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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. We got a Pajero as we have two little kids, need the space, enjoy the safety factor, and it's not insanely expensive (1.2mb).

    It also runs on diesel, which is cheaper.


    + 1 for the Pajero - been driving them since the 80's on and off road in 3 different areas of the world....have seen them roll and or land on the roof - turn them back over & let the fluids drain down and away they go usually with a cracked windshield (we ususally had to pool our AAA cards for the other 4x4's that tried to come along due to carnage) - these are very strong cars.....had someone hit in Calif by a drunk driver in a dually 3/4 ton Ford F350 - the drunk was doing 70 MPH down hill when he lost it - hit head on to the Montero doing 55-60 going uphill - everyone survived....many reports over the years of these stout cars giving it up while keeping their owners alive/safe under accident conditions.....that's what I drive in LOS (diesel also) and although I may not have the mobility many espouse sometimes trading armor for mobilty has proven fatal more often than not when push comes to crunch.....I like driving a vehicle that sits high for visibilty reasons - if I'm not driving as squirrelly or as fast as the more mobile cars so be it....I can get 650+ k per tank (important to me) and usually keep rolling along while their getting topped off......

    In the states had 3 vehicles - Montero/Pajero = fun car could go anywhere feeling safe.....Lexus sports car I drove thoughout the western states participating in sports - extremely quick for a production car and very agile - but I never felt completely safe - a lot had to do with limited visibilty compared to the other vehicles even though the mileage was great as well as the fun of pure driving.....car 3 is a Toyota 4 Runner - same safety rating as the MB 400 (highest at time of production) - this is used for touring and towing and has all the airbags and curtains + a capable 4x4 for adverse conditions (important to me) - of all the vehicles this is what I feel safest in.....have driven the Fortunas (not avail in US) and they are not very solid feeling or impressive.....Did had a Hilux 4 door 4x4 Diesel here in LOS for 2 years and felt safe in that but not very good on twisty wet roads.....

  2. I have experienced this also......

    Best sentence used to describe it to me = there are NO secrets in Thailand......and Thai women love to be intuitive/chat/tattle/spy/assume/share/alert.....

    I have noticed that people you know and haven't seen for a millenium pop up when you least expect it (if you see them at all)......now they all have smart phones/cameras/video.....and are not shy about asking other Thai's about almost anything.....

    If their police forces were this effective Thailand would be crime free.....1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

    • Like 2
  3. In my view the median age of bargirls over the last decade has increased in the order of 10 years.

    Well....so are you - maybe when you were younger they just looked younger......with the crowd they hang with it ages someone pretty quickly - even with those stunning beautiful Thai genes that help women look younger for decades.....

    One thing I've noticed is gals have started to adopt a "western culture" attitude with wearing more make up - on that beautiful Thai skin it actually detracts instead of enhancing......I'm sure it would be a losing battle trying to convince them of that......

  4. It does not apply now but a few years ago it did and I was one of 2 farangs within a 15 mile radius....the other farang is a great friend and person.....I quite enjoyed the temple and village parties - had I known more of the ground rules then I could have found some delicious trouble to get into....however I - being quite visible would never know who might have taken offense if I (as tempted to) made moves with some of the gals & found myself in more trouble country style than it would have been worth.......did manage a fun time or three anyway.....

    I was 28 k away from a major city with all the entertainment I'd ever want to find - when I wanted it......

  5. Started in the time of Alley - Og & Ug.......at first the round orbs were hard to find.....they noticed that a dinosaur or bird egg would roll but when they started hitting them with their clubs to try and invent golf, cricket, bowling, and baseball it got messy and attracted predators, flies, and angry dinosaurs & birds that noticed their eggs were missing.....one day they happened by a volcano and found one shaped like a donut.... Og and Ug didn't like it because it was hard to roll when hit by a stick.....Alley - who's last name was Firestone put it in his cave thinking it might be proven useful later......

    They continued their search until one day they tripped on a round orb....they noticed right away it was different from the other rocks they hit about because they could no longer play on a hillside because they had to chase the damn thing forever........so they made a playing field - which they had to level - thus the term "level" the playing field.....eventually poked holes in the field and drew lines so they could do different things with the orbs using different sticks.....all went well until they invented lawyers and then rules were created which put limits on scoring and how long a game could last (except for cricket which never ends)....as time went on they used shells to barter to sell and buy tickets - pretty soon the demand outstripped available venues and inflation was invented.....with inflation then came volleyball, football, and basketball soon became the rage and bats & sticks had competition for the for the shells, sheckles, and metal bits of the fan base......Og and Ug went on to franchise sports entertainment as we now know it......Alley was never any good at sports - one day he was in his cave scratching his balls when his brother Harvey stubbed his toe on the donut shaped rock and asked Alley if he could have it......

    Harvey Firestone eventually figured it out ..... and as they say - the rest is history.......

    • Like 1
  6. For most Westerners somebody with a tattoo is somewhat low-classed or belongs to a certain group of people who would like to distinguish themselves from "normal" people.

