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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. My wife's TDL is also valid for life..... It's never been questioned when renting a vehicle during international travel.....
  2. Possibly, however, of the 2 others I tried 1 kept giving false information with attitude & the other one was inept causing redo delays = sticking to the tried and true - for about a 2k฿ difference.....
  3. Don't know & never heard of them.... I used a few & have settled in with Assist Thai Visa on Chiang Mai Land Rd..... Cherine is very knowledgeable & helpful.....
  4. Home made wheat with powdered garlic, onion, + oregano....No preservatives or chemicals..... We'll also pick up a loaf of sourdough once in awhile.....
  5. There's a surviving bowling alley here?
  6. I'm going to refer you to this Dr....He did my hip & salvaged a friend's shoulder & arm from 0% to 80%+....Pre COVID he rotated between TH, Dubai, & Japan every month - very high world-wide standing .... My feeling is, if he does not do spinal, he can refer you to the the best in CM.... As you're not getting much response, this should be a solid lead/choice .... English speaking....His office is close to Ravajet (sp) hospital....
  7. A few of Mike's body punches getting through & he'll be open to the upper cut to the face - down Jake goes.....
  8. I don't see any "co" dependency here.....You are receiving nothing positive in return.... Go, start your own life while you still can, or they will bleed you into an early grave.....
  9. Contact Tonn at ProAuto & ask for a referral.....
  10. Yes, it's amazing the beauty revealed at many of the celebrations out in rural Thailand.....
  11. The older the masseuse, usually, the more beneficial the massage.... The eye candy masseuses generally have other ideas....
  12. Nah - bacon wrapped filet mignon bbq'd in a wood smoker wet smoked Chinese style....Hickory, Mesquite, with possibly a dash of Apple.....With a brush down of your garlic over some light slices in the meat until the desired done-ness....Then serve with drawn butter on the side to dip while eating.....If lobster happens to be also on the menu they share the same preparing nicely...... Baked potato settles onto the grill nicely too ..... Side salad during the process.... This was a highly successful go to weekly bbq/wet smoker meal after concluding the work week at my townhouse in San Jose.....Pleasant memories shared with some lady visitors - some schedule & some not..... Thinking about it now, that was a good era in my life....It was a good area then - no idea how it is now.... All that for a steak recipe.... Thanks for the memories....
  13. The last I heard, Eric lives someplace around the town of Ojai, CA with his (much younger) wife.....He dabbles about, occasionally singing publicly..... He seems comfortable & happy in his semi active twilight years..... Many of us fall into the same mold, just a few continents apart..... In the interview, he seems to be happy, enjoying his life while savoring a nice vintage wine.... Kudos..... Note: I'm not sure how the accompanying pic got separated.....
  14. It's been a while since I've been there.....I used a tuktuk there..... It's really spread out so there has to be some songthaews running routes.... There's a train station, which should offer some options....
  15. There's video posted online of dark skinned men hunting/catching, then carrying the dead geese away while walking down a sidewalked street.... Unless it was taken down by the "unbiased 😂" press.... The geese are probably used to being hand fed, making them easier to poach....
  16. I eat 2 meals a day....Breakfast between 830 & 10ish....Then no later than 2pm.....Over the last 2 years I have gone from 117k (194cm) to my target of 90k.....It took about 4-6 months to start seeing results..... Breakfast is usually a good sized meal.... Sometimes I am not hungry in the afternoon so forgo that meal..... There's really no hunger pangs & I eat what I want.... My wife does a good job of creating a healthy, balanced diet plan.... Initially, there were some hunger pangs, but my body adjusted to the new routine.... Once upon a time I tried fasting on Sundays, but found that wasn't really doing anything for me .... Years of sports wear and tear on my knees helped prompt the weight loss campaign.... Note: I occasionally will have an evening snack if conjured up by a daughter, but not often.... If any snacking is to be had, it's before the 2pm "break"..... While I was never fat, I am quicker & more agile.....The walking gait/motion seems smoother....
  17. We have a combo gym/wardrobe/library room with a big screen (that we never use) & a convertible sofa....We use this for our quiet space.... Smokey's room.....
  18. I'm a baseball fan....It makes no difference to me if the sideline reporter asking a few questions is male or female.... However, I've yet to hear a female play by play broadcaster that I can stand to listen to for more the a few minutes.....It completely turns off the game for me.....
  19. Are ballots available?
  20. I usually wake up & out walking the dog 630/645-ish..... Breakfast sometime between 900/1030......The 2nd & last meal by 1400..... Usually in bed by 2100/2145 & roll over to sleep about 2300.....
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