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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. I don't get some of you guys in here.

    this man raped 5 women. these are non consensual acts in case you don't understand the concept of rape. the planning and artifice in his deception makes him worthy of very severe treatment by the courts if indeed he is guilty.

    making light of this, joking, blaming the victim is reprehensible you foolish men...I hope that if you are ever the victim of such evil, your macho posturing and compassionless howls, your sterile shrill cries for help, go unnoticed.

    Somehow I missed the 5 rape part - I retract ANY levity with regard to this topic/news item/thread...May he get every punishment he deserves.....

  2. A ' mysterious ' man often parked near her workplace and called her name in a threatening manner, could the poor lady not identify her ex-boyfriend ?

    Maybe not. Perhaps her name was being called from behind tinted windows in the vehicle.

    Probably did not want to tell the new BF about the old BF - mysterious would keep him around and protective - ex-BF might make him think twice and bolt.....

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  3. StreetCowboy, on 12 Oct 2013 - 17:37, said:

    FarangKino, on 12 Oct 2013 - 17:15, said:

    Being a newbie - this information has me totally shocked!


    Greece 62 - 0 Thailand

    just goes to show how little I know!



    My apologies for any confusion I may have caused


    I am confused indeed.. I haven't even known that we have a rugby team.. :>

    You need to get out more. Thailand just returned to Asian Division Two after a brief outing with the big boys.

    I know its slightly off topic, but does anyonehave any suggestions on how to rescue a fly from a half empty beer glass before he drinks too much if it? He's struggling manfully up the side, I think he's going to make it... And he's away! No he's not, he's gone down for another swig, the cheeky little fly that he is. I've lost all sympathy for him now....


    You have your cheeky little fly going in and out of your beer glass and struggling manfully? ...................wow.............beer darts/pool instead of pong????? That must be some balancing act.....kudos - I think,,,,,

  4. Relaxing in my apartment at this minute with a gf of mine. I am on my iPhone reading Thaivisa and she is on Facebook or some other site..... Sent her a message on Line " good morning" she looks up then back down at her phone... I then receive message " good morning" . Not a word spoken.

    OMG .....

    Now when they can plant a computer chip into our brains we will not even need to have the smart phone. Just send and receive messages by thinking.... The future of communication ....

    You sure know how to pick 'em.

    Met her online,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?

  5. I find driving in Thailand easy compared to other countries (including some parts of the USA).......

    Yes....you do have expect the unexpected but in many ways the people here drive in a respectful manner. Once you learn the areas/corners/roads and the behavior tendencies at those areas it's easier to expect the unexpected. You can usually spot the motorcyclists that will soon be eliminating themselves.....

    It's the infastructure that quite often creates the problems along with the fact of no moving violation "traffic cops" to stop the drunks/overly aggressive/unlicensed/unisured off the street at the point of the violation.

    After driving in countries where I'd swear they were suidical.....too macho....or just plain stupid - I find Thailand not to be so bad.....there are many countries with NO road signs (any language) and much worse roads with desperate people along the way in places you might be forced to stop (parts of New York, New Orleans, Oakland, Sacramento, Salinas, Los Angeles, Houston, Phoenix - and on and on fit this catagory) .....I'll take Thailand just fine.....

  6. Read - go online - play/participate in 2 team sports - crosswords once in awhile - go find different places to eat - jump in the car and drive anywhere just to explore - hope into CM to grab a meal - go get a nice long massage - grab a movie about once a month, maybe 2x - stay in town over night once a week for one or two nights and enjoy everything the city has to offer - meet new people from all over - host visitors (friends) from other countries once in awhile (more work & less fun than I thought it would be) - go bike riding (whether near or putting it on the car and finding an interesting place to quuietly see - smile at the ladies and appreciate the smiles back .....if nothing ambitious maybe a short Thai massage followed by a nice long oil massage....good way to spent a few hours.....especially a day after playing in a sport.....plans on putting in a gym in one room.....

    In 3 years haven't been bored enough to get Cable/Sat yet.....only about 140 posts here so have managed not to go stir crazy yet....I don't cook so eating out can be an adventure.....

    One of these days I'll visit Pattaya and be like a wide eyed kid but I'll stay on a bottom floor.....

    • Like 1
  7. I've gone many times with Thai gals that have gotten me a free pass to go (I don't exactly blend in)......Once I got my first Thai license - bang - no more double fees.....

    Recently had some visitors here from another asean country but not Thai - I went to the window & showed my license - clerk glanced at those with - behind waiting for me - let us all through.....

    The Thai license has really proven useful.....

  8. I think if I was not sure of my driving skills I would get on a motorbike...I've riden everything from Ducati's to Gold Wings and most track, climbing, and fast bikes in between.....

    In Thailand I have not gotten a bike - the Harley guys have suggested but every time I think seriously about it TV comes up with a story in which someone has lost their head, been dismembered, or cut in half.....I would venture to say that at least 1/2 the funerals I've known about motorbikes were involved.

    It's that little second of indecision that gets even the most accoplished riders - or - if like me maybe too aggressive.

    I've thought about a motor scooter for the short haul to the local Rim Ping - one uncrowded street but so far have not gotten one. I know it will lead to the next trip/bike.......

    I DO know that in the last 100 years or so that even in a simple accident the CONCRETE IS UNDEFEATED.....I didn't live this long to grind off a shoulder or lower leg due to the off chance of a pot hole, water, other substances, or other drivers doing unexpected maneuvers - really stupid sh!t at the worst possible moment......

    Chiang Mai is a great place - maybe move inside the city and get a bicycle to learn the city and it's short cuts first then graduate to another form of transportation. You might find you don't need anything - or find a tuk tuk driver who will befriend/guide/drive you somewhere along the way that will work for getting around the city.

    Good luck.....

  9. I'm caught right in the middle of this debate....after some years here in LOS I went to the US, found and married a lovely Filapina - really couldn't ask for anything more in a wife......UNTIL.....we moved to Thailand and all the easy going charm that I had come to love in Thailand evaporated in the difference of Catholic comdemnations which is one of the roots of the church - our way or condemned.....I doubled up this mistake by taking her to the Catholic church where she met the local Fil's community - now she has no desire to mix with anyone else but them (while before wanted to mingle with more Thai's)while I on the other hand am dying to get reconnected with the Thai people and their ways which seem to flow a lot easier within me.....somethings going to have to give.....I didn't move here just to sit inside a house I can do that anywhere.....I'm use to participating in a variety of sports and activities and sitting still/not mixing/not LIVING/exploring does not agree with me.....

    Yes - religions do influence many many people and they become entrenched and unbending. I find the approach here much more workable.

    Interesting to note. A friend of mine is a liaison assisting veterans processing claims for problems incurred while serving in the armed forces. While speaking with him he opened up to me the disproportionately huge amount of claims for mental services/problems was dominated by men that were raised as Catholics. He was raised Catholic as were a lot of my friends (most are no longer). He's going to research just to see what he can learn.....

    So - yes a great many things can take place.....I would have to say I believe that.....

    In seeing some of the simple beliefs and respect of the people at the temples it gives me a deeper respect for the worshipers that I see there.....I always feel a little bit better after seeing that

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