    For Thai (if not many more Asians) a tattoo has often a different meaning; in many cases it protects the bearer against evil and attacks and in many other cases it brings a lot of prosperity.

    It's one of the reasons, that a Thai doesn't appreciate a farang with tattoo's; "Why should they have a tattoo as a non-believer?"

    There are Asian countries that see the tattoo as a character flaw.....at one time the Korean armed services (for one) would not take any young man that had a tattoo believing as such.....then the young men got smart and started getting them to avoid the time due in the service.....from what I understand they started taking them and then had the tatoos removed from said young men.....

    I don't like tats and are seldom knowingly around a lot of people that sport them......

    I think some of the asian tattoos are much more a work or art than the counter parts from western countries....don't know whether to laugh at or pity the 50+ year old farangs that wander around with their new Thai tats showing - especially on their calfs or ankles.....

  7. I have not been but live close enough that we shop at the Rimping next door.......From what I've heard from friends that have been is the food is over priced and mediocre at best 180B for Pad Thai.......the non Thai food is not very good with small portions at a high cost versus other places (sounds like a remix from the Rosewood that use to be there - hope they didn't hire the same cook he single handedly drove people away with his food)......the beer is over priced.....the pool tables are poorly placed with one camped against a wall to too close to one.......

    Undoubtably there is a very high rent factor in place - KF is known for that.......

    On the plus side was the multiple TV's and decor.....location if you happen to live there (fair smattering of farangs - but not enough for this place)....there will be a McD's nearby but personally I hate seeing them popping up 10K away from each other......hate to see them at all in Thailand......

    I think the Rimping will do well as time goes on - as far as the Game - I look at it and think wrong approach and location......when I lived close enough to bicycle to Rimping the neighborhood is a very high percent Thai and all are established purchased homes with few rentals - not exactly the perfect market for this place.....two nights a week there is a nice clean night market there the wife loves & sometimes I'm the only farang I see - other times might see 5 farang there but certainly not from what I've seen from when I lived there for over a year is there enough support for this place....the little bar right across the way on nights and market nights used to have live music .......even with called mixed drinks at 100-110B it was unusual to see up to 8-10 farangs there & the Thai's would buy their food at the night market then come and use the tables for hours and listen to the music.......

  8. As Elvis said "cool never goes out of style"......my wife thinks she is old at 36......she in fact looks much younger.....I'm 66 and have/still participate in sports & have had people put me as younger....associating with the younger players and people of all ages through the years probably helps....but body wise the years of sports is catching up......I think there is alot to grooming and care - there is also something refreshing about a young spirited open mind and approach to life that dis-enfranchises age to those around you....they love it when I'm out running down the frisbie with them or hiking....for me possibly middle age just left but fortunately my family have gone to their 90's+ with rosie cheeks and young spirits so part might be genetics disposition too.....

  9. As Elvis said "cool never goes out of style"......my wife thinks she is old at 36......she in fact looks much younger.....I'm 66 and have/still participate in sports & have had people put me as younger....associating with the younger players and people of all ages through the years probably helps....but body wise the years of sports is catching up......I think there is alot to grooming and care - there is also something refreshing about a young spirited open mind and approach to life that dis-enfranchises age to those around you....they love it when I'm out running down the frisbie with them or hiking....for me possibly middle age just left but fortunately my family have gone to their 90's+ with rosie cheeks and young spirits so part might be genetics disposition too.....

  10. If I were to import a vehicle that NO immigration person nor any of his friends would desire to own, might the import process be less forbidden?

    I am planning to retire to Thailand, and that lets me import a car without duty, as well as household effects, including decent size shovels (I hope) and maybe a ride-on mower for the lawn.

    I was thinking of buying an almost defunct, but still drivable box truck (10 to 14' box) fill it up with my stuff and ship it.

    Maybe in a container or whatever. Then, once arrived in BKK , i drive it to my new domicile (300 mls up north).Then junk the truck, or use the box for storage.

    Seems to me a very economical way to move to a far away country, until some Thai official needs a truck just like mine.

    Where am going here, in all my pure innocence?


    Anything they deem as having the possiblity to make money would not be allowed.....4x4 not allowed.....I also brought mine over with the retirement shipment.....everything was AOK until the day came to pick it up - then told - sorry that type not allowed.....nothing anywhere in writing to back it up.....but - the car is no longer mine....

  11. Sold a lot of stuff but kept a car and an RV back home so I visit/tour and be surrounded by my own stuff.....I have a house full of furniture stored where the vehicle is that sooner or later I'll have to deal with somewhere along the way......a lot of things are of sentimental value - possibly I should have shipped more household stuff in the container - and for sure I should not have shipped the car.....

    • Like 1
  12. We were at a National Park in Lampang with hot springs and eating at the tables.....4 cats came for handouts - 1 mom 3 good sized kittens - the 3 kittens had kinked tails.....

