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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. I would be scared if they started going through my pockets.. Are there any stories of them planting stuff ?

    Indeed James,I only had to read the name, Thong Lor to know the rest wasnt worth reading.

    Is there anything special going on in that area comparing to other areas of BKK? Just wondering...

    Not that I know of, for both questions.....

    Forgot to mention; another friend (male) was recently stopped and searched right down to his boxer shorts(!) behind a bus shelter on Sukhumvit Road.

    I dont wear any underwear, does that mean if they ask me to take off my trousers (pants to yanks) i then commit another offence of being indecent..............the wife says its indecent, but thats another story!!!

  2. As long as they keep churming out more girls than boys, than I`m quite happy with the statisics.

    Anyway, people are having less children these days and the old structure of needing more children to take care of their parents is changing.

    How do they then take care?? does the govt provide a pension yet? I saw teachers get quite a good pension also the free or 30 baht healthcare

  3. I do not know the answer to your car question. It sounds like we are in simular situations and I wonder if you have any advice for me.

    I have been married to a Thai woman for about 9 years, she has been in USA with me for about 6 years now..and we have a 3 year old daughter.

    Recently, my wife has become ill and I have taken her and my daughter to stay with her family in our village near Khon Buri. We have property there and had a small house built there last spring.

    I plan to rejoin my wife and daughter in Thailand in a few weeks.

    I have looked into obtaining a non O visa, but found that I need to move at least 400000bht into an account that is only in my name, then wait two monts to apply for the non O visa.

    Is there any other visa I can obtain before that to avoid the monthly runs to the border?

    Can I apply for visas from Thailand or am I required to aaply from an embassy in the US?

    I would be thankful for any advice you could give me.



    Fly back to the States and get a visa there on the grounds of visiting your wife/friends, need copy marriage certificate. After one year stick 400k in the bank to get extension of stay

  4. ^^^ and I sure your Karma is to live your next life as a bar girl ^^^

    I quite like the idea of having sex every night, and getting paid for it.


    Hmmmmmmmm but bad Karma might mean your getting it in an orifice where you might not want it??

    I'm not that limited in my sexuality.

    Well its one way to remove ear wax/nasal hair then?

  5. "Khama" in the supernatural sense that Westerners typically view it does not exist. It is not the same as the type of Khama that exists in Buddhism.

    "Khama" in the Western sense, which in it's most basic form typically means "what goes around comes around" does not exist. For it to exist, it would involve a higher being or a higher force outside of our own consciousnesses directing, dictating or influencing the course of actions within our consciousnesses. And after several thousand years of human belief and scientific research, there is still no evidence whatsoever that it exists.

    Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. Bad things happen to bad people. Good things happen to good people.

    Good things and bad things, good people and bad people. They're all subjective. But whichever way you look at it, the ratio of good and bad will always be consistently random, regardless of the subject or the subjectee.

    Not quite true i reckon the MORE times you do bad things to PEOPLE (notice people) the more chance they will come back to haunt you but as rightly said not necessarily so.

  6. It would save me a lot of time and reading if u just told me.

    Think David Icke and you are not far off

    I don't think it is fair to compare Graham hand to David Icke!

    I knew David Icke when he was a sports reporter, great guy!

    Me too at BBC Pebble Mill, Birmingham where and ex girlfriend worked for 15 years.

  7. Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

    Have you looked round recently? I see fat Thais everywhere and even some of the thin ones have bellies on them.

  8. I've often wondered why there are so many Brits in Thailand. I'm talking young Brits in their late 20s, early 30s, who should be pursuing careers in England. Instead, they are here working shit teaching jobs just so they can stay. What happens when they're 65 and have nothing? I have an excuse - I'm retired, got a pension and a ton of bucks in the bank. I'm here to chill. Is it realy that bad in England? Must be a miserable little island....

    This generation are the pisshead generation where they dont accept any responsibility for anything its NEVER their fault life is a big party at everyone else's expense, they will turn up back in the Uk at 65 or when things get tricky get straight into their council house accommodation and carry on.

    "Awesome" as the idiots would say.

  9. Forget to mention, that your reputation points (number of Likes you have recieved) will also show up on your Member profile page. Just mouse-over a member name and you see the current score. This means that good, well written and informative posts increases your "karma" or "reputation" on the forum.

    Forum reputation is visible to all members.

    There is no Karma pls see thread about Karmapost-4641-1156693976.gif

  10. For your answer, look in any car park, Thais will double park to be millimetres from the doors, not only are they unfit, they are extremely selfish and lazy but in the realms of TV I must point out not ALL Thaisdry.png

  11. ^^^ and I sure your Karma is to live your next life as a bar girl ^^^

    I quite like the idea of having sex every night, and getting paid for it.


    Hmmmmmmmm but bad Karma might mean your getting it in an orifice where you might not want it??

  12. Keep to your original plan, common sense

    catastrophies are easy for people to know about these days due to huge coverage worlwide, a 100 years ago you would not have heard of almost any of the "natural" events that you hear of now.

    It was still all happening but only known about locally. Why even the next village often knew nothing of what was happening with its neighbours a few miles away.

    The world will end but we wont end it.

    So here is my prediction the world will not end in 2o12

    That was always my argument when my mother (a Jehovah's Witness rolleyes.gif ) kept saying that the 'end of the world' was 'nigh'....

    But, it seems to me that things are getting worse. Weather around the world is v unpredictable nowadays and the 'superpowers' (USA and Europe) financial economies are collapsing.

    I have NO belief in any 'god', but I think things are changing - and for the worse.

