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Everything posted by sidjameson

  1. My gf says this isn't ramwong. She learnt ramwong....
  2. How long have you lived in Thailand?
  3. Cheers Peep show Modern family Married with children, the best episodes. I'd say fleabag but only 12 episodes I had to go for quantity as well as quality.
  4. You're interested in talking to unattractive women? Old women?
  5. Group Lao lessons in a school? Could you give more details pls.
  6. How old are you and what does your daily activities look like then? You've weighed in heavily with emotive posts that my friend would be on a long road to purgatory. It would be good to know how relevant your views are.
  7. How old was she and how old are you? If not willing to say then at least the age gap. I'm guessing the disagreement is raising because you don't need attractive whereas the likes of BM2 does.
  8. He's about 60. Sensible. Wants nice life of course. Thailand is more expensive of course and 60k isn't what it used to be. Which parts of Thailand can he afford and not afford?
  9. In other countries these policies barely move the dial.
  10. I did one years ago on kho phangan. I'm a bit of a skeptic and was pushed into going by my ex. Very grateful for the experience. Should go again but it's a bit like going out to jog on a winter's night. I know once doing it I'll enjoy it again and will feel great afterwards. Still hard to get out the door.
  11. So, with 23 million what age do you think he can go?
  12. Move to Bangkok and forget online stuff.
  13. Nope. I just think few months in UK would reset my pleasure principle each year.
  14. Just a thought. Thinking of going back to the UK for theworst three months of the burning season. Don't have any skills left. Anybody have any ideas on casual work that's easy to pick up? I might hate it but 2 or 3 months work might help me enjoy my relaxing life in Thailand more.
  15. All animals do it. Many insects are poisonous for example. But many more copy the colours of poison (bright reds, yellows) but don't bother producing the costly posion. Lying works just as well.
  16. Very few people are ever really motivated the tell the truth. Every situation someone is selling and someone is buying.
  17. Bangkok if I have enough money. Chiang Rai if I don't. 3. Chiang Mai.
  18. Yes, you're right.....my "10" is actually a "good as you can reasonably expect 10" not a "Hugh Hefner on opium 10"
  19. No great transformation for me. A solid 7 in the UK and an 8 in Thailand. Would be 10 here if I could have avoided ageing. Because retired my daily routine is very similar in both places. Bit too much home based I'm sure.
  20. Feel lucky. My UK house it's 13bht a unit. 4 sounds great.
  21. There has always been an inherent need to rank ourselves, and feel good about it or feel we can improve our standing. That's why sport all around the world uses league tables. Humans growing up with social media feel poor and ugly compared to everyone they see online. So hopeless that it feels pointless to compete. Striving to move from bottom to second to bottom ain't fun. Virtue signalling is the new game in town for all those who will never be attractive enough to be an influencer on YouTube.
  22. Everyone wants to feel good about themselves. Tons of research shows a man with the first motor bike in the village is happy but the man riding a motor bike is miserable if every other man has a car. We all know accumulation of wealth has little correlation with a man's worth but we are trapped inside the rules of that game regardless. The real reason outside central Bangkok and perhaps CM is cheaper is that there is no hidden assault on well being at passing a man get out his expensive car and walk into a sushi restaurant with a girl that he wouldn't have if he couldn't afford those things.
  23. Worse in asia. Nearly all the westerners in south East Asia are racist against male Asians.
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