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Everything posted by sidjameson

  1. Op, have you ever had a woman really into you? Many haven't so don't know the difference. was she really into you in Thailand? Signs, always picked up your calls, always ready to meet. Would blow off other engagements to be with you. Never made you wonder what she was up to etc If yes she was into you in Thailand then I'd lean towards depression. Which can be helped. If she just was never that into you I'd lean towards her just realising that being with a guy just to be able to work in the UK feels like a prison sentence.
  2. 1% of the population are psychopaths. Not the slash and burn variety but just lacking in what most consider the normal emotional needs. They learn to paste and copy emotional behaviour to get by. I'm out of touch with how a young person raised in the digital age is wired but happy to stay on the phone all day, seemingly few emotional needs suggests something to me.
  3. Everybody gets the best partner they can. If a Thai women earning 100k and willing to support a guy chose you she is either bad looking or you're very handsome and full of game.
  4. Nice summary. I'm considering udon, do you think 56 is old enough to fit in? 😂
  5. How often do you go outside? If used to Aircon that much it must be a struggle.
  6. Men have looks, game or money to attract a woman. If a man uses money then he shouldn't be surprised at the results.
  7. Years ago, neighbour in England was a guy in his 50's and married. Own house, business and savings. Wife got sick, he gave up work, employed carers and ended up selling business and house. When she died he was penniless, in rented and living just off the state pension. He really was "till death do us part ' How much of your wealth would you spend on your wife?
  8. What do you want your social life to look like? Budget? P4P important? Air pollution worry you? What is your preference for transportation? Age?
  9. If you weren't of similar age and attractiveness then perhaps she "loved you" in the same way people say they love their job. I said and ment it, " I loved teaching at "my" university" but I wouldn't of done it for free and I always had an eye on retirement.
  10. Fair play. I've never used a working girl because I never used condoms. But in hindsight I broke hearts just to lower my personal health risks.
  11. Fantastically well put. Known many men who are a 5 thinking they're an 7, looking for what they believe to be an 8 when statically speaking, lining every women in the country up end to end she's a 9.5
  12. For me with a long term gf fast approaching menopause I wish that option would work but either you're using a condom and then really, what's the point? Or youre risking infecting not only you but also the wife!
  13. My point is, the first 30k but a month is probably more important than love but after 30k most would choose love over money.
  14. Every old person I've seen would rather be looked after in an ordinary apartment by someone they love than stay in the most luxurious care home being taken care of by somebody they don't.
  15. Been reading this forum for 20 years. Used to be vibrant and full of guys optimistically planning their future lives in Thailand and other guys living their best life in Thailand. Great exchange rates didn't hurt. Now, it's only habit that keeps me looking in. Anybody know if this was the decline of forums in general or just this one in particular?
  16. I've met loads of Thai women burdened with unsustainable debt. I've seen (to be fair can't say met) loads of Thai men who seem to be debt free and focused on lazing around enjoying themselves. I've met many single moms burdened with raising a child in very difficult circumstances. Not many men. It's tricky but I'd say that for myself I'm not in debt or raising a child alone and it's because I used my "intelligence" So I'd reluctantly say the men are smarter.
  17. Because women are carp at math.
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 103 seconds  
  19. Yet you have 23k posts communicating with farangs in Thailand!!!
  20. Humans tend to make themselves the heros of their own narrative.
  21. Autumn years? You mean 40 to 60? Winter years 60 to 80?
  22. The majority of women only develop "maturity" when they no longer get by on their looks. It's the great dilemma for the older man. Tight skin but a loose brain or a tight brain but loose skin.
  23. And how close to James Bond are you?
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