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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Out of the work environment for quite a while....possibly there explanations, phrases, or word usage that might be more helpful to use here - a Thai slant to it.....

    to quote a previous poster

    From one of your previous posts, you started a new job the a 5 year contract last June. Didn't work out?

    I was offering a suggestion as to why the OP might want his resume updated by a Thai/BKK service......guess the 5 year plan didn't "work" out.....me/myself/I haven't forgotten how to work - - - - but I'm trying to.......

  2. Well as typical this thread took a path that most of these threads usually do. Many points have been made about low cost housing in the US. I agree they exist but they are not in places many would want to live so its moot IMHO. Heck you could buy a few rai and a small old Teak home for dirt cheap but doubt many foreigners would want to do it.

    In the end foreigners are in Thailand for their own personal reasons. We are not all here for the same ones that's for sure. The OP is young I agree, but he gained very valuable experience for later in life. I suspect once he settles back down he will make some adjustments. His venting here on TV wasn't bad. Its how he felt and saw it all. As I have mentioned I am in the states right now(California to be specific) in the heart of Silicon Valley. When my wife first landed it was brutal sticker shock on most everything. Now after being here for awhile she has done some very careful assessments and of course reports it back to her sister. Below are some of her thoughts as she spouted them off at me while I typed this

    Biggest Cons: Housing costs/ Rents, Can never really own your house due to property taxes. taxes taken from paycheck, property tax, sales tax, medical insurance fees, car insurance fees, fees to own vehicles, virtually no public transportation, Environmental charges when buying anything electronic or plastic, processed foods and packaged meats, Cell bill ($158 a month for 2 teles and locked into a 2 year contract with huge fees if you exit early), too many stop lights, No daily markets to go get fresh food in the morning, rude people and bad drivers, Going out to dinner costs way too much for what you get(She laughs at Thai restaurants and what they charge and most is not even authentic Thai food), not enough holidays, airfare is too expensive, ocean water is too cold. Crab and lobster way to expensive.

    Biggest Pros: Mild temperatures, nice roads, good fruit variety, easy to find a job even if over 40, can return anything after you buy it if you do not like it, Lots to go see and do(But at a steep price), wine selection, low cost high quality clothing and linens, Victoria Secret (555), online ordering, car selection

    Things she doesn't understand: Why they spend millions of tax payers dollars on sidewalks here and nobody walks anywhere, or on big parks that very few use, or huge parking lots that are empty or why they build new buildings for businesses when hundreds sit empty. Why people are so wasteful and inconsiderate, She has a hard time with the mix of immigrants, She struggles with loud rude Viets and Chinese and pushy Indians. She does not understand all the Mexicans that clean peoples yards and use leaf blowers to just blow it all out in the street only to have it blow into other peoples yards. She thinks its hilarious to watch people walk their dogs and have to pick up their poop or get a fine.

    In the end I am glad we were able to come this way for awhile while I work. I wanted my wife to see the "Real" US not what the media portrays as the best place to live on the planet. The company paid for her to move with me here and it is for a manageable period of time. We both agree( after numerous heart to heart talks) we like our life way better back in Thailand. We could stay here no problem but we feel our quality of life will suffer and that I would have to work until I die to sustain the COL. Plus we would have to cram life into weekends and feel exhausted because we had to rush everywhere we go. Its funny, we have taken some weekend trips and after they were done we had some great pictures but did not enjoy the trip as much as we could have because I had to return to work. The cost to get away is extremely high. Most people get 2 weeks a year to go relax and see things. That's not much time. Sadly when you finally can retire you are too old to go off and do things as most have medical issues now of some sort.

    Anyway I took the time to post this to be clear, I do not hate the US. There are many things I love about it, In fact its a GREAT place to visit quite honestly. I just find I get a bigger bang for my dollar in Thailand, live with way less stress and live life on my terms. Here in the states someone always has their hand in my pocket. FWIIW, My burn rate here renting a little house, 2 cars, all other expenses costs me roughly 150,000 baht a month not counting any entertainment. Add in entertainment and any shopping and that number quickly goes over 200,000 baht. That does not include what I have to give out of my check to the Fed and State. In Thailand my wife and I live very very well on 25,000 to 35,000 as we have no debt because our home and vehicles are paid for.

