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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. "The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood 82% and lungs 90%. A 2% drop in your body's water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, difficulty focusing on smaller print."

    And tell me coke zero is what percent water??? yeah about 99% id reckon!!

  2. I gather mossies are actually attracted by body heat.

    Which would explain why visiting friends get bothered more - they are not used to the heat.

    Can't say I've heard previously that smelly feet attract them.

    I thought it was Co2 that attracted them as in exhaled breath?

  3. Lets be honest Thai service in general is <deleted>, sure they'll kiss your ass when buying then give you a 2 finegred salute when it all goes tits up.

    Excuse my French

    "The views expressed in this answer are my own personal experiences and open to interpretation"

  4. Special kudos to posters on this thread for realising early on that ladyboys and their fanciers are NOT gay, technically.... tongue.pngbiggrin.png

    so how does one become "technically Gay"? Is there a course?

    You just have to grit your teeth...

    I hear they'll bend over backwards to help a new "member"?

  5. During my many years in Thailand I have never been fooled by a transgender person or an effeminate gay male dressed in female attire as yet.

    That you know of

    I think it`s the anchor tattoos on their arms and hob nailed boots that gives them away.

    I think you'll find its the "tadger" thats the clear identification!!!

  6. Maybe Thai Visa should open a new 'Oldies' sub forum, where we can discuss issue such as our own methods of warding off Altzheimer's... tongue.pngtongue.png

    I think you will find that there are many farangs here in their 70's 80's and even 90's... I personally have across quite a few when I have been out and about.

    Surely, at the end of the day it is all down to money. If you have sufficient funds then however sick or infirm you become, you can afford to have the necessary medical attention and care. If your funds are limited, then as you start to become infirm and sickly, you should seriously consider re-repatriating to you home country before it is too late to do so.

    As for retirement homes for farangs, I believe there are already such establishments in Thailand. Indeed I know for a fact that there are, as ten years ago I was considering investing in such a project and did some research on this subject.

    Golden Years home in BKK for example

  7. Dogs are FAR more of menace or problem than any snake in Thailand.

    Hmmmm....depends on the neighborhood, Ian.

    Are either a great problem?

    The real menace are those two-legged creatures that stand upright.

    Yeah but you can shoot them here no problem, happens everyday.

  8. What region of Africa are African-Americans from?

    I believe the US slave trade took people from west Africa.

    Yes stealing the trade from the locals who were quite happy to do this on their own well before European intervention.

  9. as has been said...merit is positive karma ..which brings a positive result. Keeping the five precepts is a way to help prevent us from creating negative karma, which has a negative result.

    One can still make merit whilst not bothering to keep the precepts. It isn't like one bank account where we can be either in the red or black but not both because they cancel each other out. Karma is like two accounts, one for red and one for blck and they don't cancel each other out. Therefore we all have both positive and negative karma in our accounts.

    The merit obtained from giving to animals, even 100 times, is less than the merit from giving to a

    human, even if it is a person without morals.

    Giving to a human without morals, 100 times, is less than giving to one who keeps the five

    precepts just once.

    Giving to one who keeps the five precepts, 100 times, is less merit than giving to one who keeps

    the eight precepts, just once.

    Giving to one keeping the eight precepts, 100 times, is less than one who keeps the ten precepts


    Giving to one keeping the ten precepts, 100 times, is less than giving to a monk keeping 227


    Giving to a monk keeping the 227 precepts who is still Putuchon, 100 times, is less than giving to

    a Sotapanna.

    Giving to a Sotapanna, 100 times, is less than a Sakgdagami.

    Giving to a Sakgdagami, 100 times is less than an Anagami.

    Giving to an Anagami, 100 times, is less than an Arahant.

    Giving to an Arahant, 100 times, is less than a Padjekha Buddha.

    Giving to a Padjekha Buddha, 100 times is les than a Buddha.

    Giving to a Buddha, 100 times, is less than building a Viharn, Bote, Chedi, Sala, Guti etc.

    Constructing these buildings, even 100 times, is less merit than teaching Dhamma to those who

    are ignorant of it.

