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Everything posted by sidjameson

  1. Life becomes cheaper than imagined which is a positive if you had less than you thought, but maybe a negative if you got more.
  2. Some good points raised by the op. I suspect if and when there is a stranglehold on the desires of the citizen who wishes to behave in ways not authorized by the state most posters on here will be long gone. Bit like burning fossil fuels our generations receive the short term benefits while future generations will possibly be paying an awful cost.
  3. If people spend 20 years in a place a good chunk of those people never move. Some people have energy in their 20's to move somewhere but in their 40's they don't have the energy to leave.
  4. Don't know about the op's restaurant but in the UK if you eat at the cheap places you'll be surrounded by pensioners on state benefits and the cheap crowd. Nothing wrong with that. I'm cheap myself, but the great thing about Thailand is that for much less than 400bht you can eat in a place where a young attractive Thai might eat.
  5. But comparing a same sex couples child's outcome to the general population maybe problematic. You're comparing two highly motivated, organised and relatively stable people who clearly want a child with a general population who often are the exact opposite of that. Compare same sex couples with a cohort of heterosexual IVF users for example would be fairer.
  6. Where did you learn your tai chi? Sounds very much what I'm looking for.
  7. Do the days you take it also help the days you don't? Do you mind saying how you take it, dose and the nature of the pain? Many thanks from a fellow sufferer.
  8. Would you say the same about a guy that paid someone to be a best friend? Or a child to be his son?
  9. I get those spasms too. Far to regular. What works for pain? I just endure and never smoked weed. Does weed help?
  10. I get those spasms too. Far to regular. What works for pain? I just endure and never smoked weed. Does weed help?
  11. Considering any of the radiation treatments for my intermediate favourable prostate cancer. I'd like the most skilled Dr possible. I'd like a ball park cost if possible. Many thanks.
  12. I'm in the UK. Planning to marry my Thai gf. Register office say they need my decree absolute translated and signed by the translator. Anyone know cheap place to do this in centralish bkk? Why not just get anyone to translate for free and sign???? 😂
  13. Thank you very much Tony. I'm 56, no benefits or pension. I've 200k in a ordinary tracker fund and some individual shares. So, I could invite gf over on fiance visa, we can marry in UK. I put 100k from shares to cash and then immediately apply for remain to stay? No need for her to leave UK?
  14. Health issues. If possible I'd like to marry Thai gf of many years and bring her here. Not working but have own house and stock portfolio above the savings requirements UK impose. Do I need to sell and put 90k in the bank? How long does it need to be there? I'm divorced from previous Thai. We were in Japan and registered marriage with UK Embassy there. Divorced in Thailand and never told UK. I have a divorce paper in Thai. Needs resolving? Simple steps of advice please. Health is stressful enough.
  15. Oh, sorry. I wasn't clear. It's Gleason 7 3+4 8 samples Gleason 3 3 samples Gleason 4 1 sample no cancer
  16. 12 samples taken. Unfortunately 8 Gleason 3 and 3 Gleason 4. One nothing. Dr said surgery as I'm youngish, 56. I suggested active surveillance which he agreed was an option.
  17. BBC management will cull anything except their own terms and conditions. One of the best pensions you can have.
  18. Simon, I've just found this.... Now as a lay person it seems to suggest all outcomes are the same regardless of taking surgery or even doing nothing, at least over a 15 year period. I know you're a scientist and no doubt smarter than me. I'd probably take 15 years and see....and average age of death is 80...I'd certainly take that. I prioritise healthy lifestyle and would rather live less years but not incontinent than get on average a few extra years but die not with my boots on but a nappy instead! Any thoughts? https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2023-03-13-study-shows-delaying-treatment-localised-prostate-cancer-does-not-increase-mortality
  19. Thanks Simon. Hard not to go to worst case scenario, at least for me 😂
  20. Thank you
  21. Thank you Sheryl. I'm in Exeter, south west England.
  22. In the UK at the moment. Mid 50's. Had a couple of PSA tests. 3.9 and 3.6 Then an MRI which showed a 12mm lesion. Went for the biopsy, getting results on Tuesday 15th. The Dr already said that given my age and health (generally pretty good) he would recommend a prostatectomy!!!! Haven't had results yet, but preparing for the worst. Would appreciate others experiences. Willing to have treatment here on NHS or pay back in Thailand. Just want the best decision based on survival and quality of life. This is part of my research. Thanks.
  23. Nope, just someone who values who they eat with rather than what they're eating. As long as healthy of course.
  24. If you enjoy a middle class Thai life. Eating in a restaurant looking at fellow diners who are young attractive females. Living in apartments with attractive office girls. Thailand is great value. If you enjoy eating farang food and eating with other older and cashed up people and You like expensive locations where only the old and ugly can afford, probably better places than Thailand. I'd rather eat in Terminal 21 with the office girls than the Hilton with the older, wealthier western women. But that's just me!
  25. Why not just drink faster and 20% more?
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