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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. Not only motorbikes - last year I was driving my Toyota Vigo down 108 about 80 KPH and some guy jumps out from behind cover and blasts a full bucket right on the driver side of the windshield from about 10-15 feet straight blast from the bucket - no arc. He was not on a truck.

    I have seen people in trucks on the same road blasting motor bike riders while both are going down the road - to me that's a dangerous practice.

    Controlling won't happen any time soon........

  2. Did think about signing up for this thing myself, but as it would have had to been in my Mrs's name seemed like too big a risk as the house already is, and if she boots me out would like to be left with at least a car to sleep in.

    Paid cash in the end and didn't bother about getting the tax back, at least I will always have a car to sleep in.

    You can put the car in your name. I did it - just need your residence certificate.

  3. another Witches hunt ..... When Thais will speak Russian they will be able to complain , but Russians dont speak English so 2 choices , you forbid them to come to Thailand and you will see a lot of hotels and places closing down Or you accept the fact that there are people more qualify to take care about those tourists. How many Thais work illegally in foreign country ?

    I don't think there a vast number of Thais (or any others) that are lining up to go to Russia........whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  4. To the best of my knowledge I don't think I've seen any vortex spin back against itself be it a water spout, whirlpool, funnel cloud or other action that has to self sustain itself for any period of time.

    Maybe the clock/counter clock activity is meant to create a hole (wall) in a downward freefall for the stuff they are dropping?

    Make any sense?

    What happens to the clouds in the center of the circle?

    Kind of like cutting a circumferance circle in the middle of ice and leaving the center part there isn't it?

    • Like 1
  5. It would also be helpful if they EVER learn to put the sceen doors in so they are effective on the OUTSIDE AND OPENING OUTWARD so you can open the door - close the hard door behind you and then close the screen and in effect double seal under your own control.

    All the swinging screen doors I've seen open inward - any bug attracted to the screen/shade/light/temperature/food odors/breeze sits on the screen door which to go out/in we have to open INWARD - and of course by doing that we are helping them into the house and the opening makes them naturally lift off and fly..........not to mention the hard doors that open outward are a lot easier to gain entry to if someone else would like to enter the house and help themselves.....

  6. This article is a mess, although expected in a Lefevre article. Thailand is not the highest other than Laos in the region, it is higher than Singapore (which is just about the lowest on earth, same with their overall birth rate) but lower than others like Philippines or Indonesia. The problem is they are probably comparing different statistics, teenage births per 1000 births in one case and teenage births per 1000 women (or teenagers) in another. Furthermore, the comparison to the United States per 1000 births is invalid, because it does not account for demographic differences. Thailand's age pyramid is significantly younger than the United States.

    Here are all countries listed using the same measurements. Thailand is lower than many similar middle income countries like Argentina, Chile, Brazil, etc and only slightly higher than the US and the UK. Thailand, US, and UK are all high compared to continental Europe however.


    Thank you - very good information - interesting how many times the comments are more correctly put together than the original articles.......create headlines - not facts ........ must have learned from the US media

  7. ..with thousands of hookers....purse snatchers....money lenders.and drug and people traffickers.....

    .molesters and rapists of their own......not to mention myriad other criminals and swindlers......

    .....why not 'clean up shop' at home first..........

    (......or are there no Thai criminal.........)

    .....selective justice.......selective morality..........

    Nope - let's clean up the child molesters and spare the innocent as best we can - there should be no place these people can/should be able to hide. To point away from this problem is the divide and conquer than many of these sub-humans would love to see happen. Find them, banish or don't allow them in. If their "first" experiment is here - put them away where they can explore all deviations for many years to come until they rot.

    If you are not comfortable with that better look in the mirror while you pack.

  8. marcofrenchpolo is correct - If you've spent time in a qualtiy hotel in Chiang Mai they probably got the linens here. The shop is located in Baan Tawai Zone 5 Soi 15 .about 1/3 the way into the Soi....... The shop name is KV Collection 081-5955064 and they supply some/most of the 5 star hotels in CM. These are the exact same linens I've wandered all over town to find. I recognized them as soon as I saw them. 100% cotton from South Africa - then sewed and packaged in Thailand.

    We bought 4 queen sheets, two pillows and cases + two big cotton bath sized towels for 3600TB.

    The owner said the hotels re-supply once a year and I'm betting that those linens get a lot more use than our household can ever put on them.

  9. Paint it however you like - this is the Islamic march that will continue to pollute society if it goes unchecked. Thailand has a lot to offer this movement. It is not a lack of understanding it is a continuing warlike march.

    The fact that the buddhist religion appears benign and not a threat is all the more reason for the extremists to press on with their agenda as they are in countries around the world. This is not an isolated missunderstood group of people.

    Any civilized society that is educated is a direct threat to them.

    • Like 1
  10. You know - what a tough call......1st inclination on someone coming at you is avoid/sidestep and then drill the attacker giving him a memory and injuries he won't forget then walk away feeling the isolated incident has been handled..pay for the helmet ...and forget it.

    Which might just work if you leave quickly.

    But being part of the buffet menu sometimes situations just will not let you do want you want - Beware - always be wary. Understand that the rules we are use to do not apply. We are playing on someone elses court.

    We get to play here in which-ever way we like for the most part- but the ground rules belong to the home court advantage - be careful out there.

    I do not know how the argument went. A German that wants to get his way is difficult - and angry German can be impossible with or without language difficulty/sun/drink or cause for anger.

    NO - I am not bashing German people as I have some in my family tree (German Scotch DON'T get me riled up) seldom if ever happens - fortunately.

  11. Its a shame that Thailand is so self centered.

    As a farang, I know what it feels like not being wanted in Thailand.

    I hope the boat people find a better place to stay

    As a Farang that has been here awhile I have yet to feel "not being wanted in Thailand" no matter which part I've been to or who I have dealt with - anywhere...............My guess is if this is happening to some there is some sort of reason for it whether it be perceptual or behavioral.

    If there is something that does not agree with you about Thailand then the choice is yours, either stay - or go. In my experience the people that cannot seem to agree or get-a-long ususally don't do well no matter where they are.

    The Thai's are protectionist about their country. It is their country - we are guests. If they do not wish to open the floodgates to a vast number of people it is their choice. There are a lot of countries beset with huge problems caused by entry of hordes of people that would gladly turn back the clock if they could.

    Personally I am thankful they are watchful over this - my birth country did not and is suffering the consequences. And, my birth country is not alone in this.

    • Like 2
  12. Everyone is overlooking the Rx found in his room. Some related to drinking problems. I know there are drugs designed to make you very VERY sick if you intake alcohol as a way of getting someone to stop the alcohol intake. Kind of a defensive reaction to drinking. The Russians (some) take drinking to a new level compared to what many would think of "normal" drinking and this poor guy might have been his own victim.

    Maybe he was not on holiday and possibly did not want to show his face outside - or - maybe he self induced his own demise. Sad to think that at what should be a good age of 46 that this should occur. It does seem Pattaya is a magnet for this kind of stuff.

    There could have been a sequence of events either here or in his home country that led to this - or maybe after years of this his time was just up.

  13. "Another red-shirt leader, Kwanchai Prai-pana, said Nuttawut should stay away from the Cabinet and instead serve as government spokesman to "protect" Yingluck."

    Government Spokes-liar, more like!

    It wasn't an election - it was a puppet show.

    The audience didn't have to pay - in fact if reports are to believe they got PAID to vote.

    If this can be proven they all should be removed before the puppet master makes it much worse for decades to come.

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