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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. PLease explain what I said is so far from the truth, if you can. And less o the flames or you'll be reported.
  2. Are you on some kinda commission for promoting these useless Pink Cards? You and Ryan have continually said that you can open a bank account with a pink ID card, forgetting to say that you also need a passport, then go on to say that the pink ID card saves you from carrying your passport. By law you need your passport to open a bank account AND for transactions, unless they are simply withdrawing and depositing cash, for which NOTHING is required. So to say you only use your Pink card for bank transactions is hiding the truth. PLease stop with all this false information. The card is good for little, accept it. Please stop the personal negative references to my nationality, it continually looks like some kinda inferiority thing going on with you. Yes, I am Thai, but also was a foreigner in Thailand for close to 30 years so know about some things.
  3. I hope you don't have any Thai friends or relatives with this attitude!
  4. Why would you expect that, when you say you opened the account with your Pink Non-Thai ID card?
  5. Like where? Please post a link. Some here seem to hold this against me, sour grapes perhaps.
  6. OK, not an alkie, actually not even a drunk????
  7. Where have I rubbed anything in your face? What has my nationality got to do with anything I've said to you?
  8. Most alcoholics deny being one. Not all want to stop. Easy test, if you want - have a wine cooler at 10 am, another at 2 pm, another at 6 pm and a half one at 10 pm. If you can do that, you are not an alkie.
  9. I've seen many, but they hadn't drank for some time, sometimes 50 years. I used to end up in hospital with Gastritis every time I drank, I would not east for days and drank 2 large bottles of Thai rum and a few Changs daily.
  10. Never heard a foreigner say , 'tabien baan see luang' and yellow is easier to know than housebook????
  11. You could have used your passport. Strangely, I couldn't use my UK passport as I didn't have a visa in it. Foreigners are complaining about not being able to get a vaccine at the same time as Thais whereas in Khon Kaen city, they got before me.
  12. My point was that the immigration never ask to see the yellow housebook, and certainly couldn't care about a pink card. I've seen them make a fool of a yank who showed them a pink card, but he knew nothing about it.
  13. Its a laugh, let it continue! Funny how some try to say you can do things like banking with just a pink card. The law states Thais can use their Ids but foreigners must show passport, end of.
  14. Dual pricing is practiced in most countries, and it most certainly isn't racist, as me getting the discounted price proves. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean you shouldn't follow the law, principles are everything.
  15. I had the pink card for a few years but was embarrassed to show it sometimes. Just another perspective from a Thai. When you live here a while, you'll see the social system is very hierarchical, and the look down on migrant workers. When they see farang with these cards they laugh, although some here refuse to accept that. For the sake of using it once every 5 years, plus the hassle of getting it, not worth it, IMHO
  16. When do immigration ask for proof of address? When I applied for a marriage visa, they still came round to see where I lived. Yellow house registry is not for immigration
  17. If you had principles, you wouldn't try to fool those on the gate, and pay the foreigner price.
  18. I always call it a housebook if talking with foreigners. Never hear foreigners using the Thai word for 'Work Permit', or 'DL' ????
  19. You had a pink non-Thai ID card in 2013? They started giving non migrant working foreigners them in 2016. Were you wearing a balaclava when applying?
  20. Immigration couldn't care about a Yellow housebooks, that some foreigners call 'tabien baan'. Happy, no way. The preer that foreigners stick to being foreigners and make their extorting easier. What banks did you open a credit card account with a YB, Pink ID, I find that extremely hard to believe.
  21. Don't tell the Pinkcarders that ???? I hear endlessly here about how their 'Thai ID' card gets them in certain places on certain flights etc. Fact is, a Driver's licence is good for those things. Some, if not many, seem to think that by getting a Thai driver's licence, or Pink ID card that they have somehow integrated into Thai society, which couldn't be further from the truth; it's more like a gold star on the arm, to separate non-Thais from Thais. Better just use your passport and learn to speak Thai as often my pink ID card was refused. Yellow book is useful for a few things. Don't believe those that say that they can open a bank account or do other things as you can't, unless the teller makes a mistake.
  22. What is it without the card? I think they give any discount mistakenly as they are not used to non-migrant workers having this card. It's about time foreigners on long term visas got another type of card
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