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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. the bank is Siam Commercial Bank. 4 per cent apr but cant touch your money for 5 months.

    Does this account have a particular name? I couldn't find it.

    In the absence of a reply I visited two large branches of SCB. Both told me that there is no such account.

    But to be fair Darrel they do change these accounts like the wind blows.

    last few weeks I got 3.75% held for 11 months now its gone down to 3.4% for 5 months , so they do come and go.

  2. The dog crapping is not the racist part of the OP's post. It his wife's comments that illustrate the inherent racism that Thais have against us foreigners.

    I recently had a theft of a main electric cable from the construction site where I am building a house. They actually dug up the buried wire from where the wire was supposed to connect to the mains all the way back to the house entry point. And then came back a couple of nights later to get about 6 feet that they left the first time.

    I of course wanted to report the theft to the police, not expecting any resolution, but just to let those other workers in the adjoining work sites know that the the police were involved. But my current TG refused to let me go or assist me in going to the police station to make a report because I was a farang.

    She said it would be OK for a Thai to report the theft but not me crazy.gif

    A simple mistake, next time connect cable to mains first, you should be able to find the thief still attached and smouldering to it the next morning

  3. If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

    It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut!

    I think you got off lightly

    Id have used a Fuc***g great stick and beaten it to death, I dont recollect it being a "stray" dog as it had an "owner"

    Thats me though caring and consideratesmile.png

    Have you prepaid your funeral expenses?

    Has the dog owner?, what make u think Im gonna die Gk

  4. I might have a look down that end thanks.

    The site I am considering that might be good (pending release of the units!) is opposite President Park in Soi 24, opposite where Tops used to be.

    2.mill bht seems aweful cheap for a new condo in soi 24. In fact i would suggest its impossible unless its less than the standars 35sqm studio

    How do you know about these condos about to be built and do you have a link? would like to have a look myself :-)

    Studios start at 25m2 now 35m2 is a 1 bed

  5. Dont listen to people who have never bought and rely on rumours only. Most of them dont have a bean and strugle to survive on the breadline, why the haunt the condo threads full time is beyond me

    I own 2 condos untill last friday where the condo I bought off the plan on sukhumvit 101 was sold to a Japanese fellow for a very tidy profit but I did do some reasearch before I bought

    1. I bought after viewing the Bts extensions before the new stations were built and then soucred a condo that would be near

    the proposed Bts and made sure it would be built around the same time the condo would be completed.

    Well the Bts was a year late but at least the tracks had been laid

    2. that condo was built on progressive deposit meaning the downpayment was split into 24 months so you could view the progress and pay accordingly so there is pretty much zero risk of losing your depost due to inactive production.

    3 buy on the highest floor available the extra money is well worth it

    4. Go for it, some new BKK condos have doubled in price in the last 7 years

    Id say by with an unblocked view not facing the sun on a high floor with the hope nothing will be built next to you, a good way to guarantee that is to buy next to a RIVER.

    Corner units are good but often you have to buy the adjacent room with some developers. I wouldnt rely on any developer taking care of units too well here. Depending "when" you buy is more important ie I bought when the £ was @72 baht now its 48 a BIG difference.

  6. Get the hell outta there these things have been known to burrow inside the ears of people when asleep.

    Burrikentias morphologis, once inside your head it will rapidly gorge on your blood and multiply, you will wake feeling dehyrdated within hours you will be comatose and near death.

    This happened to a good friend of mine, we cremated him last week the whole condo block had to be razed to the ground,covered in pesticide and then removed by men in special suits.

    last I heard it was taken to a special facility to be studied by the U.S bio weapons team.

    I may have exxagerated slightly but only the bit about it burrowing in your head and onwards.

    • Like 1
  7. What the heck ?

    On Childrens' Day, the PM and a General are reported to tell Thai kids to be good kids, parents to be good parents, to adopt some basic buddhist principles, toss in a dash of tech-savy message, and people are complaining?

    As for the Thai-ness and pride in country, I wonder if the posters decrying this come from countries which teach the kids not to be proud of their country and their heritage???

    This is not a political piece, it is just a nice, "feel-good" story.

    Try watching the film "They Live"

  8. I see nothing new here. And what's with this "Thainess" business? Be disciplined and respectful implies follow and don't question your superiors / leaders, even if they are stupid, dishonest or corrupt?

    And why does she quote overseas research to push for the use of tablet PC's? Educationally, Western societies have vastly different ideas about education than does Thailand, which involves mainly rote learning and cramming in facts to pass entrance exams.

    It is just more of the Nationalistic Indoctrination that has been a central part of creating a 'Thai National Identity' from the melting pot of cultures that is the real identity of the crossroads that is Thailand. They can't seem to break away from the 60-80 years old indoctrination put in place after the founding fathers decided Siam was not to continue.

    Nailed it 100%!!!!

  9. What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

    Sad that you take the opportunity of someone's death to soapbox, and you probably claim to be a pacifist too.

    No soapboxing at all, my friend.

    I just find it rather barbaric to consciously romance, slobber-over, and celebrate militarism in general - and how such relates with goodness and honour. I'll tend to slide against the pack of popularism.

    Somebody dies in an horrific accident witnessed by several thousand people and this is all you can come up with.

    Sad & pathetic.

    Those "kids" will see more death and carnage on a Thai road i n their lifetime than they saw today.

  10. What I might find odd is the relation [and celebration] of Children's Day and militarism.

    What I find odd is the endless daily parades of Military people on tv and yet another ceremony, all lined up in those ridiculous white uniforms, oh my "big face"

    • Like 1
  11. As for charging for estimates? You did not mention the terms of them giving the estimate. Many companies I think will agree the money spent for the estimate will be deducted from the final invoice if you decide to buy their products. Depending on where you live and the time and fuel expense why would a contractor give away this service and get nothing in return? Thai contractors or any other good business person is in the business to make a profit and feed the family.

    Also is it possible this guy giving you the estimate is pocketing the 1k and the company he works for never knows hes charging for estimates?

    Its a concept you and a lot of Thais obviously dont understand................"customer service", its normal in the UK.

    When you buy a car do you ask for a written estimate and expect to pay for it?

  12. I am not sure about UK law, but US law makes it illegal for an adult to have sex with anyone under 18 regardless of the local laws.

    In the UK you can get married at 16.

    Minimum Age

    The minimum legal age for getting married is 16 years old. In England and Wales the written consent of the parents or Guardians is required for persons who have not reached 18 years old and have not been previously married. If either of the persons is below 18 a birth certificate must be produced. It is preferred that all persons produce such evidence.

    And join the army shoot and kill someone but cant vote

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