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Everything posted by sidjameson

  1. But the bottom 20% of Aussie men far far outcompete the bottom 50% of Filipino men. Thanks to the Aussie government they have housing and healthcare and cheap food in the fridge.
  2. Where do they go instead?
  3. Any guy who thinks knocking back 10 pints is the life of Riley missed out on the benefits of a good education. Sharing the local diseases with the Mrs isn't exactly my idea of the good life either. But if he's got the life he wants good on him.
  4. Most people I meet only ever retired in Thailand.
  5. They make money hiring the salesmen who have to buy a lot of product. Gf still owes money to them 15 years after leaving the company having never made a cent. Stear clear.
  6. Did you pay sinsod? Just asking because it seems a bit rich that when in Thailand Mr Farang is often asked to follow Thai culture but when Mrs Thai is in his country the Thai family often expect her to follow Thai culture too. Rather a bit one sided, bit like colonialism in reverse.
  7. Last night I had two pints of 4% beer. First drink in months. By midnight I felt like I had drunk 6! Horrible feeling and definitely not worth it. At least for me, being over 50 seems to make alcohol a low return activity.
  8. And what do you drink these days?
  9. Which would you give up first, booze or forums?
  10. Do you think Thailand's air quality will take any years off that?
  11. But look at David Attenborough! If I thought I'd age like him I'd be ok with reaching 100. He's 97 btw.
  12. Those figures are life expectancy at birth. You'd be surprised how if you've already reached 60 you can expect considerably longer. In the UK a 80 year old today lives on average another 6 or 8 years I believe.
  13. Sounds interesting. What part of Thailand? How does one go about finding such a concert?
  14. The ingredients that make a Thai good life and it's costs. Comparing Thailand to other destinations. How to overcome the challenges of making a life in Thailand.
  15. Don't like cold winters. That knocks out Europe, north east Asia and North America. Don't like thuggish crime, out goes central and south America. Don't like complete lack of infrastructure, so Africa is out. Don't like expensive so Australasia isn't getting picked. Only really left se Asia. And long term affordable visa only really left Thailand. Luckily I like Thailand.
  16. From Exeter. Growing up never saw a foreign face or the desperate vagrant type. Now there's 1000's of Indians an Chinese living here for work and study. Many east Europeans for work. Many others seeking benefits, oops I mean refugee status. The city centre has a hundred homeless/alcoholic physically, mentally morally broken types. Graffiti worse.Rubbish worse. Sense of community lower. The rest of Devon unchanged and quite lovely if the sun is shining.
  17. Modern life has made our monkey brain demand constant entertainment....life was so much more uneventful a few decades ago and yet people coped better, or so it seems.
  18. Steady on! This has got to be the meds talking!🤣 Very nice to hear from one of the last posters on the forum I would expect to say it.
  19. Plastic surgery so she can attract another foreigner after you've gone. Just kidding but sadly as others have noted Thais are terrible at financial management.
  20. I taught in university in Japan and every new semester I would walk into a classroom and literally hear a deep breath in (Japanese type of swoon) from 90% of the girls. Omg what a feeling and yet also surprisingly taken for granted too. Then one new semester I walked in and ....nothing. Overnight I went from rock star to nice teacher. I was 40. 15 years later I'm still struggling with adjusting. I play in the lower leagues now because I can still get that swoon and would rather have a 40 something excited to be with me than an indifferent 20 something.
  21. No prices on their website. Any idea?
  22. Can never make up my mind if the answer to the meaning of life is 42 or tight puzzy, loose shoes and a warm place to sh...ite
  23. Just curious about people's second choices. Let's not forget visa practicalities. I'd probably choose the Philippines because I've gotten used to SE Asia, can't imagine trying a new continent, meet the visa requirements (none lol) and like younger women.
  24. DNA test done obviously. Quickest and cheapest execution possible.
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