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Posts posted by kropotkin

  1. I am very surprised how long some of the numbers are stated in this post about how little some people can live on - with a family!!!

    I am married but no kids, house and car paid for, only utilities to pay for and i would say i need at LEAST 70-80K a month to live comfortably....

    There is a BIG difference between existing and living!!


    maybe that is why some red shirted northerners are sometimes making excursions to BKK

  2. OK

    But we have to have a go at the French as well.

    Of course.

    We Chanthaburians have a score to settle with those frenchies - you do know the story of the chickens, don't you?

    And their dodgy maps started the border dispute anyways.

    Aux armes!!!!!

    But I hope they do not send that naked breasted flag waving woman into battle again though, Marianne is her name, we might get distracted and loose the battle.

  3. <deleted> means that the poster is rude for no reason.

    Is the rudeness induced by Leo? or Chang? or Kao Lao? Or is it chronical?

    We can only guess.

    Good one. Tonight it is Chang. Rude...?


    But, unless you have something on topic to say to the OP then do it.


    On topic only

    Which roughly translates as: "I've made a bit of a prat of myself and want to change the subject" rolleyes.gif

    NO, I never initiated any type of conversation, so why would I change it. The dude told me to go read the first post, I told him to <deleted> and stay on topic. Why does he feel the need to communicate with me.

    My message has never changed. <deleted> and address the topic.

    OP- My original message still stands. Give what you feel comfortable with.

    I understand your seeking advice and thats cool. Try asking your girlfriend what she does with the money.

    If you want advice, solicit it from people who are in similar situations.

    Krop's wife is 52 and probably hasn't raised kids in 40 yrs.

    His claim to fame on here is he travels from thread to thread talking about how he doesn't spend any money, well sometimes he likes to bash Thai's and personal religious beliefs.

    He'll also moan about wasting food. He likes to point out that at 56, he is a burden to his in-laws. Typical of his kind really.

    Moonraker- I don't think he lives in Thailand, I think he is khmer, therefore his wife and child could survive on a mouthful of spit for a month.

    Now I know your type of people like to stir up shit to feel good, high and mighty, and intellectual...

    But really, stay on topic or <deleted>.

    Now do it.

    You are so wrong.

    Wife is 55, and i am 59.

  4. I did read it. <deleted> if you have nothing to say to the OP.

    Read it again.

    In post 1 the OP asks what is a reasonableamount to live on. He does not want psychological advise.

    In post 4 the OP says that he feels he is sending rather much.

    In my posts i said 6.000 is the average wage, to be compared to the 25.000 the OP sends, i think that is a usefull answer to the OP.

    And what does <deleted> mean?

  5. The farm workforce consisted of my girl and her daughter.

    As I have removed them from the farm it is no longer workable, leaving MIL with a non-operational farm.

    So I thought it only right to give her some cash, but in exchange she agreed to leave the entire property to my girl.

    The alternative, me living and working on the farm in the back end of beyond was to awful too contemplate.


    I apologize for being nosy and for doubting you.

    Please do not tell RAUL.

    Hasta la victoria siempre!

  6. Cheap?

    It is more than a visa costs and you would pay them for their service and it is easy to do by yourself.

    Please don't post in capslock, it is considered shouting and unpolite.

    This is Thailand.

    In Belgium at the Thai embassy, you pay administration costs for free tourist visas - turning "free" into 50% discount.

    And they do the "thai bureaucrat thing" : nobody speaks english or french or dutch, but there is a very helpfull man around....

    The guy has a 5 euro note in his claw, just to make things clear for newbies.

    But i agree: visa stuff SHOULD be easy to do by yourself.

  7. But most thai do not live a hiso lifestyle.

    Safer? Does that word have a thai translation?

    Life is a supermarket? Take what you like, leave the rest on the shelves?

    Take "it is thai culture" when it suits you /// take "oh no, we are farang" when it suits you?

    Believe it or not, but i am not telling you what is right or wrong, i am searching for answers.

    Bur at least, i have questions, said the philosopher.

    And. I do know that i do not know. Therefore i know more then most other people.

    Sorry, it's not "Hi So", it's just a middle class problem. If you don't know it, traffiic is a nightmare is Bangkok

    Pls be aware that what you do know is ... so pls be modest in your assumption

    i do not understand what you mean.

    please elaborate.

    I am still waiting for your explanation.

    Perhaps I am thick.

    But at least I am not rude.

  8. Most Thais only earn about 6000baht a month. obviously the professionals will earn more but in general its about 300baht a day.Does that put things in prospective for you .

    a mia noi will expect to earn more, especially if her employer is farang.

    Get yourself out in to the real Thailand and look at the factory's full of Burmese and the rest working for half the pay a Thai will get.

    i agree with you 100% - why do you seem to disagree with me?

