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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. I think a 2 state solution is the only fair way. Look what happened the last time you occupied Lebanon in 1982, that didn't work out well, and caused the formation of Hezbollah.
  2. Indeed, but sadly there are many bigots where I come from(UK) who take passages from the Quran out of context to support their arguments, particularly those that mention violence or punishment. For instance, verses that discuss conflict or warfare are sometimes highlighted without considering the historical and textual context in which they were revealed. This leads to the harmful stereotype that Islam promotes violence against non-believers, overshadowing the faith's core teachings of peace, compassion, and coexistence. Similarly, there are no doubt bigots in the Muslim faith that do the same with the Bible.
  3. Criticism of any religious text, including the Koran or Talmud, can be a part of healthy discourse, the challenge arises when such criticisms lead to real-world harm or fuel intolerance. The key lies in finding a balance between protecting free speech and preventing hate speech. Open dialogue about religious beliefs is crucial, but it should be done respectfully and thoughtfully, considering the potential consequences.
  4. Why mention the Philippines? Thailand has no affiliation with them. Is the pension frozen in Laos, Vietnam, China, Japan? I see there is no freeze in Laos. Maybe I'll buy a little house there 🙂
  5. I'd kinda expect the UK government pension office to be honest and give me what I am due.
  6. หนังสือรับรองการโอนเงินจากต่างประเทศ" (nangseu raprong gan oan ngern jak dtang prathet)
  7. Islamophobia should be illegal. You do know there are similar passages in the Bible?
  8. Yes, good news that things are running again as I know some were concerned that there might be delays due to a new government. There’s a bit of a backlog now compared to 5 years ago but .
  9. They could use some of the stragecially places US Air bases.
  10. What do you mean by post war control? Do you mean occupation?
  11. Yes, there was a meeting at MOI last month.
  12. The focus seems to be on Lebanon but let's not forget what is still happening in Gaza. Yesterday, 77 people(including women and children) killed. Israeli forces killed at least 77 people across the Gaza Strip on Monday as Hamas promised to wage a “war of attrition” and Palestinians in the enclave marked one year of conflict. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/10/8/live-israel-kills-dozens-in-gaza-as-palestinians-mark-one-year-of-war
  13. Well that's hardly surprising.
  14. The presence of U.S.N serves to amplify tensions rather than promote stability. Yes, the U.S. positions its military as a deterrent against perceived threats from Iran, but it overlooks the broader implications of its action. Look at what happened in Lebanon in 1982. Hezbollah was formed partly in response to the U.S. military presence in Lebanon. Following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, which was supported by the U.S., many Lebanese, particularly Shiites, felt marginalized and vulnerable. The presence of foreign troops, especially the U.S. Marines deployed to stabilize the situation, was viewed as an occupation. Does Lebanon not have the right to defend itself? This is going to end badly for the US and Israel. Iran will be the winners. Here's a good video by a renowned US professor talking about how Iran are the big winners,
  15. I am angry after seeing videos of Israelis celebrating the death of the Hezbollah leader the other day. I am angry that Israel thinks it can do whatever it likes without the consequences other countries would have. I'm angry about all the Israeli propaganda and how some think Israelis don't want Netanyahu in power, when he in fact represents the psyche of the Israeli people. He's been Democratically elected for how many years? I'm angry at the Apartheid state in Israel and how they view Palestinians as lesser being, even animals as that senior Politician called them after Oct 7 last year. Israel is killing with impunity and it's obvious what their plan is.
  16. Did you watch the video?
  17. I used to watch RT, they are pretty unbiased considering.
  18. AS President, could he not revoke their citizenship/residency or whatever?
  19. Well done, I wish the UK would do that. Thailand deals with illegal immigrants in a much harder way!!
  20. I heard they were eating the American's dogs.
  21. Totally over-rated due to his love of the USA. I don't mean Trump.
  22. After watching this, I'm not going to watch CNN or BBC again. Where do you get your news on what's happening in the Middle East? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/10/5/failing-gaza-pro-israel-bias-uncovered-behind-the-lens-of-western-media
  23. UN experts condemn Israeli violations of international law in Lebanon https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/un-experts-condemn-israeli-violations-of-international-law-in-lebanon/3351504
  24. I feel totally persecuted. I worked in the UK for 4 years, was unemployed for 1, and a student for 6. I also pay 160 pounds a year voluntarily to them. My predicted forecast is only £11,541.90 a year
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