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Everything posted by sidjameson

  1. You think the public sector provide better value for money for the tax payer?
  2. Sounds like they aren't spending wisely. Very very easy to get 5 adult flights London to bkk for 2500 to 3000 not 5500.
  3. Some children suffer such incredible amounts of trauma drugs take away the pain, at least for a bit. Trauma plus years of drug use many end up completely dysfunctional. Who knows this man's story. But better to stay silent than immediately dismiss him as an effing loser imo.
  4. You don't consider living in a lockdown three months of the year too high a price to pay?
  5. Don't tell me you went to meet a 150cm filipina! 5555
  6. You're literally posting on a thread where a Thai is resisting a bribe!!!!!!
  7. There's a global pattern of places to make money that have sky high prices and when ones making money phase is over it's prudent to leave. London, Tokyo, Mumbai etc exactly the same.
  8. Thank you for your post. A good reminder of what's important in life. Best wishes for your rehabilitation.
  9. I hope she's significantly younger and better looking than you. Why el se agree to those terms!
  10. Oh...any link to that rather depressing news that malls aren't pumping out good air?
  11. How does one get hold of all these great shows?
  12. Finite pool of money to invest in movies. Every investor wants a sure return. Investors choose what's made. Therefore Spiderman 24. On the upside indie film all over the world is thriving. Try Mubi...never ending supply of high quality films
  13. Nice. Care to detail your skin care. I'm approaching 60 and never used more than soap. Lol
  14. I know I should drawdown. But at 56 find it difficult to start. This question will only get bigger as I age. Interested in others experiences.
  15. That's in a nice restaurant. In relation to wages it's cheaper than Thailand. 2024 minimum wage as an example is 20US an hour. 70 minutes work for a security guard. Same security guard doing 70 minutes work in any major Thai city. His 60 bht won't get him a "renowned " restaurant's dish.
  16. You've had three marriages where the woman you married turned into something completely different once the conditions of your relationship changed. Men are just as capable of that type of change. I wouldn't test your friendship if I were you.
  17. You've spoken a lot of wisdom on this thread but got one fact wrong. Fertility rates in Thailand have been sub ,1.5 kids per women for many years. Your claim most available women are single moms is way off. Many many childless single women here.
  18. If that's the case, cheap solution...gov subsidiaries flood market with cheap mushrooms from eco friendly sources. Costs would be minimal compared to extra tourist revenue.
  19. Dinner party hosts and forum posters are on the same spectrum, just opposite ends.
  20. Lots lots more that live here part of the year and so get counted as tourists not expats.
  21. Even the best albums ever made have filler tracks. Same with conversations with new people. Is it possible as soon as you hear a mediocre piece you zone out and don't give the rest of the conversation a chance to produce a truly memorable song?
  22. The inverse correlation between the sexually provocative way women dress around the world and every countries falling birth rate is quite astounding. Not causative of course. Just ironic.
  23. https://aqicn.org/city/thailand/pang-ma-pha-hospital/ It's the 2.5 that's killing you. Doesn't look that good to me. 8 months of the year is ok. But 4 months of the year you're a 24/7 smoker.
  24. Smart post. But a very simple question. If there was a law that you had to smoke 20 cigarette a day to stay in Thailand would you stay? I fear the situation is actually worse than that.
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