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Posts posted by beechbum

  1. Get new aluminum windows with fly screens put in so you dont have to use the aircon so much, better for your kid.

  2. The new pup jumped into the fish pond about 0700 this morning, started spraying him down to clean the mud off and he freaked out(normally loves it, he's a Lab), felt the water and it was bloody freezing, let it run for 5mins and it was ok.

    Been getting a good layer of dew on the grass in Chalong (norm for this time of yr) as well which has been good.

  3. Less people from Perth the better.. (I am not from Perth and wouldn't wish Perth on Hitler)

    It is a strange place agreed - some good golf mind

    I'm from Perth and I had many good reasons why I decided to retire in Thailand instead of Australia.

    But I'm still interested to hear why these attitudes?

    Hans is probably from Adelaide (Hahndorf?) so his opinions are of less interest than normal, but what constitutes "strange"? I may well agree with you.

    Nail on the head there i recon...

  4. The one caveat I do have is that anything remotely negative regarding Islam/Muslims is knee jerkingly over reacted to GLOBALLY these days, whereas all the other religions seem fair game!

    Off topic; Not such a potentially extreme reaction as some Muslims, but...

    Try a general insult to those of the Jewish & Hindu faiths that is then picked up by the global media, watch the response. Insult Buddhism in Thailand & you would be subject to arrest & jail.

    I see & read people ridiculing the amulet wearing practice constantly here on this forum, the fact they still are posting would indicate that they didnt get arrested.

    I still stand by my words that the world, at large, is super sensitive to the Islamic faith & its potential to uspet it followers. Whereas, Christiantity for example, it mocked with reckless abandon.

    Pious people, to me, seem to be some of the least tolerant folks around........

    Totally agree, to state otherwise is a bit strange, it's pretty obvious to anyone who follows the world media. (Not a religious person myself apart from the occasional trip to the Wat to keep the family happy, each to their own and all that)

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  5. i'm watching a new one called 'Intelligence' which is kind of a sci-fi action spy thingy, kind of Nikita without the cute star. anyhow, its ok if there's nothing else on.

    Same, quite enjoying it so far.

  6. nice guy, meet him a couple of times, am surprised..

    I'm never surprised when it's tourist police volunteers.

    I mean really, who comes to Thailand to do that job? Someone who wasn't able to be a police officer back in their home country.

    Any farang volunteer to me is a loony and I ignore them completely.

    well he have business running here so i think it's pretty smart strategi to make friends with cops and play around..

    Just not with meth though.....

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