'Someone' has adopted a core element of Thainess without realising it. Say it straight man, shoot from the hip, call a spade a spade.
I think if we are talking about inventions etc, Scottishness would be more apt. After all, for a country of 6 million, we did more than our fair share, inventing things such as the telephone, TV, whisky, the US navy, Aussie Football, Ice hockey, tarmac roads, pneumatic tyres, penicillin, ether gas, the steam engine, the bicycle, the fundamentals of aircraft design, gas lighting, thermodynamics, cast steel, steel wire, roller printing, postage stamp, time(universal standard), temperature(Kelvin)the BBC, Gospel music, golf, logarithms, hypnotism, Gregorian telescope, Nobel gases, saline drip, hypodermic syringe, anesthesia, vaccines for many things, , fingerprinting, cloning mammals, ECG, insulin, chainsaw, fridge, toilet, vacuum flask, lawnmower, Irn Bru, Bank of England, Buick cars, colour photographs, friend chicken, to name a few.