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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. I live in the Chiang Mai area - although will travel anywhere to get this taken care of. I have a Pajero with an automatic transmission.....this unit (V4AW3) is used in Mitsubishi, Toyota, Izusu, Volvo, General Motors, Jeep , Dodge vehicles + a few more. So, it is a common transmission application.

    The concern/symptom is - intermittent OD/4th gear engagement. Worked (see below) 70% of the time.....

    The OD is controlled by elec solenoids/senders/switches/etc for engagement and based on the various forums around the world 99% of the time it's an electrical malfunction or adjustment that creates the problem - not something that would warrant transmission replacement. There are tell tale signs when it's an internal problem (replacement) and it does not fit my vehicle's performance.

    I recently went on a two week holiday and a buddy of mine suggested while gone I have him take the vehicle in for maintenance and get the transmission checked - fixed.....well he took it from shop to shop upon recommendations and the car was checked out. NOW I don't have to worry about intermittant OD because I have NO - OD after "adjustments" were made and electric control systems "checked".

    The shop that sent it to another shop (the one that check elec function and completely crippled it) said that the transmission itself needed to be replaced - which - if fixed is fine by me (23,000TB). But - I don't want the box replaced and have the same problem.....

    Anyone have experience with a shop that can diagnose & repair an automatic transmission???????

    I know that there were threads a few years back asking for shop recommendations but am hoping that some places have been found since then that can be of help........whether independent or dealer level I don't care - I just want to get the work done and OD down the road again......

    Thanks in advance.....

  2. No - it's an international embarrassment of epic proportions - a mass murderer is being lionized here to the discredit of Thailand. There's places to eat - tee shirts and people emulating the "seig heil" gesture - oddly enough - the people embellishing this are not "white" and therefore would have ultimately found a place in Hitler's ovens.

    I'm about as lilly "white" (German/Scotch ancestry) as you can possibly get and am highly insulted that this is allowed to exist let alone flourish in my adopted new country.

    Thailand went through WW2 and should well be aware of what could have happened, abeit; at the hands of the Japanese or the German forces, if they had prevailed.

    There are some areas of life where boundaries are better not crossed - this is one of them. Regardless how "trendy" it might seem. Isn't that where the real problems really take root? Trendy.....popular.....chic....fun......ignorant.....

  3. These 3 Indian guys were happy to lay on the bed unclothed within inches (LOL) of each other????? I know the rules for individual space are different in India (been there and it's not comfortable even in a store) but these boys must have been close. Maybe they booked one room for 3 at their hotel - save costs? Guessing curry overload here.....phew.

    I'm guilty of "western" thinking I guess.....glad of it too.....I'll keep it.....

    • Like 1
  4. Most make me chuckle and laugh. Some make me feel like I don't know whether to laugh at - or with the posts or posters while some make me feels sad for them.....can't say as any change my mood as all I'm doing is observing the thoughts of others.

    Some folks just seem lost - but that isn't to do about Thailand - they'd be lost anywhere...see them when out and about too.

    I do get tired of the Thai bashing - maybe I've just met the "right" Thais.

    Mostly it's entertaining.......

    Sometimes very informative - glad it's here.....

    Mostly - my mood belongs to me - mostly sunny - - - but when partly cloudy I won't share.

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  5. He toppled out of the stall dead! The journalisitc skill astounds me, daily

    He opened the door and died falling out feasable ???

    Its not feasible as he was already dead when he toppled out of the stall!!

    He could have been leaning forward sitting on the throne and then toppled forward when he lost consciousness taking a header - or maybe went into spasms as the poison spread - or realized at the last instant he needed to get help - we'll never know - sad - a life thrown away/wasted.....odds are he wasn't a normal contributing citizen society wise.....

  6. Without a doubt if I had known about Thailand I would have gotten here much sooner. Retired and traveled @ 57 but once I found Thailand (at 62) - came back to look twice for about 6 months just to verify what I had seen/experienced the 1st time around.

    Now live here and love every minute of it. Wish I'd found it sooner in life.....

    • Like 2
  7. Last year I was only here for 6 months - dropped from 258# to 215# (I'm 6'4") the secret - I lived in Doylor - didn't go to CM much and except for some sourdough toast for breakfast a couple of times a week I ate what the housekeeper cooked - exclusively a Thai diet.

    Didn't lift but still went into town weekly and played an organised sport. That's when I had my cheater meal (thanks Duke's).

    If I had lifted it might have been better because when I returned to the US I had to add some weight to keep playing (loss of power).

    Back up to 245# now and this article didn't help as my other half is away & I just went out and bought a big pizza so I could freeze/thaw to make life easier.....

