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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. I dont want to say more than hello to weirdo's....so sometimes just saying hi leads to more unfortunately.

    I usually say hi or a nod to all.......unless I have been perving on his wife or girlfriend first and he has caught me...then I cannot look at him cos I know what he is thinking.

    2 farang and their 2 girls were walking alongside my wife one day heading into tesco where we live....in the curntry....and 1 farang was lagging behind hoping my wife would walk in front, but still off to the side, she did.

    I was sitting in the car in the carpark watching....the farang was staring at her rather nice backside and not watching where he was walking and he walked gonad height into the stainless steel bollards out the front of the entrance that are about gonad height........made I larf n larf n larf.....

  2. So you are ok for US nationals to travel overseas and do the same thing and get away with it if they can.....you would not support a US national being investigated and arrested fiddling with a 6yo girl in Thailand if the locals did not catch him, but a US ngo or investigator did ?? It would by your reckoning be best to ignore his actions and let him be on with it.

  3. If you like your steaks well done, chances are, you do not like steaks at all.

    I suggest you order something else, a nice salad for instance or the soup du jour.

    A steak is done enough if it still twitches if you put a mild AC current to it.

    If I would run a steak house and someone would order his steak well done I would probably show him the door.

    A reasonable chef does not just cook for money.


    How many of you TV members like steak well done ?? Should you be told you are not worthy of a steak and that you really are only fooling yourselves and do not like steak at all.

    How many of you steak eaters that do not get what you order....feel that you should then settle for soup or salad instead ??

    How many of you carry around a battery and wires to test your steak ??

    We are lucky Raro does not run a steak house.

    A reasonable chef cooks for what his customers want to eat and pay for.....to pay his wages ultimately.

  4. . who do they go after tomorrow? Someone who smoked a joint? Someone who didn't wear a helmet while riding their motorcycle? Who knows?

    So worry about that then....tomorrow can take a long time to come around and you comparison for worry is ridiculous........a kiddy fiddler or 80.... against a pot smoker.......get real and come up with a better argument

  5. The idea about the nice farang that is richer than the poor cow herder, offering him 1k baht out of kindness sucks in my opinion.

    I had a busted arse car hit me in the rear 2 years ago, they were not looking and did not stop in time at some lights.

    My new car still had red plates, their bucket a bolts was falling apart. They asked my wife and waid me so high to forgive them and maybe as i was richer than them, i could forget about it and pay for my own damages.

    if however the shoe had been on the other foot,it would have been xmas time in their eyes and out to get me for all they could.

    The double standards here suck big time.

  6. So you guys above think that it is a waste of money catching 80 odd child sex offenders and charging them for it ??

    That is a really strange way to think in my opinion and raises questions as to why you would be waving the flag in support of these sex offenders.

    It's just that 80 odd child sex offenders is only the tip of a very large iceberg.

    If they really wanted to do something serious about the problem and not just pay political lip service then they could better spend the money in other areas.

    Until then I won't get too excited about such 'initiatives'.

    So best to let those 80 odd go right on about their business right ??

    From that point of view of yours, you would prefer these 80 odd child molesters still be free on the streets practising their hobby.

    Why don't you tell us a few ways that you would do it better ??

  7. So you guys above think that it is a waste of money catching 80 odd child sex offenders and charging them for it ??

    That is a really strange way to think in my opinion and raises questions as to why you would be waving the flag in support of these sex offenders.

  8. Interested in this as I have had a rise in BP of late apparently.

    I detest taking medication and very rarely, if ever will finish taking something prescribed for the full course, most times I cancel the majority of drugs ordered by a doc here anyway.

    I would prefer to find other ways to reduce and keep it down.

    I do not drink coffee, maybe 3 cups a week at most, usually only 1.

    I have stopped salt in any use myself at home or away when possible, missus still uses small amounts in cooking, but thats it. We eat at home more often than not and junk food is a rarity in our eating schedule, at most once a month.

    I am 5'11" and around 82/84 kilo's.

    Exercise is the lacking area though I know it, but I prefer active work to organised and specific exercise, it bores me to tears doing the same thing repeatedly and I cannot do it for any extended period. I would like to do swimming regularly, but we have no pool nearby.

    So not really sure why my BP went up, but it has and wish to lower it naturally.

  9. Are you worried ??

    About what?

    Worried about Western economies (and entire societies for that matter) going to the dogs in a barrel of lies and deceit? Yes, very.

    Worried about people being tarnished or worse by falling foul of an insane witchhunt through no fault of their own? Yes, certainly.

    Worried about the midnight knock on the door? Not at all. Unless farting in the bath recently became illegal and no one told me.

    You sound worried.

    You know that if someone thinks about or chats online with young kids and what they want to do with them, that is the first step and can be treated as perverse and not even reality as it is the internet and in your mind.

    But if someone takes the next step and acts upon those thoughts or chats, then they enter a new phase where the real possibility of them offending takes place.....if they do not intened to do anything, as many claim, why take that next step and enter the real world.

    You seem very worried for these people that take the next step......I just wonder why.

  10. More public money wasted by fools on insane witchhunts.

    The only reason that governments have these hare-brained programmes is to take peoples minds off the catastrophic mis-management and criminal incompetence they are all guilty of.

    You cant beat a good witch-burning for that.

    Are you worried ??

  11. and no Thais pay this price

    I love it when people say this....you have not much of an idea what Thais will pay do you.

    As always though it depends on what and where.

    500k a rai or 3 million for 5-6 rai without NS3G or Chanote? Not very common

    on the other hand, I have sold land to thais for 35k baht/talangwah, but with NS3G.

    He said it had title.....

    I know of 2 local land plots that have sold recently for between 500k and 1 mil per rai with no title to thais.

  12. i was exercising in california fitness, doing stretches, when a cute Thai girl, probably a movie star or super model passing by looks at me and then says to her friend "Farang Chang Yai". I don't know the second two words. Can anyone help? Was it derogatory?

    Not 100%....but she either thinks you have a nose the size of an elephant....or a penis the size of an elephants nose....

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