    Excellent post - what also takes effect is the fact that 35-40+% is taken out of your paycheck before it gets to you....then everything you touch or consume is taxed at a minimum 9.75% decreasing your spendable income by another minimum 10% as there are hidden/entertainment/county/bond/roadway taxes hidden in many ways including the doubling of the price of gasoline.....so effectively you're adding another 65,000 or more a month that has to overcome that - which of course the more you earn the higher the tax bracket.....if you think traffic is bad in LOS - try silicon valley 101-680-580-880-17......

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  3. these besotted men and their personal attacks. Pffft!

    I am sure they will graduate from the Caribou University of Thai ladies one day though after they have been bled dry, but at least they can't say they have not been warned.

    There are no warning labels on Thai women like "predators may damage your wealth" , I know.

    Just read thaivisa to learn the realities of simple women here.

    I would say this to you - some "men" are so besotted with themselves and their outlook on life in general that they simply are unable to recognize, attract, keep/hold a woman of quality....they simply settle for women that are very much like themselves.......and then go on to share from their vast pool of knowledge - it's a magnificent pool - 100 yards by 100 yards and 1 inch deep at the deep end.......

    Then the script is pre-written......the women around you recognize you simply for what you are.....

    Thank you for dazzling us with your life.....

  4. Of course the Thai women will never give one baht to you if you say that Your family are sick, to them it is a one way street, with you paying the toll for "entering" that Street, so to speak.

    They will give you nothing, only take.

    I find you completely and totally incorrect........In my experience......

    It must be the ilk you hang with.....

    Also - thank you for taking a happy thread and trying to reduce it to your level......that's why some have dropped out/away - you have served your purpose & I am sure you've reconciled it some way and justifiably proud of yourself.......of course misery loves company so you will feel free to toddle off and ruin other constuctive threads so go and enjoy your miserable self......single handed sailor.....

    Maybe you should keep a journal of your daily thoughts - write for a couple of months there instead of TVF - then you could review them and just depress yourself - because what you think is not worth anybody elses time.....

    Hopefully - we are never in the same room.......

    OK - I'm done = flame on.....carry on in your misery and gloom.....mind the mushrooms growing around you.....

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    OP you lived in thailand did you work in thailand and earn thai wages?

    Because of the exchange rates between the USD and bht the costs would seem much cheaper for you.

    I got by on about 40,000-50,000 baht a month from my internet biz. I had TONS of money for fun. There was never a dull night. I lived like a Thai and blew the rest on vice. Could never do that here.

    If America is such a sh#thole, and Thailand so great ....Why move back to the US???whistling.gif
    The reason I may have to go back is to give my kids some opportunity at a quality education! I love it here!

    Home school.....

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    No flippin' way that house is in North Point near Fishermans Wharf...constrution is wrong as well as the skyline for SF's oldest area....look more Arizona construction but might be somewhere in the Sacramento valley area....the plants, soil, building is all wrong for SF... .an apartment in NP will run you 4,000 USD.rent.....maybe Vallejo you can find something of you like risking your life by going outside....and that would be at 2x the $60,000 example house minimum...

    Is Vallejo still that way? I was there 40 years ago and it was that way then.

    Yes - there's a triangle of cities Vallejo, Oakland, & Richmond that are always in the top 10 most dangerous cities in the US...one year were 1-3-5....the areas around them are infested problems too and you still are probably a minimum of 200K for a house...had a fellow ball player shot dead in Oakland - why? because he was white and driving through it....the Marines will not allow recruiting stations there because of the risks....the OP is going to find USA is not the same as when he left.....in one bay area city at a stop light (mixed, mostly asian area - but mixed) I had a group of black toughs circling my car taunting me in a 2 ton suv and I'm not little a little guy either but I'm while like a light bulb - I could have over reacted and moved the car quickly but probably would have been hosed with bullets with them saying I tried to run them down.....there's a full on ethnic war zone going on in many areas of the US - you do not hear about it unless it's white on black - never the other way.....it's gotten worse since the man in charge seems to want it that way...giving license.....have some friends retired from Chevron - the refinery they say it was not unsual at all to be shot at driving to and from work.....(within 15 straight miles of SF)......A LOT of the prices you pay there are not $$$$$ - witness the huge amount of anxiety meds being RX'd in the US.....glad I'm here.....

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