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Posts posted by beechbum

  1. DL'ing The 1st 13 episodes of The Bridge now, cheers.

    Another funny ones "Archer" if you have a twisted sense of humour, it's animated but very funny, the mother from "Arrested development" does a voice in it.

  2. There's a very good example of a concrete pier at Chalong and Rawai.

    You should take a look.

    O.K. I'll get right on that KB

    You really didn't think concrete could be used in water or just a piss take?

  3. Love xmas again since the little bloke came along, set up a tree together the other day and he had a ball, he was so happy with it he had to take a pic to nursery to show all his mates.

    • Like 2
  4. Seems the ones on Phuket are all going through the mid-life-crisis.

    A couple of them, I would describe as "mutton dressed as lamb".

    Volunteer coppers?

    No........bikers..........the ones with the Harleys..........

    Ah, makes more sense, yeah and the patched ones look like sad tools as well.

  5. I remember where Central is now, was a T-junction.

    To go to the airport, you went straight ahead from Patong, left at the traffic lights, past the Phuket Merlin and then a left onto Thepakretsi road.

    The "Phuket" bypass road was made so that the increasing number of coaches, vans and cars coming from and going to the airport didn't have to meet in Phuket Town.

    I have never heard any expat, or Thai refer to Chao Fah West as the bypass road.

    So true, didnt read the entire thread by seems strange that anyone would think/belive that the name of a very old road would be changed to that of a very new one!!

  6. We've looked at some of the small places along both Chaofa’s and all seem more into bike seats and vinyl, We have 2 large sofas and 2 chairs we want to have reupholstered with fabric, 1 of the sofas needs some foam work as well.

    Anyone know of any good shops that can do it?

  7. The new, giant Tesco Lotus is going up fast in Chalong.

    Anyone know when they will open for business?

    I read somewhere that it was going to be early 2015, though the rate at which it's going up, that seems highly pessimistic.

    Will put the big squeeze on Villa Mart once it ooens that is for sure.

    I don't agree. Their markets do overlap for the ordinary run-of-the-mill stuff, but, Villa has created a niche market for itself with imports that are just not available elsewhere.

    Yeah, agreed, there wont be much custom lost from VM d/t the new tesco.

    I find it hard to not go into VM if Im at home pro, so many tempting things in there, best at the start of the month though as the shelves empty pretty quick sometimes.

  8. I can't see how they have got away with such a pathetic exit/entry area on such a busy road. Chaos will reign supreme. I see another underpass coming.............

    Yes, it will create a bottleneck.

    Don't forget the cement factory directly opposite that has trucks coming and going every few mins.

    To true and dont forget to throw the PTT station into the mix.

    • Like 1
  9. Don't know, but you can go to a shop that does granite countertops and have them cut you out a round in any size you want.

    Yep...granite is ideal for pizza stone..just make sure its unglazed..If glazed on one side use that no problem, but bake on the unglazed side..ie glazed side down..enjoy

    Any paticular reason to use the unpolished side rather than the polished? I've been using the polished side of a granite stone I had cut for the oven (doesn't need to be round for sure!) for a long time. Easier to clean up any juice spills etc if they're on the polished side and the baking parchment I use under the pizza or loaves of gread slides nicely.

    About what thikness is it?

    10mm oe so?

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