    Slap yerself around the face and snap out of it man!!!!

  13. I think weather events (cyclones, flooding, heat, etc) are much more common and severe than say a decade ago. The amount of meteroelogy records set in recent times attest to that.

    Tsunamis, of course, are related to eathquakes and there is strong evidence they are increasing in frequency and severity all the time. See chart:


    Trends since 1986

    For example, between 1986 and 1996 (incl), a period of 11 years, there were "just" 15 earthquakes listed by USGS of magnitude 7.0 or greater. This is not markedly different (albeit a slight decrease) from previous (similar periods) of 20th century, where an average of about 18 might be expected.

    But between 1997 and 2007 (incl), a period of only 11 years, there were 99 earthquakes with magnitude 7.0 or greater : This is more than a six-fold increase on the previous similar period - and is a stark increase on any earlier decades in 20th century too.

    See complete article here:


    Something is building up and it could be bad news for all of us!

    Not even data for the blink of an eye, can you give us data for the last say 100 million years??

  14. The economic crash will be the end of the world as we know it.

    The world is a powder keg.

    Powder puff.

    The world is a powder puff. Or an apple. I was told it was my oyster, once.

    Most economic crashes are the end of the world as we know it, and I am sure this one will be no different.

    We're all domed, domed I tell you!

    As my dear old grandmother said, about twenty times each "I'll not see another one" - whether it be birthday, Christmas, New Year or Number 42 bus.

    And, I should point out, it's a lovely, sunny day, I'm back in the office and the kids are enjoying the end of their Christmas holidays, with visas renewed for another year.


    Do you mean "DOOMED" or is your head just a funny shape?

  15. Be careful what you write here or you'll end up with an arrest warrant "for telling falsehoods that cause public damage" as did Thongbai Khamsi of for spreading rumours that the Bhumibol Dam would collapse under an earthquake. cheesy.gif

    Maybe they should send out arrest warrants for people who believe such rubbish. They were the ones who caused more trouble by spreading the rumour. By the time it reached me it was: "stay away from high buildings in Bangkok. The little kid predicted thousands would die in Bangkok after a huge earthquake".

    I don't believe anyone can predict the future but yes we could be in for turbulent times regarding world economy.

    The Mayans didn't predict the end of the world but it is the end of their long calender.

    Theyd have to arrest most of the world .....................religion

    • Like 1
  16. Keep to your original plan, common sense

    catastrophies are easy for people to know about these days due to huge coverage worlwide, a 100 years ago you would not have heard of almost any of the "natural" events that you hear of now.

    It was still all happening but only known about locally. Why even the next village often knew nothing of what was happening with its neighbours a few miles away.

    The world will end but we wont end it.

    So here is my prediction the world will not end in 2o12

  17. Has others have mentioned, ‘Sheryl’ explained it well, taking a man back to meet the parents, (family) is a big step up in a relationship….A form of coming out as a couple. Any backward steps from this point will make the daughter look like a slapper in the eyes of the village and the parents will lose face…….Bottom line you should always be a little weary if a your Thai GF can’t wait to get you home to family, (get you fitted for a nose ring) so, don’t push it!

    As for the age thing, if you’re both getting out what you need from a relationship…Knock yourselves out. But you know this relationship is doomed don’t you. As time goes on she’ll still only be concerned about breaking a finger nail…………You….a Hip!

    My wife still hasnt taken me to meet her parents Ive know her 5 years??? what does it mean???....................... oh yeah they're both dead, I still think she's selfish cow though.

  18. My friend who is an American was in England on holiday, he got knocked of his bike, he suffered a broken leg and complications,he was treat in hospital in the UK , He told them that he was Insured ,but the Hospital did not claim from his insurers, Thats the other side of the story,Hospitals not claiming from insured people from who ever or which ever County's they come from.

    he got knocked off his bike suggest it wasnt his fault???

  19. This whole matter is still very unclear. If for instance I should decide to return to the UK and retire what would be the situation. I am 80 and suffering from a lot of medical problems including cancer and I may not be able to continue the high costs of treatment and medication here. If I turned up at a hospital in the UK, surely they would not refuse treatment. I worked in the UK for 6 years and all the deductions for social security were taken from my salary.. But since I worked less than 7 years there I am not entitled to anything? This is grossly unfair .

    Hop in the back of a lorry at Calais and come in as an illegal immigrant................ you'll get everything then. Dont forget to destroy your passport first, this is vital, declare you dont know who you are.

  20. And finally

    Who says anyone is smarter now?

    My great grandfather was an blacksmith, I'd be in trouble trying to make a sword or plow, and don't know anyone else who can either.

    Knowing how to change channels on the Tv or turn on your Pc, doesn't make you smarter than your ancestors.

    Ah yes but at least we had the ability to invent the TV and without it what would the Thais do?

    What do you mean we?

    Can you even build a Tv from a pile of components, let alone make the components.

    Do you know anyone who can?

    I know how to switch a Tv on and off, a little different than knowing how to make one.

    Yes i can thank you, my Father spent many years repairing tvs in the "black n white" era.

  21. How do you guys do it? To turn an interesting subject about karma at the start of the thread into something so boring about physics and boiling water???

    I believe in karma. And good karma starts by not doing any harm to any person... or animals.

    So when you drive down the road in your car splatting millions of bugs on your screen is that their karma?, how about every ant you ever trod on? Of course there is bound to be some "let out" clause there always is with this hocus pocus nonsense. You probably kill millions of things everyday you just dont see it, is that going to bring you bad karma?

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