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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. I have met Thai women who agree to be my wife for a salary 30-40k baht a month, they would never think that this is very similar to prostitution. this seems terrible to most but is more honest if not the remuneration level.

    Then there the terrible stories you read on here. The man from chiang mai who was dying and his relatives in England sent him some money For the medical expenses. His Thai wife stole the money and he died.

    For me the besotted men are ultra naive and they will be sucked dry. Try my challenge above!

    Here - this one's for your challenge.......my wife is Uni Educated with a teaching Degree.....however she worked for a large Japanese Electronics firm here in Thailand as a Production Manger.....as such she was earning approx 6 times what the average Thai is......she was there 12 years basically working and sleeping - the company was run strickly so everyone but the owners were in uniform - no make up - 70-80+ hours a week - basically work and sleep work and sleep with 2 holidays a year at Songkran & Loy Kratong.....minimal outside activities with a circle of about 7 friends and all from work......

    She is actually losing money by being my wife - the household allowance I give her is approximately the same as her earnings were before (and is the same one I gave myself but could not stay under when alone).....she NEVER asked for the allowance, but as I knew the house expenses and what it nutted out to I gave her the responsibility rather than make her feel like a second class citizen with me getting my wallet out at every store and stop along life's avenues (I think that's why we look like ATM's to them) you don't treat your partner that way....she manages the budget much better than I ever did......she was taught not to spend money but to save it for food by her folks - today I bought her some things for the garden (decorations 700B big deal) and she kept taking them back to the shelf until I put them in the cart and took the cart - she reminded me of the price and said "we can't eat that we're wasting money).....One day out of the blue she came to me and said "if you every run short of money I will go back to work and take care of us".....she does everything in her power to make my life comfortable....granted - her life is more comfortable too now......I want it that way.......

    IF we hadn't been almost completely compatible through my observations and my due diligence beforehand we wouldn't be together & I still be looking....but I took the time to make my choice and couldn't be happier.....24/7

    I agree - there are many stories out there - good - bad - and urban legends......I did have a Thai lady that wanted to burn me about 5 years ago and got rid of her - they are easy to see through.....

    I got this advise in a conversation with my best buddy here in Thailand - and this is what I followed.........he said - this is what you want to find in a Thai woman - this was patterned after his own experience and matched his wife who is a very special lady (Uni educated & Village Chief's/head school masters daughter)

    1- Raised in a small village by good parents......

    2- University educated.....

    3- Have worked in or around a larger more cosmopolitan area.....

    I would add to that over 32 - 35 - 38 - these woman are largely ignored by society as being too "old" for the Thai's (and they feel that way about themselves - they also do not think of themselves as beautiful though many clearly are)...a lot of them have just worked and lived a very humdrum selfless life.....that way they have their feet on the ground and if they were going to go to the dark side they would have by that age......

    There are some diamonds out there......

    But guys keep going to the wrong places sifting through the garbage hoping to find that misplaced/lost/tossed gem......it usually does not turn out too well......

    i have 3 other marriages in mind that directly refute your beliefs within our circle of friends.....

  2. Thai females are simple women, they want your Western cash to distribute their way. Cash For their kids and family and friends. kids from men who got sick of their greedy behaviour before. A relation with YOU is only a job, better paid than working in local factory or pulling heads off chickens for 300baht a day.

    If you do not agree, I would like to challenge you to tell her that your cash has run out and then you will see how much your "Thai lovely" truly feels about you

    Sorry Parmo.....already ran that test/challenge along with many others......and life is good.....

    Too bad you don't give credit to the quality of women - instead painting them all with your narrow brush strokes.......maybe you should elevate your game.....or maybe your statement is a direct reflection on your situation.....

  3. i might have been in the same area given the clues but we moved to a different house so our house might have been one.... however, I saw vacancies spring up that were all Russians that were a recent influx - within the past 1 1/2 years.....young - with no schedule and no type of work that others around the area could see.....kept to themselves and sometimes loudish music at all times of the day (sound carries).....the women were very pretty and liked to bask by the pool.....one older couple seemed to be the "boss" and it was not unusual for some of them to go away for a couple of days - by the intervals I thought visa runs.......they seemed to be organised in many ways......it's possible they were making a push towards CM (a couple of neighbors had some very interesting theories on this) and the visa restrictions seemed to shut them down - they're gone now.....

    Some of the missionaries are on furlough for many months now - others back on speaking tours throughout the US while others are back for a year of teaching and/or classes......a few folks that I know decided to teach in China thinking better opportunities......

    I think it's partly the normal ebb and flow and partly visa concerns for the fringers cheating/taking advantage of the system for good or for ill intent.....

    • Like 1
  4. Only three pictures from the many that have replied to this post - say no more proves my point for sure xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.SDkxrRteka.png

    Pattaya Lous,

    Do you seriously think we are all married to ugly women? Personally, I have too much respect for my wife to post random photos of her on the internet. Did you ever stop to think that maybe a lot of the guys that are in happy relationships feel the same way? That would be like showing off photos of my motorbike, car, or house. She is a HUMAN BEING, not a piece of property!

    Your comment only proves that......

    1. That you look at women like objects, not as human beings, and 2. You have an immature view of what's truly important in a good relationship.

    Looks may fade but inner beauty does not. Lucky for me, I am married to a woman who has both, but regardless, I would take the latter over the former any day!

    +1 - good post.......

    I did so as the OP or (host) to disprove his stinking thinking.......some people have nothing more to contribute to a happy post other than a negative sullen attitude - they simply (giving too much credit in this case) have nothing more to offer......sadly.....

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