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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. I'll be skipping it, too much water this past year, nothing to celebrate..

    It's Thai NEW Year. So it's for the coming year, as it starts raining again making agriculture possible again. In the North and North East we only get very little rain from October to April, usually not enough to grow much in most places.

    Nah...it's a 4-day drinking binge.jap.gif

    Surely you mean "death binge"

  2. Interesting :

    Expats in countries such as New Zealand (79%), Canada (60%) and Thailand (62%) were much more likely to say their work life balance has improved since relocating. Expats in these countries are more likely to report it being easy to integrate into the local community (New Zealand 75%, Canada 73% and Thailand 61%) than expats overall (58%). Similarly, expats in these countries (New Zealand 42%, Canada 27% and Thailand 21%) were also more likely than the global average (16%) to report a better quality of life compared to their home country.

    It seems that expats with a negative experience of Thailand are far from the majority . It confirms that one shouldn't always believe what one reads in expat forums wink.png

    Or what one reads in an hsbc report

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  3. I am confused they want to get the water into the sea as fast as possible. To accomplish this they are going to build dykes. Seems kind of counter productive to me.

    I noticed not a word about clearing out the existing channels and keeping them clear or common sense when it comes to letting water out of a dam in the face of a rainy season.

    This plan sounds as good as the 100 mile tunnel ten miles down.

    I've always considered a network of huge pumping "pipelines" as feeder lines to other [non-affected] regions throughout Thailand towards water replenishment for the upcoming dryer season, as most severe flooding will manifest by September, followed by a quick turn to winter/dry season. Rather a goofy idea....but it beats anything they've attempt forever and a day.

    Think of all this annual flood water that sits stagnet throughout the basin. Those same 6-7 provinces that make up the great natural flood basin. Sure, flooding appear everywhere, every year. From Chiang Mai to Hat yai and Korat to Phetchaburi. Yet, rarely last a couple weeks at most - not 3-4 months of standing water a metre deep. Topography plays a key aspect as to who suffers and who doesn't. Natural drainage is suppressed throughout the traditional flood ravaged regions, isn't it? So what do we do.....? We continue to infused and build up the infrastructure that is most detrimental.

    So...if the region won't change - physically remove the damaging element [flood waters] to areas that might benefit. Just think of it....Isaan areas could easily take on a winter/second rice harvest.

    As long as they spend billions on prevention and clean-up, why not direct such funding towards more pragmatic cures instead of politically pointing fingers as to whom is to blame.

    <deleted>! The region has incurred seasonal flooding since the earliest human memory.....yet, the earliest man didn't find it necessary to enclose natural spill overs as broad flood plains will be.

    Too complicated you need to "think Thai" inline with the boat propellors solution they could just dig a big hole and put the water in there? See simplicity itself even makes the props look complicated.

    Dont laugh it will be in the BKK Post tomorrow, of course I wont be credited for it, what do I know?

  4. Im bored shitless with these endless releases of crap that half the time doesnt work, some snotty face kid spending his whole childhood with one welded to his elbow, I see the little shits all over bangkok often still in nappies/diaper.

    I love children, the latest "in" thing for the idiots that buy them.................where can I get one cheap?

  5. why not send a copy of the test to a few newspapers.stir things up a bit?

    And what newspapers would these be?

    The same establishment broadsheets that are akin to the educational establishment?

    Birds of a feather....

    Yeah the same papers full of ads for the schoolsgiggle.gif

  6. I would say that any terrorist attack in Thailand would not be against Thais, Unless it was from down south. It is more likely that it is a problem caused by the West, and being fought out anywhere in the world including Thailand, The west cause the problems and it Involves every County after that.

    The West causes the problems.................ahhahahhaahahahahahahahahahah got anymore jokes?

  7. Oh dear...

    Another these people and there illogical driving character thread.


    so you think endangering kids so they can get to their important meeting 10 minutes earlier than normal is to be commended ?

    In case you didn't know, there is a threat of terrorist attack in Thailand. VIPs might be a target. As such, it is to be expected that VIPs would travel in convoys and use evasive driving technique. The Thai officials were most likely taking the foreign embassy warnings seriously. You need not pay attention to those terrorism warnings since you are not a VIP and therefore not a target. Only really special Thais might be targets. One of the requirements is to have big poofy hair. Sheesh. You would understand this if you had a hi so part chinese wife with multiple university diplomas and if one of your relatives was a senior ranking military or police officer.

    You must not have read the artical in the news today. Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul also expressed confidence that foreign terrorists would not stage any attack in Thailand because the country had been friendly to all.


    For a price , legs wide open eh?

