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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Yep, only blue.... It had the engine crank handle & separate spare tire compartment under the trunk = unique....
  2. 1st driving car was a 56 Chevy 1st car I bought off a lot was a TR-3B which was fun to drive - I recarbed, barreled & cammed it.... Reworked the rear suspension. It turned out to be quite capable.... Even scored a few times on that ridiculously small back seat....A win for those teenage hormones.... That car taught me how to pull & repair the trans (x3) - it was it's weak spot.... My dog loved riding in it with the top down, he'd lay his head down toward the trunk/boot & watch the traffic & scenery go by....Took it all over California....Everything from fishing/camping to sports car runs..... Wish I still had it....Good memories
  3. No pics - Ham, eggs, homemade toast, mini waffles..... With avocado & pomelo on the side.... Plus, my wife added a couple of ribs from her dish from a recent lunch at the Dukes.....
  4. Oddly enough, I just made a purchase using the SCB banking app about 30 minutes ago before seeing this..... It worked seamlessly.....
  5. I just submitted mine there last Monday, receiving the one month visa while they "check" toward issuing the eleven months visa..... This is the 3rd year we've used that office.... It's a busy place.... I'm not a fan of that mall or it's parking but, at least, it offers diversions.....
  6. At times it seems to sometimes wink out & not show as available..... Then, a day or two later, it becomes an option again.... I've noticed it a few times.....
  7. I have Bangkok Bank & SCB.....Both apps work in the US using my phone and available wifi..... I know it's not a exact match but at least it's an example.... Be sure to let the banks know your travel dates.....
  8. Lazada shows a few.... About 10 years ago I decided my SUV needed a roof rack and had one installed = I've used it maybe 3 or 4 times.... Used mostly to spot the car in large parking lots.....
  9. Zero - she has the right to her own thoughts.....And, she's strong enough to stand up with her beliefs..... It's probably best this came up & you're rid of each other..... She's a strong, thinking woman.....
  10. At 53 my daughter (rip) told me my white beard made me now look too old.....I'd had a beard every moment of her life .... I then shaved it for a few years,.. I've since gone into goatee mode .... Me, happier days, not knowing what the future held in store.....
  11. Breakfast burritos with eggs, stir fried spicy pork on the wife's homemade tortillas & with hot salsa...... Veggies & fresh fruit available as side dishes.....
  12. The two undecipherable accents I've found impossible to understand enough to even try to converse is: A full on Scottish brogue A full on Cajun accent
  13. This is ribbitting.....🐸 I think Calaveras County still holds yearly frog races..... It's not easy being green....
  14. How many dogs does the OP have? He cites, "2 of".... Are they contained, trained, & managed? What's the history? Have the dogs chased down cyclists, walkers, children, or threatened anybody? Chased chickens or livestock?
  15. From the USA - live here with my wife & daughters, 24 and 17..... Spent Sept 23-Jan 24 in the US RVing in/seeing 14 states.... We will probably repeat that this year with different sights to see.... I'm 77 now - I think we (wife/RV/me) still have a couple (or a few) more trips left in us..... Everything's all stocked up & waiting on us..... I do tire of the bashing of US expats....If I meet somebody that's an a$$h-le it's a one & done for me..... Don't paint us all with the same wide brush.....
  16. 2 Fried eggs & pork, with homemade toasted bread with grape jelly - 4 pc....A glass of non-fat milk... My wife also made a vegetable soup of which I had a bowl.... Then, as I'm finishing up, and full - she pops this dish of fruit in front of me - "eat this too, it's good for you"..... Basically, if I want to eat anything that's bad for me, I usually go out & to eat.... My wife works hard to provide a healthy "menu" variety for us....
  17. The Thai Railroad tracks and displays each train en route.... This is on their official website.... I've found it helpful for coordinating the pick up times of people traveling to our station....
  18. My SCB VISA "PLANET" card has my name on it..... It's not a debit card....It is a Visa card you load up from your other accounts over the SCB app... I've used it during international travel & experienced no problem.... My Bangkok Bank debit card has no name displayed & was not very useful during our travels....My SCB debit card was accepted 90-95% of the time.... We RV in the states almost 100% so only used hotels about 6 times during 6 months travel, so limited experience.... Side note... In the greater SF bay area the hotels are clustered with illegal immigrants just hanging around the hotels & grounds with nothing much to do except no good....Not a very safe feeling environment for personal/vehicle well-being.....
  19. It was the 2nd landing attempt..... I'm wondering why they didn't foam the runway.....
  20. Oh thank heaven for 7/11..... You can do a lot more health damage there for 50-100฿ than you can in any fast food place..... Ample choices, a big selection, and drive/motorcy in & out quickly with no waiting..... Thais used to eat grapes, oranges, apples, and fruit & healthy stuff for snacks..... Now, it's fast, prepackaged garbage..... Proving, we/they are what we/they eat..... The "beauty" landscape has shifted accordingly, (and quickly) - not for the better.....
  21. Yes, in a neighbourly context....We all are friendly & help each other as needed.... I'm out walking the dog and the ladies like to stop & chat ....Some of them like to high 5 as we pass..... It's probably 2 for one ladies versus men in our Mubaan.....Most all are long term owners, many retired government - so not much turn over.... The men aren't that talkative but pass with greetings/nods/wave/wais ...... But , I wouldn't file all that in my definition of "friend"...... We do dine out a bit, but don't frequent clubs or much in the way of social circles, clubs, etc...... I'm more outgoing than my wife, but I'm not a glad hander, work the room type..... I guess we're happy with the way things are.... We own our home so it's unlikely much is going to change.... Less people, less drama & complications...... I've always been accepted just about everywhere I've been.....No burning need to be any different than I am......
  22. Merry Christmas, and a Happy & Prosperous New Year from our house to yours..... A fav bluesy Christmas tune - blast from the past.... Merry Christmas Baby - long cut 🌲 🎁 Be safe out there....
  23. pgrahmm

    Mad Dog Fire

    Finding non smoking seating always was a problem there.....
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