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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. Scam. As with any suspect email, try cutting a sentence or two from it and pasting it into google to see what you get. with an excerpt from your message I got a hit on a discussion thread in another asia-related expat forum http://hongkong.asia...6/pay-pal-scam/

    JUST SEND THEM A FAKE PAYPAL ACCOUNT AND TELL THEM IT DIDNT ARRIVE Many good sites on the net who will play these wan***rs at their own game. 916 scambaiting is one although this is slightly different. best to waste their time ask stupid questions tie them up for weeks. Set up another e mail and ask them to use that as you think the FBI are onto you etc, any crap

  2. SCAM SCAM SCAM LINK HERE http://forum.kijiji.ca/about6812531.html SOUND FAMILIAR???

    icon_minipost.gifPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 8:22 pm Post subject: possible paypal scams to avoid through classifieds like here icon_quote.gif It isn't Paypal or Kijiji. I will say that right now. The scam involves someone interested in your item. They will pay the full price without bickering. He/she is very agreeable. Then they say they can't talk to you because they are an oceanographer or an oil driller or something in the middle of no where with email but no phone. Hello skype, msn, there are ways. Anyway he says he will have a shipper or someone come and get it, but then he tells you they won't take paypal only MC an he left it at home. pout pout. Then he asks if he can trust you with sending the money western union to the shipper he will send all the money to you and he will "trust you" to send the money to the shipper. DING DING DINg this is where the bells go off. I am no office girl, buy my item or step off. I did not agree to it. Someone came and bought my item CASH( I love cash). I emailed the guy and said sorry the item is sold. He responded much faster then he did the first 6 times with "Well I sent the money, you must refund me immediately" I checked my paypal there is less then 2 bucks on the account. I checked my email and there was a paypal email there saying it had been sent. On further evaluation I discovered that the email had 2 email addresses, the one is what they want you to see, but when you click on the email another one shows that isn't paypal. Plus if Paypal has a problem with you they will tell you when you are on your paypal account. This is happening alot and if it happens to you forward that official "LOOKING" email to [email protected] and they can take care of it.

    Good luck and safe shopping, always remember if it seems too good to be true it probably is.

  3. i have found in my time driving in thailand that, even though it feels quite chaotic, and there are a lot more different types of road users to get used to, dogs, young children, hand carts, motorbikes travelling against the traffic flow, ladies shouting at you for a massage etc, after a while you get used to the chaos, and find that it all seems to flow along quite nicely

    if you get into the feel for the flow of the traffic, and dont go too slow, or too fast, i have found the traffic system works well here

    i have seen very few accidents, never get shouted at or beeped at for my at times useless driving, and find everyone's temperament pretty chilled

    (but woe betide if anyone scratches my new Scoopy - i will rip his / her / it's bleeping head off) laugh.gif

    You must have missed the 13000 dead a year in the stats then, compare that to "home" Jase!!

  4. Imagine being in a pub in London in 1942 and trying to point out the good things about Germany...

    Umm, Berlin from an airplane looks very nice when lit up. tongue.png

    In respect to the OP, some people when faced with the truth, will become even more entrenched in their views and embrace denial. Even after the Americans forced the locals to visit concentration camps that were liberated, the locals were still clinging to the excuse that they didn't know.

    In order for people on both sides of the political equation to break this impasse of prejudice, they are going to have to get out and visit the other side. It is a shame that we don't see people organizing from "yellow zones" going to help the "red zones" and vice versa. In terms of building understanding, it works well and is demonstrated in the USA, Canada, Australia etc. after catastrophes when citizens organize. examples were Hurricane Katrina, the great western floods on the Canadian prairies and in Quebec, and following the Australian wildfires. It is amazing what elbow grease and giving of oneself does to foster understanding.

    Really, Hurricane Katrina a good example?

    Rest of the world watched it live on television and was horrified over the poor attempts to take care of people equally.

    Never forget the "sunshine story" on Fox television, when a Black-hawk helicopter picks up a dog from a roof, and basically next door is a "black family" on their roof being ignored. Some way to spend the dollars.

    Maybe the pilot was Thai...............draw one of many conlcusions on that one!!

  5. This are the result, as we don,t care about our earth !

    Thanks to all pollution and more from us, and our travel, and car driving and industry.

    It,s a shame about the climate meetings,who not get any result at all.

    High wind and waves all around the year soon, and also.

    Have experience from Thailands East Coast and Langkawi, as a sailor and can inform about these winds and storm,who appear soon all around the year.

    Load of crap as usual its the global warming tripe, 50 years isnt even the blink of an eye for an event ( more non event) like this. Its windy and there are some big waves????? whats the problem you live near the sea expect this to happen occasionally.

    It also give the papers tv something to bore us to death with also now the flooding has subsided, we can add it to the daily shows of blokes in white coats with medals?? being bored stiff at yet another ceremony.

    I think that the crap you refer to is emanating from your fingers touching the keyboard - I suppose you think the world is round and the holocaust never happened!!!!!

    ????????? -500coffee1.gif

    Probably faked by the astronauts in Apollo 8 though eh??


  6. Hi Im looking into Braces when I move to Thailand and wondered if anyone has any recomendations for such work? So far the online prices I've seen are about the same as in the US. Am I just seeing Farang adjusted prices or is it really that high there like it is in the US? Thanks!

