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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. Carry mine on the opposite side as the folding money....I buy walking shorts and 3/4 length with one zippered front cargo pocket for the wallet....not always on the same side so have to remember or do the side slap thing to locate......

    Only carry wallet - keys - change/folding money - cell phone <> no need for the man giggle.gif purse thing - ever.....

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    OP, I do understand your anger and frustration.

    Just for a moment, forget she is in Pattaya and what she is doing.

    You seem you liked her very much.

    She liked you also, and that is the reason she did not reveal to you her real trade.

    But, I believe you should give her a chance.

    May be she will be the best wife and carring mother for your children.

    Thousands of farangs got married to bar girls and they had a wonderful life after.

    Please don't ignore her, give her another chance.

    Yia sou Ke Kosta,

    The problem is that she also lied to him about how long she has been living in Pattaya. From my perspective it is very difficult to trust someone in the future who is lying. Lying is usually a bad omen when it comes to relationships in my experience.

    Just saying.....


    Good advice from yiannis - on the first - I don't know ..... personally I don't think I'd like to be out and about with a woman that has probably sucked the c**K of a good % of the men walking/passing on the street and around town - let alone end up back in her village (where she started this) someday where everyone one in the village will know exactly who and how and for how long she was doing/learning the same there......many farang men are probably the village joke/clown without being aware.....especially if there are a few special "brothers" sprinkled about.....not something that would appeal to me......imo - some things have to be thought out an reconciled completely.....

  3. Ridden many a bike in my day and for many years.....will not ride on LOS - too many unaware + uncertain drivers coupled with outright bad/dangerour/unpredictable drivers.....you're only as alive as your balance and luck against the odds.....I prefer 2 tons of strong SUV surrounding me + I know the steering wheel always is towards the middle line and I'm in the right lane....the couple of times I rode a few years back I had a tendancy once in a great while to pull to the US side of the road.......

    I'd thought a few times about getting another big bike but it always seems when I have that urge there's a picture of sliced and diced road kill posted within a few days.....passed an accident with a motorbike yesterday - the lucky guy was still alive - his face/head/hairline looked like it was sandpapered to raw meat everywhere and he was unable to get off the ground - and he was a lucky one - no other vehicle in sight so I am guessing he just go cut off and went down.......

    He'll be scarred up....for life - but will probably ride again until he ends it.....a very high % of the fatalies on the road (85-89%?) are from being on bikes......

    The concrete remains undefeated.....

  4. They are going somewhere....had a whole neighborhood get very quiet and dry up after the clamp down started....none of them were old enough for retirerment visas and no Thai wives/husbands....also no work schedule or routine anyone could pin point....also not friendly or talkative outside their own.....as soon a the border runs were enforced = gone.....



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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    After working in the service industry in various forms I believe every word. People are unbelievable and they don't realize the only thing they achieve by bickering about pocket change is making a fool out of themselves. Poor noodle lady anyhow!

    Yes, some people get off by talking down to other people. I've always felt sorry for people I. the service industry, the way some people talk to them and act. SHOCKING.

    I. surprised there's not more cases of people being bashed to death by waitress trays and the like.

    Must admit ND I went postal once when I ordered a takeaway cheeseburger at McD's and there wasn't a burger inside just cheese.

    Probably added 20 minutes more to your life expectancy......whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn ....use it wisely......

    • Like 1
  6. Are there any loving moments together - touching, cuddling, or laughter or are you like two separate identities that happen to share the saem space.....Thai gals can be quiet and introspective but this is usually offset by genuine touching and caring qualities.....

    It's possible SHE has been controlled in her life before and is doing her best not to let it happen again while obviously sharing all that she has openly with you.....

    You could have an unpolished diamond there.....try learning Thai while she is working....maybe she is unsure what you are doing in her working hours....maybe you've turned quiet no tow an you are a couple of mysteries orbiting each other......

    Good luck.....show her plenty of love.....

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  7. To me it always seems to be the younger ones that have sour expressions.....I've always thought maybe the first "job" situation and some structure is in order.....maybe first exposure to farangs.....maybe the first time around a job environment away from a family business......maybe they just discovered they cannot play and do what they like all the time but actually have to work to provide for themselves and possibly family.....maybe they're ticked because everyone of their friends are playing with their smart phones and they don't have one yet.....