    Again: why do you seem to disagree with me?

  9. Bangkok, private school, [several] van that goes around and picks up a small group of kids from each area and drives them home after the day is over.

    Not cheap, but safer.


    But most thai do not live a hiso lifestyle.

    Safer? Does that word have a thai translation?

    Life is a supermarket? Take what you like, leave the rest on the shelves?

    Take "it is thai culture" when it suits you /// take "oh no, we are farang" when it suits you?

    Believe it or not, but i am not telling you what is right or wrong, i am searching for answers.

    Bur at least, i have questions, said the philosopher.

    And. I do know that i do not know. Therefore i know more then most other people.

    Sorry, it's not "Hi So", it's just a middle class problem. If you don't know it, traffiic is a nightmare is Bangkok

    Pls be aware that what you do know is ... so pls be modest in your assumption

    i do not understand what you mean.

    please elaborate.

  10. 1k/month when the wife (the kids mom) and the husband both live (and work?) in the west in insane. How is the transfer done? The fee must be as big as the money being wired...

    My son is 4 and his ride to school cost 3.5k per month...


    Blimey that's high!

    Bangkok, private school, [several] van that goes around and picks up a small group of kids from each area and drives them home after the day is over.

    Not cheap, but safer.


    But most thai do not live a hiso lifestyle.

    Safer? Does that word have a thai translation?

    Life is a supermarket? Take what you like, leave the rest on the shelves?

    Take "it is thai culture" when it suits you /// take "oh no, we are farang" when it suits you?

    Believe it or not, but i am not telling you what is right or wrong, i am searching for answers.

    Bur at least, i have questions, said the philosopher.

    And. I do know that i do not know. Therefore i know more then most other people.

  11. Best way to go:

    Check the price with several internet agents.

    Check the price on the hotel's website.

    Next have a thai phone the hotel - usually that will give you the cheapest rate, be sure to let the thai speaker make the booking on your name, to avoid discussion about the price afterwards.

    Not married to a thai? Pay a thai 100 baht......(or more, depending on how much you save).

    And if you are not living in Thailand:

    Do not worry about finding a hotel room, no need to book in advance, except perhaps around New Year.

    Find hotels on the internet, write down their phone numbers, buy a sim at the airport, and pay 100 baht to a thai to phone the hotel for you from the airport.

    Tired after the flight? Relax at Magic Food downstairs the terminal, cheap & delicious & an excellent introduction to real Thailand.

    The girls that work there wil be happy to make a phone call for you - do not forget the 100 baht (or more, would be good for your karma 555).

  12. May one ask why the OP is asking?

    No probs,

    I'm currently sending over 25000Bht per month. An amount which I have always thought a bit steep. But with no real experience of living in the bush to ascertain what is a reasonable amount I have found it hard to make an informed estimaite and make any changes.

    That is why I am asking for as many replies as possible.

    Hope that helps.


    I give my MIL 3,200bht a month to live on. She has her own house (hut)

    That gives her a life of luxury, according to her and her envious neighbours.

    I am told that 5,000bht a month would be plenty to support a woman and child in a village setting.

    Village wages 100bht a day (3,000bht a month)

    School is free in Thailand.


    You have posted many sensible posts.


    You GIVE your MIL 3.200 a month?


    Can you give me some too?

    My kwai is sick, i love you, i am a lazy bum, you are rich and i am poor, i could put bad thoughts into your wife's head, i need to make merrit by feeding the monks, and so on.

    Anyway, i always preferred CHE over Fidel.

  13. What money did your gf live on before you met her?

    Does she work now? If not, why not?

    Is it your child? If not, it is somebody else's reponsability.

    Why do westerners think that they have to support thai?

    We are not NGO's.

    Unless of course you are in a serious relationship - but first develop a serious relationship, next start to support your partner.

    Sending money that equals 5 normal wages seems over the top.

    Unless of course you just want sex, in that case i hope you get a good return on your money.

    No need to answer me, and i am not telling you what to do, just food for thought.....

  14. Best way to go:

    Check the price with several internet agents.

    Check the price on the hotel's website.

    Next have a thai phone the hotel - usually that will give you the cheapest rate, be sure to let the thai speaker make the booking on your name, to avoid discussion about the price afterwards.

    Not married to a thai? Pay a thai 100 baht......(or more, depending on how much you save).

  15. Most Thais only earn about 6000baht a month. obviously the professionals will earn more but in general its about 300baht a day.Does that put things in prospective for you .

    a mia noi will expect to earn more, especially if her employer is farang.

    Get yourself out in to the real Thailand and look at the factory's full of Burmese and the rest working for half the pay a Thai will get.

    i agree with you 100% - why do you seem to disagree with me?

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