    I had the wife ask the lady serving the food why and she said they fight.......feral cats so I'm guessing no one saw the births....

    None in our neighborhood though that I've seen.......

    Some extremely beautiful cats in Thailand.......

  13. Seems he "worked" with some therapists of a famous soccer team......means nothing and no accreditation to start any type of practice....whether by happenstance he was good or not.....

    It's possible with no other competition around he seemed good - a dime a dozen in the west and it takes time to find a good practitioner.....

    It's probably one reason he couldn't set up - he wasn't qualified......

    Trying to operate an illegal business (fraud) to fund his stay in Thailand - unqualified (fraud) - on a student visa (fraud)......

    He couldn't do it in his country either......that's why he tried it on for size here.....

    He's probably a "really good guy" in both countries.....

  14. Leadership requires no money.....it's a quality....but...right now she is the leader and controls her money....probably just the way she is comfortable......house rules and it's her house/home.....might have been different if you were established and viewed as successful and she had come into your home....it looks as if she is a strong individual....it also seems she had your back but unknown how she views this....up for you to make/stay or break it.....does not seem like you are happy....either change something in house or remove yourself from the situation - if she misses you there's a reason to restart....either way the future is what you make it or accept.....

  15. Thai women like strong men....so far the only strong you showed was voicing your bank card problem and she gave you all in her purse.....grow a pair - assert yourself....make it a point to get what you want - take her to dinner - YOU pay - possible that when men paid before they wanted her for dessert - but YOU live with her - take her out for night on the town - stop and look at things - chat - laugh - admire.....make it known what you want around the house - you are the man of the house act like it.....it all can be done in a subtle manner....a lot of the men in Thailand are strong yet quiet and that's possibly the way she was raised......

    My FIL is a very quiet person but he is the undisputed family leader - the only change my wife has ever seen him make in routine is that now he allows me also to take a leadership role in his presence when all of us are together - frankly I think he's glad to share it in situations rather than be the pillar all the time.....and I appreciate the respect and don't over step my position.....

    So - be a source of strength to her - show her how much you care not how much you question or dissapprove.....don't forget they are great at reading body language - much better than us.....reason - don't shout - sway don't push.....make it fun.....

    If it doesn't work - well you've given the best you got.....

    I know of one guy that can't even get a GF in Thailand for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!!....he's whiney and looking for/using pity while mooching ALL the time looking for the opening to take advantage - had the same MO as in the US - didn't have a chance there either - - - - - don't turn out like him - he's a lousy excuse for human being......

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  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Also noticed CM to BKK & back my GPS showed cameras along the way - I spotted a few but don't know how advanced they are about ticketing/punishing via other means......but they had to be live to be picked up on the GPS.....

    A GPS only shows cameras that are programmed on the map. Nothing to do with live or not live.

    The Esri map includes camera locations that have been reported, but it doesn't mean there is a camera at that time you pass.

    You could be 100% correct - odd that when the alarm sounds it's always at different distances....never makes a peep when there's a guy with radar in the middle of the road - same spectrum I would guess <> anyway - they are out there.....

  17. I had the same experience a few years ago....government official bought a house 300 meters away from mine because he was thrown out of his village 1.1K away due to his loud music - they threw rocks on his roof which is the Thai way to show their anger......he had two speaker stands with the stage type speakers on it elevated to two levels with 6 speakers on each (large each 5'x2') + other speakers so about 14 concert grade speakers.....when he used them the base would shake the slab floor on my house.....tried going over - was pulled away by a friend because I was getting hot.....he lorded/flaunted his government job over the nearby people and they were frightened of his power......went to the amphur 1 kilo away and complained (could hear the music there even though the speakers were aimed the other way).......

    Finally - started a petition walking around the two nearby villages - everybody hated this guy but all were afraid - one ex-chief said "his pleasure is everyone elses pain" - he'd evidently threatened more than a few people along the way along with taunts and insults......but - got 13 signatures which we took to the authorities & they made a call on him....worked about 2 weeks.

    We were having a party one night with fireworks to end it and he was on the microphone singing American go home over and over and over....I tilted the mortar towards his place and the round went off about 30 meters directly over his house/shack.....he went quiet for the rest of that night......

    Had a friend that wrote articles and he took the information and notes and somehow got it into the paper & wrote cover letters to every ranking official he could think of locally and in Bangkok including the notes - petition - videos & pictures - within 6 months this guy had been re-assigned and sold his house (which is good because I was seriously thinking how unfortunate it would be if the bank of speakers caught fire) - that was actually some of the villagers comments - burn him out.....

    Your problem is a big one....I guess I found a lucky way to get it handled - once the villagers saw other signatures on the petition it was easier to get others - even though he cost over 100's of people many sleepless nights it was hard to get them to sign.......everyone was impressed that we got that many people to sign.....

    Somehow you've got to find a way to make them lose face over it publicly and make it so much trouble it's no longer a lark - because until you do everyone is captive and enslaved to them.......and once the bullies get entrenched it will get worse.....

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