    Do you really need them or is it just this stupid fad they have here at the moment? I keep seeing these gormless faced girls with a gob full of metal and whose teeth look perfect to me.

  7. Hi Im looking into Braces when I move to Thailand and wondered if anyone has any recomendations for such work? So far the online prices I've seen are about the same as in the US. Am I just seeing Farang adjusted prices or is it really that high there like it is in the US? Thanks!

    I used and excellent dentist in Bangkok, no inflated prices in this thread here http://www.thaivisa...._1#entry4886696

    Dont bother with Dentajoy in the same shopping centre, sure it looks pretty but its a rip off 500 baht just to have a look, this guy speaks good English if you need it, jolly nice fellow.

  8. This are the result, as we don,t care about our earth !

    Thanks to all pollution and more from us, and our travel, and car driving and industry.

    It,s a shame about the climate meetings,who not get any result at all.

    High wind and waves all around the year soon, and also.

    Have experience from Thailands East Coast and Langkawi, as a sailor and can inform about these winds and storm,who appear soon all around the year.

    Load of crap as usual its the global warming tripe, 50 years isnt even the blink of an eye for an event ( more non event) like this. Its windy and there are some big waves????? whats the problem you live near the sea expect this to happen occasionally.

    It also give the papers tv something to bore us to death with also now the flooding has subsided, we can add it to the daily shows of blokes in white coats with medals?? being bored stiff at yet another ceremony.

  9. In my house the conversation is in three languages and some things are said better in Thai.

    With this being a forum of expats one hopes that a number of readers appreciate the nuance or the humor of the added Thai phrases. But you can't please everybody.

    in my house the conversation is quite often in more than three languages. [un]fortunately none of them is Thai. and when i raise my voice and "speak" German nobody seems to be pleased ph34r.png


    I got a great mental picture of that hahahhahaha, not only that but Naams sense of humour about his own Germanic race is also very funny......its ze vay he tellz zem,

    Thanks Naamclap2.gif

  10. You want her to notice you, tell her you're taking all of the money out of your joint bank account and putting it in one in your name only and changing the beneficiary on your will to your pet dog.

    Nah its all in her name anyway

    Well that explains it all. She has all the goodies and is just waiting patiently for one of your apparently frequent minor booboo's to sever a major artery or something like that.

    Divorce would be a lot easier she'd still keep it all.

  11. I read the topic of this thread to mean "Does you're wife notice if you fall down and injure yourself" but the bad grammar coupled with the inane question forced me to see what the topic was really about..

    To my surprise, you really did ask the question "Does you're wife notice if you fall down and injure yourself".

    It's the funniest thread title I've seen in ages. Even funnier if you meant it as a serious question.

    If you meant it seriously, I've two suggestions for you...

    1 - Stop craving attention for every little bump/minor accident/misdemeanor that you encounter in your everyday life and read Aesop's Fable "The boy who cried wolf"

    2 - If (1) doesn't apply to you, get a new wife.

    Suggest you read my second reply to Geriatric Kid

  12. I read the topic of this thread to mean "Does you're wife notice if you fall down and injure yourself" but the bad grammar coupled with the inane question forced me to see what the topic was really about..

    To my surprise, you really did ask the question "Does you're wife notice if you fall down and injure yourself".

    It's the funniest thread title I've seen in ages. Even funnier if you meant it as a serious question.

    If you meant it seriously, I've two suggestions for you...

    1 - Stop craving attention for every little bump/minor accident/misdemeanor that you encounter in your everyday life and read Aesop's Fable "The boy who cried wolf"

    2 - If (1) doesn't apply to you, get a new wife.

    My Apologies, just for you,

    "Does youur wife notice if you walk in with an axe stuck in your head, leave trail of blood 100 metres long and are screaming your head off, or does she just think you are making a fuss over nothing and are a complete wanke_r".

    Does that help?

    If you want inane try this current thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/521483-do-you-bring-your-tray-to-the-garbage-stand/

  13. Hmm funny this topic comes up, I decided to plop down on the bed the other day and instead misjudged and landed on the floor with a very loud thud and a few curse words. (In fairness to me I did this in the dark, no light on) Anyway, not a reaction from the other room. I let a little moan out, and still no reaction. Too busy on the iphone probably. On the other hand she gets a nose bleed and I get an sms, and several calls, plus she heads to the hospital, for a frickin nose bleed???

    Thank goodness its not just me, in all fairness shes a great wife, but I find this a bit odd????

  14. You want her to notice you, tell her you're taking all of the money out of your joint bank account and putting it in one in your name only and changing the beneficiary on your will to your pet dog.

    Nah its all in her name anyway

  15. But really the whole lot only cost her 2000 baht to buy in from her supplier

    I am not against anyone making a profit, I just found her marketing skills to be curious. We were strongly discouraged from buying the whole set because there appeared to be a penalty for buying all three items.

    Get a friend to go back and ask to buy the last chair......in a few days. It makes no sense, look at tesco pricing buy a case of soemthing is more expensive than buy indivdually sometimes, or buy 2 small packs is cheaper than one big, theyr'e all NUTS!!

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