    It just doesn't happen in Thailand - there's sourpusses manning counters in every country.....

    • Like 1
  8. Pay the tax......there's only a certain amount of time it can stay there at no charge....if it's in a container demurrage charges + storage fees that can be around 40-50,000B mine was 38,650 demurrage a month.....


    That's one of the ways the cost got so high while I was fighting to bring in a car that was in the container.....at one point they wanted to keep the household stuff too......I went through attorneys, agents, even tried to get the OK to reship to another country for friends to store......


    This part of the system is slanted so badly prevailing is costly even if you should somehow win.....

  9. Yes - we have to look horrible to them - we went to 7 Waterfalls - there are signs all over the place asking that people dress in an appropriate manner with showing proper versus improper......On that day the place was full of farang in their 50's-70's in bikinis - women & men in speedos with bleached out hair and bloated white bodies all over the place - clearly disrespectful and revolting - I took some pics but erased them - I didn't want that in my my memory.....I wondered why the authorities didn't offer them something to cover up or usher them out......sad thing to see/witness.....

    <<<<<Quote - before my post>>>>>
    For too long fools and idiots have ruined things for good people. There's many good people in this forum who have been caught up in a system which is trying to make things difficult for the bad. If a tidier Thailand existed in relation to mis behaving foreigners, that would improve the outlook for all.

    For too long, trash has hidden out in LOS, they're not helping anyone but themselves and they truely make it harder for everyone. One bad politician makes many look bad. One corrupt Police Officer or govt official makes many look bad.

    The other day I saw two 'foreigner's'. getting it on ontop of a Buddha statue, it came to me through a Thai acquaintance. It made me very sad. There was a lot of anger amoungst Buddhist Thai people over this and the constant word being used was 'farang'. NOW BEFORE anyone gets upset, I'm not suggesting these people were long term residents but I will tell you what Thai people were seeing was a foreigner disrespecting something very important to them.

    There's examples of long term expats looking very bad in Thailand, I don't need to mention which towns.


  10. You know.....I haven't read through the thread but on face value (ND aside - guess he lost his and is not sure when or where)......it's creating a witch hunt situation and could be used as retribution under some circumstances even if the person was valid......almost like bad talk against the royal family only easier to clear up with paperwork.....


    I agree - it will be a nicer world/country when/if the riff raff closes the door on the way out......but almost like a Thai on Thai argument probably best to stay clear..... 

  11. I think anything that can be construed as working and taking a job away from a Thai is not allowed.....as you are the "helper" not the owner or primary they might interpret it as a problem....I think construction - in this case could be seen as reconstruction/refitting is prohibited....


    Some things we took for granted at home might be a problem here.....handy work is enjoyable.....


    If you are out of sight maybe OK but I wouldn't reccommend carrying a bunch of tools or supplies in and being seen......

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    All we've done is reheat pizza = good // made some improptu pizza with sour dough bread and pizza ingredients many times and worked just fine // with a squarish pan I'm sure it work just fine.....

    I did use it one time to steam whane our BBQ wet smoker broke a hose (which I am still trying to find) I finished the chicken in the oven filling the pan with water to steam.....was a little nervous of all the steam but both the oven and I + the chicken/food survived.....probably not a good thing to make a habit of for many reasons but it did rescue that meal with people waiting.....

    sour dough pizza....is that original?

    My sour dough bread starter culture always got thrown into the junk by the home-maid alt=facepalm.gif>

    Nope = not original but great stuff....raised in the SF bay area - french Dad/family who's family at one time owned the only french bakery in town....was raised on sour dough and can't imagine a world without it.......either can my Thai wife.....there's a place not far from SFO that does one better putting it on Greek crust with sourdough spun in also - best pizza I ever had (Zorba's in Millbrae, CA).....

  13. All we've done is reheat pizza = good // made some improptu pizza with sour dough bread and pizza ingredients many times and worked just fine // with a squarish pan I'm sure it work just fine.....

    I did use it one time to steam whane our BBQ wet smoker broke a hose (which I am still trying to find) I finished the chicken in the oven filling the pan with water to steam.....was a little nervous of all the steam but both the oven and I + the chicken/food survived.....probably not a good thing to make a habit of for many reasons but it did rescue that meal with people waiting.....

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