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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. Not much of a bar/pub person so I don't experience much of this and if I go to one it's more about the atmosphere & watching the pretty gals - which I deem a positve pastime.......

    I've rarely seen it happen when going out to eat.

    I don't waste my time around negative people...they are energy leaks that get comfort somehow spreading the ministry of misery.....

    Life is too short...

    • Like 1
  2. Dogs, like every other living thing belong on this earth, and deserve respect to their life.

    All living things have souls and feelings.

    Only the ignorant do not recognise these facts.

    Respect for all life great and small.

    Our WHOLE PLANET is just a grain of sand inside a whole living thing beyond even our universe (which contains BILLIONS of galaxies and untold planets full of life) .

    May i ask, what are you doing in a Buddhist country in the first place if you do not recognise these most basic of facts.

    If you want the clean sterilised all life has no f---in value lifestyle of the west, then go to the west.

    The reason those security guards, who earn so LITTLE in comparisson to your wealth, feed those dogs, is because they recogise the beauty and sanctitiy of all life.

    LOOK at that photo, look at that beautiful family.

    You could embrace them, learn each ones individual personality and have some new beautiful loyal friends who NEVER JUDGE YOU like humans do.

    Yet you turn your back to the very beauty of our world and embrace your own destructive sterile view of reality.


    There is a whole world of good and love out there, do not fear it, or hate it.

    Embrace it.

    My advice? Give the dogs some love and food, buy a set of headphones, and when you go to bed, listen to some Bhuddist chants to fall asleep.

    Take care of yourself and your life, open your eyes and heart.

    Count your good fortune you have the life you do.

    Joking right?

    I'm sure you don't believe your own BS !

    I'm not joking, surely YOU are joking right?

    I mean, in this day and age of information and enlightenment only the absolutley ignorant would not have a respect for the sanctity of ALL life,

    surely you are not that ignorant so I am assuming you are joking, right?

    20x20xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.SDkxrRteka. width=20 alt=laugh.png> facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif width=24 alt=facepalm.gif> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>

    Call his bluff - PM him and offer to drop the dogs off - then he can reggae to - WHO LET THE DOGS OUT - WOOF - WOOF - WA - WOOF and play with his new family......bahbahbobo - time to man up to your statements and relieve this poor other SOUL (he's got one too) that is oppressed by these animals - innocent so they may be - - - - - - - - then the universe will be aligned and a much better place - you'll be happilygiving meaning and life to these poor creatures - and so will the OP - you can be the ying to his yang..........good luck with that

    • Like 1
  3. The Hideaway off 108 - turn at the BIG SCM bank and go in about a kilometer their dairy on one corner & the eatery across the street more or less facing you (left side) also has garden seating/dining - they have a full - separate breakfast menu.....they also have another one in town if you google them they are shown together. Variety of good menu items..

    Bake and bite is another good choice.....a couple of those around too.....

  4. I like sourdough bread...the Big C near to us makes it to order for me. All I have to do is call in how many loaves and they tell me what day it will be ready.

    I am guessing that if you went to where they bake bread (bakery - whether big store or Mom/Pop) they will try their best to accomodate you.

    That being said - you seem very particular about what you want - so wish you the best.....

  5. I like sourdough bread...the Big C near to us makes it to order for me. All I have to do is call in how many loaves and they tell me what day it will be ready.

    I am guessing that if you went to where they bake bread (bakery - whether big store or Mom/Pop) they will try their best to accomodate you.

    That being said - you seem very particular about what you want - so wish you the best.....

  6. Can you be considered a drug lord for cold medicine? I got some lemsip in the cupboard, wonder if that makes me a street level dealer.......... OK, of course its clear what it was going to be used for, just wonder exactly what law has been broken.

    It's a controlled substance in the US...you have to show ID and if you go to buy too frequently they will not let you. I think they will let you buy up to 14 pills......so 10,000 + 100,000 - must be some kind of cold.....

    It's used to make metnamphetmine "meth" - chances are he's got a few labs scattered around that he uses to produce the stuff - or supplies.....

  7. Had a party (25) - Glazed ham with cloves skewered to create flavor channels - topped with Maraschino cherries circled with pineapple slices & chinese wet smoked over mequite, cherry, & applewood....wife make chicken pops, shrimp pops & spicy chicken wings (smoked along with the ham) + her macaroni and cheese recipe - then finished with a lime mango jello dessert - a few cases of beer & 2 bottle of Bacardi & dancing with karaoke later......everyone left happy.....

    She had the place cleaned and neat as a pin about and hour after they left.....

    Woke up & had a western breakfast of bacon & eggs with toast......good couple of days - I hid the scale......

  8. Thailand has enough to handle - let alone a visit from the worst president in the history of the US.......

    Really worse than hubert hoover whose trade tariffs made the great depression an even more catastrophe for the usa public, worse than trick dicky nixon whose criminal activities as president are still astonishing to read about, worse than ford who let him get away with it, worse than millard fillmore and james buchanan who claimed to oppose slavery yet did everything to sustain it in their miserable years in office [ok only one in fillmore's case], worse than Franklin pierce who did all he could to accommodate slave states in his relentless drive to expand the usa borders, worse than warren harding who allowed his friends to plunder the country while he did nothing, worse than bush who invaded iraq because his dad felt there was unfinished business [ok that's just my own personal view, so maybe that's not evidentially supported]? really, worse than all those?