    And - no - it's good pizza - I'm not sharing.....

  8. I don't really get why you would conclude we are "guests" in this country because of that immigration incident. It's pretty obvious the immigration police have great power over us foreigners, and it is foolish not to adopt a kowtow like attitude towards them in this culture, but I don't see the connection to the guests rhetoric.

    If you are not here by birthright then you are a guest - no matter who you married - how much tax you pay - how much money you spend bolstering THEIR ecconomy - how much time you've spent here (there's no vesting) - or whatever else makes you think you are special - we are in anothers' country - we should act as good guests <> even bad guests are not welcome in even simple social settings.

    You're here because you've found somewhere that you prefer over where you were before - a lot of us are spoiled by what is here for us. Appreciate it now - if you act as this insolent child did in the story (the immigration officer then became the teacher - the student hopefully just learned a valuable lesson) you may also be looking at Thailand in the rearview mirror.

    I'm here because I chose to over from the country in which I was born. That makes Thailand my country of choice. It also gives Thailand the right to chose how to deal with me if I am/become a poor "guest". I am on their soil. Fortunately for me I find it a very easy place to live and get along.

    The only thing we "own" is our choice. After we've made it we may find it's governed by others whether we like it or not.

  9. I would not go to another country (France/Germany/China/Russia. etc) and EXPECT that their country CATER to me.It is the height of arrogance, stupidity, and ignorance.

    I am their guest - therefore it is incumbent on me to act as a guest should and be as prepared as i can. Maybe even asking a native speaking friend to help me to understand the nuances within THEIR culture and country.

    In the scheme of things I am not as important to them as they are to me. I thank them (and appreciate) for their courtesy and patience in dealing with me as I am the visitor I do not have the choice to pick or demand THEIR ACQUIESCENSE as it is THEIR culture i wish to visit and accept me.....

    Expecting more than that based on MY importance is folly.....

    • Like 1
  10. Not sure I have this figured out - are the lucky Thai's the ones that have one amulet hanging around their neck - or the ones that look like they have a bunch of gold plated fishing weights hanging around their neck?

    I hardly ever see them on women (maybe I haven't looked thoroughly enough - I'll try and do better) - so - does that mean they don't need them or do they just marry the guy with the most amulets hoping for the "shield" effect?

  11. Filipina beauty queens win hands down for inner and outer beauty. Just an opinion I could be wrong.

    I agree - been in Thailand for awhile and had my share of Thai gals. When it came time to marry I married a Filipina. They have a moral code that the Thai's do not grasp & do carry the intangible inner beauty along with the outer beauty.

    They are both sexy in a different way and both have their good qualities. I have had plenty of both and the Fila's are definitely more grounded and less money hungry than their Thai counterparts.

    That being said - we live in Thailand because it is a better place to live.

    Either way - if you get a gal with values from a good family you're a lucky guy and set for life - but the hunt can be treacherous.....

    Study the family 1st - not what you WANT to see - make sure everything adds up...don;t seem to be so many "hidden brothers" in the Philippines - not so devious there...maybe easier to see because the culture is more westernized (which is it's own conundrum).

    Pay attention.....

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  12. Of course it is.....with the benign belief that "we're Buddhist so we don't confront anybody" attitude it's a recipe disaster, for being run over....let's see - most Islamic countries grow poppies while their people are starving for susistance. While the Islamic "Empire" grows.

    Meanwhile Thialand is a veritable horn of plenty food production wise and a pacifistic society just waiting to be trod over. The march of Islamic intent is slow and persistent as the march for acceptance and understanding/enlightenment is constant and ongoing. Guess which one gets lost in history.

    In the larger scheme of things there is a reason why the Islamic Jihadists are slowly gaining land mass after land mass after land mass ......... they have the will and the persistence (and growing numbers) to overwhelm and capture.

    There is a real danger in what is happening now in the south.......

    Wake up and smell the Lamb Kabobs

    Congrats on the rant, now look up the Thai Buddhist nationalist slogan "Nation, Religion and King".You might change your opinion on Thai pacifism.

    Didn't mean for you to stub your pacifistic big toe......I'm am pointing out the difference between two ideologies....one not comprehending what/why is taking place and one knowing exactly where they are going and how to go about it. One march has never been stymied over the centuries and is actively growing in our lifetime - as we watch.

    I agree- the Thai's can be fierce, I would like to see it start happening in the name of Nation, Religion, and King and drive this rabble away. I also think as time marches on if the south is not made an example of how to stop this the tide will march on. It was a national Thai leader about a month back that couldn't comprehend why this was happening in and to a society that posed no threat - and that is precisely why it is happening and will continue to.

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