunately yours and others beliefs run the world not common sense

  14. A staff member of mine was involved in a punch up at my service station, whilst on shift. Being involved in a punch up/melee is nothing unusual in this neck of the woods, however, this particular incident went trough the police, to the court & sentencing.

    Short outline:

    Drunk customer came into the service station to fuel his car. Started harassing one of the female staff, who happened to be married to another staff member. Staff member tells the drunk customer to back off/stop harassing his wife. Drunk customer grabs my staff member and belts him a few times. Staff member hits back in self defense. Police arrive and break it up.

    Police take details and try to sort it out on the spot. My staff is adamant that he wants a formal report taken, and charges to be laid. Police are reluctant to do this, however go through with it.

    Goes to court. Drunk customer is fined 1000B for fighting, my staff member is fined 600B for fighting back.

    In the eyes of the court both are in some degree in the wrong.

    Incredible and sad.

  15. Karma does exist. Will it return its reward on these a-holes? I think it is already is. As you said the guests at the ceremony were turned off by their actions. Do you think that if one of these a-holes turned up in an hour of need requesting help for themselves that their actions would be forgotten/ readily forgiven by those who witnessed it?

    Karma is quite simple. Live your life creating crap and you live with crap. Live your life creating good and you live with good.

    Except people have VERY very short memories ( what was I saying?) and I bet if any money was involved ie said dog basher offered some of them work at a reasonable rate they'd work for him regardless.

  16. Karma does not exist ...... as you can see throughout history where evil people lived a long life and died peacefully.


    But did they die happy? And what happened after?

    What has dying happy got to do with it? After there is no after?, do dogs die happy, why can only humans have karma, all B/S as usual Karma, God, Lepricorns etc etc all the same nonsense wrapped up in mystical crap.

    must be great having all the answers!

    Better than inventing tripe, ps left all my money to Mr Dawkins Foundation

  17. licklips.gif Mosha:

    Since this is NOT the Buddhist forum I won't go into a lot of detail...simply becaue most readers of this reply will turn off their minds once they read this first sentance.

    But i will just say that as a Buddhist, I believe that Karma exists....but not as it is normally concieved of as retribution for a specific deed.

    Rather think of Karma (by which you probably actually mean BAD Karma) as a poison.

    If you dump poison into a municipal water supply, that poison will affect everyone in that city.

    Anyone who drinks that water takes in that poison.

    What your wife saw was like a poison being dumped into the city water supply....everyone got sick.

    That's how Karma really works.

    But I said I wouldn't give a lecture here....and so I won't.

    Happy New Year.


    Ah the old " you wont open your mind" rubbish eh . Ill never believe because my mind is closed blah blah.

    Have I got all the answers NO, but I dont make up crap and get most of the world to believe in it and label it religion let millions dies for it with not shred of any evidence.

    Why faced with an unknown do we always get the ridiculous...................God ,Karma, Ghosts, Im sorry but believing in a 3 headed Lepricorn who made the world from marshmallows on the back of flying elephant is just as valid as any of the above and you cant prove I'm wrong yet if i spouted this out Id be laughed down but its just as valid..

    The simple answer is you dont know, nor do I but Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese give up the tripe ideas and come up with something half decent..

    Dont take offence by the way non is intended just "open YOUR mind" to how ridiculous it all is.

  18. Karma does not exist ...... as you can see throughout history where evil people lived a long life and died peacefully.


    But did they die happy? And what happened after?

    What has dying happy got to do with it? After there is no after?, do dogs die happy, why can only humans have karma, all B/S as usual Karma, God, Lepricorns etc etc all the same nonsense wrapped up in mystical crap.

  19. Karma does not exist but the more times you upset people the more chance one day it will backfire in your face BUT its not guaranteed as you can see throughout history where evil people lived a long life and died peacefully.

    Welcome to the real world where there is no god.

  20. Ok I dont have time to read all the posts in detail because Im on the way out right now but would just like to update you all and get some suggestions on what to do with this guy.

    So I asked him to call me to talk about the details, at first he ignored my request and I asked him again (btw I already knew it was a scam but just wanted to play it out). Finally he called me today what what seemed to be skype, he had a thick accent which I can assume to be African, possibly Nigerian haha. Anyway, he told me he will send the payment today and asked me to check it, and then give him the address for the shipping company. He called back again 15 minutes later and told me he had sent the payment.

    I get home, check my mail, and see an unverified (all paypal mails are verified on hotmail) mail from an address that looks slightly but is not exactly paypals service email address. Of course I checked my paypal account and found nothing.

    SO, what do you think I should do? I was thinking to give him a wrong address just to waste his time, but... I doubt he has the brain to do anything to me but he does have my telephone number and email address so Id rather not get involved. I will of course report it to Thai visa but I do not want to get involved with Thai police at all. Any suggestions? He's waiting my reply now and will probably call me if i dont soon.

    LOOK ON 419 scam baiters...............how many times do I have to tell you, you will get plenty of ideas off there, keep it going for weeks, the best one there was in the Namib desert I think it was.

    Heres the address http://www.419eater.com/html/hall_of_shame.htm see photos of the retards faces

  21. Don’t know Op………My mate sold his bike, guy just sent money and asked for the bike to be delivered! He was a little worried as well, (my mate) Funny thing. No con, all went well. If you look hard enough you will always find fault……..Up to you.

    One born every minute............... bet the scammers juts love people like "your friend"dry.png

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