    Teaching Dhamma, even 100 times, is less than not getting angry, wanting revenge or to harm

    any beings, even enemies.

    Forgiving, even 100 times, is less than keeping the five precepts just once.

    Keeping the five precepts, 100 times, is less than keeping the eight precepts even just once.

    Keeping the eight precepts,100 times, is less than keeping the ten precepts just once.

    Ordaining as a Samanera (novice) keeping the ten precepts, even for 100 years, is less then one

    who ordains as a monk keeping 227 precepts, even for a single day.

    Ordaining as a Monk keeping the 227 precepts absolutely unbroken for 100 years, is less than

    practicing Samatha meditation and making the mind still and quiet (kanika samadhi) for only as

    long as the flick of an elephant's ear.

    One who achieves the yana in samatha meditation, even for 100 years, is less merit than one who

    sees the truth of the three characteristics, (suffering, impermanence and non-self), even if only

    for a moment. (Vipassana).

    One who has the wisdom to know the truth about the three characteristics, that this body is only

    subject to suffering, impermanent and not-self, even for only a moment, as long as the flick of an

    elephant's ear, is better than one who lives for 100 years but hasn't the wisdom to see the truth.

    I find this quite shocking and offensive really .

    The merit obtained from giving to animals, even 100 times, is less than the merit from giving to a

    human, even if it is a person without morals.

  10. Sukhumvit area? Could be Nigerian drug dealers testing the waters...

    That was my first thought.

    Please don't pick on Nigerian. I have many Nigerian friend I met in Nana area. They are all great friends and good people. None try to sell drugto me. Unlike my Thai friends who always want to borrow money off me.

    Dont tell me they have 2 million $ they need to bank and you can help them?

  11. Your right..............I had one of these African American "types" stay in one of my condos for 6 months.............. you can imagine what happened.!!!!

    Well on day 2 we took them with us down to Pattaya in our car as they were new in town ( i like to visit Nong Nooch) where they checked into a quite nice hotel, they enjoyed there stay in Pattaya and had a good laugh when they got a photo with a ladyboy who popped her boobs out as I took the photo.

    We also went on a few 0ther trips down the river and around Bangkok, we all had a great time. My wife took her to see the Grand Palace when she had some time

    When the flooding arrived she sent us an e mail from the U.S asking if we were ok.

    So yeah thats my experience of "these types" a great gal.

  12. Your topic is as old as the hills.

    Thailand has a lot of problems however many turn a blind eye to them, I mean when you get run over and no one is held responsible perhaps you will think differently, when you see the guy who did it waltz past you everyday smirking as his Dad is head of Police or something let us know what you think then.

    Some people have no choice to leave, some of their wives earn GOOD money here ie 200k a month +.

    I would moan about ANY country I was in, somethings here are just plain DUMB DANGEROUS AND STUPID failing to realise that would make you the same.

    • Like 1
  13. many snakes are killed needlesly thru lack of education many snakes will run away form you as fast as they can ( maybe they know u have a gun).

    So the answer is "I dont know" but try not to blast it unless necessary.

    If you can shoot a gun at a rifle range ( a man recently did this to himself) cant see why not.

  14. "Smile Plus" in SEACON SQUARE, SRINKARIN ROAD BANGKOK PHONE NUMBER 02 7202976 above TescoS ( AT THE tesco end of Seacon) do not use any other dentist at Seacon they are a rip off, just had root canal done, good prices speaks English nice man gives tons of anaesthetic good attitude very happy with this man. unnassuming modest pleasant a typical nice Thai.

    Usually have to wait 10 days to see him unless emergency.

    Small unassuming shop not a glitzy razzamatazz chain.

    Currently its next to the temporary ICE RINK they have there.

    How good is he?? well for 20 years I have had to have IV sedation for any dentistry and paid a lot for it.

    Ive had root canals, extractions implants, crowns so I know what PAIN is, with him I didnt have any pain even gives topical anaesthetic before injection so you dont even feel the injections at all.

    I never got this in the UK.

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