  8. If you haven't realized it yet, llfe is just one big circus. You just have to endure all of the clown and animal acts that are happening in the "ring" that you choose to enter. You chose this one. I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, but that's what's happening here and now and no matter what you or I say won't change it! Over 20 years ago I saw a policeman pull out his gun and shoot at a van full of people that refused to stop at a makeshifr roadblock on the upper level of the motorway to the old airport. He continued to shoot until he ran our of bullets. What was the reason for the roadblock? The Kings entourage was passing on the road below. I really believe that that policeman's son would do the same thing today! Most Thais deal wirh these sutuations well since it is and has been a part of up bringing and dealing with these situations is part of their everyday life.

    "nice" story sort of sums up Thailand.....................sadly!!

  9. Drug use has definatly increased, but at the same time so has the soical disparite between the have and have nots. I wonder which side of the social divide the majority of drug addicts fall. The link between poverty, lack of opportunity, dysfunctional families and drug use has been clearly established. Until these social issues which underpin drug use are effectively address, the government is fighting a losing battle. Other strategies need to be purseued in conjunction with stricter anti drug laws to make any changes effective and long lasting and provide hope and real opportunity for a better life to those addicted to or at risk of drug addiction.

    Other wise the choice is simply - A shit life in a village with no future or a shit life in jail with no future - hardly a tempting choice for those stuck in a cycle of poverty.

    Nope it depends on the individual, my wife came form the kind of shi* no hope you mention and is doing very well thanks after taking 3-4 years to get her degree by working all hours, coming to BKK at age 14 with her Brother etc.

    Im sure many of these losers are plain bone idle laybouts even without the drugs, never mind we can always blame poverty.........

    Good for your wife! Hope you teach your children well.. There is a flaw to your logic though; we can't really use your luvvly wife as a benchmark for all human behaviour now, can we?

    I never mentioned she was, I was arguing the point of "poverty" as an excuse amongst other things like being bone idle etc.

  10. I've been thinking about this for a long time. How does the airplane companies calculate this? I mean there must be a maximum weight that the airplane can move safely, and they have a specific amount of seats that they want to fill (all). So, have they calculated that x % of their customers are owerweight and some are underweight. Not to mention if you want to bring luggage that weight more than the norm, they are happy to take it onboard for an extra fee. So how do they know when it's over the limit for a safe flight? unsure.png

    Im pretty sure the capacity of modern planes way exceeds what you think they can carry, Emirates allow 30kg luggage in Economy as standard and I havent had my hand luggage weighed ina long time.

    Last time i came I brought about 52kg of stuff.

  11. Update

    I know this girl, I know several of her friends..

    The couple in the video have seperated now,.

    She has a new boyfriend.

    Do you know what happened to the old guy? Did the lady get another Farang? Did she get the house?

    They are both living in the same city up north now. I haven't spoken to her much, the video shows her in a much better light than reality. I don't know him, but my friends do, and say he is a really nice guy. She does have a new western boyfrind.

    He bought her a car and a house, then refused to buy her a business, which was the alleged reason for the breakup.

    Not sure who kept what, knowing the bunch that she hangs out with, I can't imagine he got anything back.

    The loss was in the 1-2Mbht range, not so bad IMHO.

    Now moved onto her latest victim I wonder if he reads Thai Visa

  12. Drug use has definatly increased, but at the same time so has the soical disparite between the have and have nots. I wonder which side of the social divide the majority of drug addicts fall. The link between poverty, lack of opportunity, dysfunctional families and drug use has been clearly established. Until these social issues which underpin drug use are effectively address, the government is fighting a losing battle. Other strategies need to be purseued in conjunction with stricter anti drug laws to make any changes effective and long lasting and provide hope and real opportunity for a better life to those addicted to or at risk of drug addiction.

    Other wise the choice is simply - A shit life in a village with no future or a shit life in jail with no future - hardly a tempting choice for those stuck in a cycle of poverty.

    Nope it depends on the individual, my wife came form the kind of shi* no hope you mention and is doing very well thanks after taking 3-4 years to get her degree by working all hours, coming to BKK at age 14 with her Brother etc.

    Im sure many of these losers are plain bone idle laybouts even without the drugs, never mind we can always blame poverty.........

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  13. i am de-purchasing my 58 sqm 2 bed all mod con furnished condo 100m - onnut bts, few steps to carrefour, tenanted to 2 korean hetero, auction starts at 5 mils, lucky bidder gets monthly income of 23k

    Ok The Room 79? Blocs 77?

    I prefer my el cheapo units at lpn down the road with a return of 12k a month each purchase costs 1.17 mil baht, that i think youll find is over 10%

  14. I hear you…..One of my pet hates is being followed by a personal shopper, the second I cross the shop thresh hold, I find myself, very quickly no longer really shopping but trying to out run and out maneuver my new friend. I’ve tried to tell them I don’t need help, in Thai, but I might as well be talking Swahili. Sometimes if I have the devil in me I will try and start a ‘Benny Hill’ type chase…….No takers yet, but will keep trying.

    Best tactic start asking as many questions as you can in anything but Thai language, they soon scamper off............................sometimes to return with an English speaking person where I tell them................Im only looking!!!

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