    Makes the lot of them look like amateurs.......

  9. If you saw Obama strolling down Walking Street, would you buy him a beer?whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif>


    But there's a lot in the USA that would (if they could buy it with food stamps) you know - just to make sure the food stamps kept coming - another election - another pay day........ cha ching.....

    what on earth are you talking about?

    Oh - let's see - about 45 million (out of 300) on food stamps in the US - figure 2/3 are voters (30 million) the last election was settled by about 2 million - figure 52 mil voted for this guys re-election - maybe more maybe less - are you going to vote for the one providing your free food (can't buy alcoholic beverages with food stamps - so can't buy him a beer - although a lot of people do sell their food stamps prividing cash for other habits) - or - for somebody that would like you to be responsible and provide for yourself....Now the amnesty for illegal aliens is a hot topic - and if you break down the statistics a lot receive benefits that regular citizens have to jump through multi levels of hoops to receive and are turned down but handed out like candy to non citizens - then going further the bailout of large automotive companies as a payoff for the guided union votes - nevermind the fact that jobs there are scarcer because the unions priced themselves so far out of the competitive wage scale that it was less money to have work/products provided off shore to insure reasonable profits in a competitve world market place ......

    • Like 2
  10. If you saw Obama strolling down Walking Street, would you buy him a beer?whistling.gif


    But there's a lot in the USA that would (if they could buy it with food stamps) you know - just to make sure the food stamps kept coming - another election - another pay day........ cha ching.....

  11. Quote in the OP:

    This isn't a plea to sugarcoat any of the 'realities' - far from it, as I've learnt a great deal in the short time I've been here.

    - trust absolutey no-one

    - avoid Thailand for anything beyond short-term holidays from the 'real world', and limit those to no more than 2 per year

    - avoid other Farang at all costs, especially anyone who spends time on an internet forum

    ------------------>Doesn't the I'VE mean you? The OP?<-----------------------------

  12. OP - what is your drink of choice? I think you've seen too much of it.....

    Is this a "brag" or "rag" post - or a little of both.....

    I tend to see people on the good side until "something" throws up a flag. By coloring the pot black you lose sight of how real most people are because you are projecting YOUR ill will/feelings/illness upon them.....

    Hopefully the OP was a lark and not a real life viewpoint.....don't marry - you'll be a burden to someone - Thai or otherwise with that outlook....

    Go join the professional poker players tour....

  13. To be honest, in all my years in Thailand, I don't recall ever seeing a specialist, transmission-only shop of the type that is common in the US. Now, I am not saying that is an empirical as there's a whole lot of the country and Bangkok that I have never explored. But the sheer generic nature of A/T's in LOS where one model is common across multiple brands leads me to believe that the most common approach to A/T problems that can't be resolved by doing some manufacturer recommended tests is to just replace the whole thing. To be honest 23,000 baht for a new transmission and peace of mind is peanuts compared to what a US transmission specialist would charge for a strip, repair and rebuild.

    My experience with A/T's in the US was that both the problems I experienced (2 different makes/models) were internal to the transmission and nothing to do with external sensors or the electricals since they are very easy to test. Mind you, I did have an intermittent engine management systems problem that had the mechanics scratching their heads until 8 months later when the A/T noisily gave up in the car park at Olive Garden. When I mentioned this to the engine mechanics on the next truck service (after the A/T repair) they mentioned that the 'ghost' engine problem was probably due to the A/T being about to die. Go figure!

    I don't mind the 23,000TB (but as I'm retired from the auto industry/service side - managerial) I traced the symptoms (online through various sources) and they do point to controllers versus internal. What I don;t want to do is replace the transmission and drive out with the same problem leaving the repair shop with my 23,000TB and a ? still.....with no peace of mind to be found.

    The Thai's are quick on the draw of replacement but slow on diagnostics - I went from a 70% OD functional to a 0% functional OD system just by having them "check" the controllers......

    From what I can find the difference in internal failure in OD is about a 200 RPM difference between 3 & OD when the pressure is lost - I still had a healthy 800 RPM difference so internally it would have seemd to be OK.

    I really don't care the cost - I just want it done correctly.......

  14. Maybe I'm in a different Thailand - I've never once (in years) had someone try to push in front of me. In the US yep - they tried - in India it's like a fire drill without manners...but not once in Thailand.

    Don't like the driving here? Go drive in the Philippines for a week.....you will learn some lessons there.....

  15. Maybe I'm in a different Thailand - I've never once (in years) had someone try to push in front of me. In the US yep - they tried - in India it's like a fire drill without manners...but not once in Thailand.

    Don't like the driving here? Go drive in the Philippines for a week.....OP - you WILL learn some lessons there.....

    Personally I think the OP has somewhat of an attitude - hopefully we don't have to "face off" waiting in line somewhere - I don't think he'd like that result either......

  16. What's the lesson here....

    They need to bone up and TEACH what Hitler (mass murderer/terrorist/torturer/world warlord) did and the 1,000,000's killed/exterminated..+ dead soldiers and civilians ...just as a lesson from this mural....

    Let's see - you have Hitler up there with a group of comic book super heros.....get real.....

    Don't they have history classes? Even if not a current event the backlash from this should light the fire of truth. Just one sheet of statistics the students would be graded on would suffice so the truth be known.

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