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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. I have read more of these reports. Apparently all it takes is one lender to go to the police and they seem to take action (don't know how often somebody reports these practices and no action is taken).

    And yes, mainly Thai lenders are apprehended, foreigners (wisely) seem to stay away from this. Good money though, up to 10% per month.

    Maybe I should ask the Jet ski boys to lend me a 1000 baht and then see what happens, sure the Police would be down on em like a ton of bricks.

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  2. It happens.

    On a particularly tiring day on the sky train at Siam people all tried to barge through me and the other people trying to get off I had enough and grabbed the guy trying to barge through me by his shirt and took him with me until I reached the escalators.

    I hope he waits in place for his turn next time.

    Shouldve stapled his tie to the escalator rail and watched the terror on his face as it started to devour himsleepy.gif

  3. I was five minutes late joining the morning joggers on Pattaya's Beach Road last week, normally we meet near the Amari Hotel around 5:30am but they had all set off on the run before I arrived so I rushed my warm up and started my jogging alone - it is of course dark at that time of the morning.

    I'm not a believer in ghosts, to my mind, the evidence is not yet conclusive that they exist or do not exist, I take the view then, that while I don't believe in ghosts, I'd rather not meet one.

    I've now modified that to 'I'd rather not meet one again', though I'm sure the OP's g/f will confirm that there are more things than just ghosts in the spectral dimension, so it might not have been a Ghost that I saw as I jogged alone along the Beach Road past the end of Soi 6.

    Just as I approached the large spirit house that sits on the Beach Side of the road, and which I've passed hundreds of times without a thought of ghosts, spirits or ghouls, a horrible, or rather ghastly apparition stepped out from behind a tree and offered to "Put the Willies up me".

    yoiu mean they had more than one? Amazing Thailand?

  4. yet more tripe from TV members who like to post opinions based on little or no evidence or "better still" - hearsay or their own personal prejudices.

    One is left wondering why there was a fire ATER the rescue workers had started their work.

    Probably all smoking at the scene as fuelled sprayed around, was it gas powered, dieseil dont ignite easily needs pressure

  5. I'm a realist that believes nothing unless 1) it is proven or 2) I have personal experience that makes me believe it is true.

    Therefore... I treated all the 2012 'end of the world' theories as laughable - but lately I'm beginning to wonder....

    There can be little doubt that every country is experiencing 'odd' weather over the last year or so.

    I would be interested to hear others' thoughts - but not those who for whatever reason have always taken the 'imminent end of the world' seriously.

    When I talked to my 72yo father about the wierd weather, he said it is just as it was fifty years ago, a lot of science is financed to prove global warming, I have heard more than once that much of the science isn't submitted for peer scrutiny before being reported on, and any scientists who bring forward evidence to the contrary are shouted down.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    I'm employed to say things are fine as well.

    I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

    Let's wait until we KNOW FOR SURE we've got a problem; say, when we lose Bangladesh completely... or when we forget wherever it was....


    I remember as a kid sending money to bangladesh 40 years ago for flooding, it is of course ina massive flood plain anyway, easier for them to all move out no way will the flooding stop!

  6. Where do I start, well my wife rents out rooms for a living she owns some and acts as an agent for others, one guy has sent her e mails asking questions about the same room for 2, YES TWO years, Im waiting for him to ask if it includes "X number" of sheets of toilet paper in the rent price.

    We reckon he lives in a trailer park, dreams of coming to Thailand, is almost at the travel agents every week but never quite books the ticket.

    he is always asking if we can lower the price then invents imaginary dates when he is coming. On it goes, I have his first e mail from 2 years ago, he pops up every 6 months or so in our inbox.

    Tight or weird??? who knows but theres a lot of nutters out there coming here

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  7. I don't think it's always deliberate discourtesy; more a complete lack of awareness and consideration. In the first instance (lady at the door in the mall) I wouldn't be so sure that she DID notice you, OP. Thais have an amazing ability- even when faced with my large frame- not to notice me when they are in their 'zombie walker' mode. In some instances, I will be walking through bottlenecks on the sidewalk of the type you describe, and the Thais on the other side will simply come ahead- even though it is extra-impossible they will be able to get around me. When they meet me coming the other way, I stop and wait for them to 'wake up'- they really do act surprised I am there- and then they have to go back the other way and wait for me to come out.

    It is a bit less excusable when they treat me as some kind of inanimate obstacle, as OP describes with the 'pushy' lady. If they are simply getting my attention so that I can assist them in passing, by tapping on my shoulder or elbow, then I am all smiles and do as much as I can. If they start using what counts (for them) as heavy physical force, I just go into la-la land and pretend I don't even notice them. They usually do much more damage to themselves than they have a hope of accomplishing to me.

    Once or twice they have been so rude and pushy (usually involving alcohol, too), even ignoring my polite attempts to alert them that I was not comfortable, that I felt a response was called for, and I exerted a small part of my strength to push back. Usually they decided to maintain the wide, clear berth that such actions provided for me.

    Its funny but oh so true the "zombie state" usually entrenched in a phone, I see them coming and stop dead and then let them walk into me hitting me and then they start apologising, its funny until you realise maybe thats how they drive too????

  8. The way your mummy taught you to behave is different to the way my mummy taught me to behave. So my idea of "common courtesy" might have some similarities to you, but also some differences. Since there are billions of mummies in the world, I think we can assume that courtesy is similarly variegated, and respond accordingly - that is, with calm indifference to the behaviour of others.

    Quite, nature versus nurture, but I would add.

    Why does almost an entire nation think that it is perfectly Ok to go knuckle deep in their noses in plain view, but cover their mouths when using a tooth-pick?

    I'd just love some one to explain that.

    Don't forget plucking armpit hair in public and squeezing pimples but are those things discourteous? I find blowing ones nose on the sidewalk worse than spitting. Seems Western people are inclined to do this more than Thai people. But Thai people don't blow their noses at all do they? Where does it go? Older European apartments and indeed even the Orient Express train did not have showers in the rooms. How one could travel from London to Istanbul without a shower is beyond me.

    Have you ever been in a Thai toilet ???? I can tell you where it goes, you can hear it going there when they all start hocking it up, even my wife does this in the bathroom everyday.

    Thais also take a Pee where ever they like seen this often, especially motorcycle taxis.. Seen many Thais hock it up on the street as well and gob it out, yummy!!

  9. Kharma in the Buddhist sense means what you do in THIS life-time affects the NEXT life-time.

    What affects you during THIS life-time is a result of PREVIOUS life-times.

    It doesn't mean do good get good, or do bad get bad in THIS life-time.

    There is a popular Thai Buddhist saying.

    Tam dee, die dee, tam chua, die chua

    (do good, get good, do bad, get bad)

    and another goes tam te tam te tam te tam tam te tam te taaaaaam tam ( "The Archers" only UK folk will know)

  10. I thought you had to carry ID at ALL times when in Thailand? and she had none.

    Ah, that explains why they took her shoes. Thanks travelmann.

    Glad it makes sense to you????????? or is this a case of "Cinderella" and only the shoes would fit her so she'd be easy to check at the airport on the way out?

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