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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. Hey thanks for the advice 'Andrew of Bangkok'.........I shell use it wisely after I find out if she owns a car or not first.

    "I shall use it wisely".

    If you learned to spell, that might also help.

    Thankyou 'Andrew of Bangkok'.....a spelling lesson and sexual therapist all in one visit......can't get better than that hey...

    Just one question 'Andrew of Bangkok'......why do you prefer your girls to have a car before you will date them ??....and is the make and value of said car of relevance ??

    Still waiting for wrong time of month to finish.......then let the experiment begin......lights off of course.

  2. You should have swallowed your pride and anger towards this low life bargirl to get yourself out of this situation in the most economical way possible, but you didn't in order not to lose face.

    Nothing to do with saving face if the OP's story is as he tells it.

    More about not being scammed by some low life bitch.....pure and simple.....taken for a ride it is called.

    he did try to settle it....but if you think settling something like this for 5k is reasonable....then good for you.

    I do agree he should not have signed a guilty plea and given it to them....the judge is likely to looks at it quickly and disregard any crap statements from anyone and get on with the rst of the day....you pleaded guilty....guilty it is...tata....

    Could someone pin this thread a forward diarise it 12 months please ??

  3. Thats the problem with guys like you IF and Mark.....you spend your life with working girls and then everyone in the country must be same same.

    The posts I referred to express their opinion of all thai woman being the same.....very few exceptions......I differ in my experience and so do most if not all of my married friends....except one who is married to a porn star.

    I never said I was married to the same woman for 20 years.....hope old timers disease is not setting in.

    My wife walks around naked a lot in the house and we did not have any curtains in the old house we lived in.......it would be a gross generalisation for me to think that other thai woman did not do the same.....such as yourself and 'Andrew of Bkk' have made about all thai woman.

    I might even conduct an experiment tonight......oil my my finger in the ready and just aim it away for a full knuckle insertion without warning and see what happens.

  4. Mark's comment is true for the most part, and with no slurs on anyone. Tell me how what he said is wrong.

    Really...you think most normal healthy females that have been married for 20 years...or even less.....still go to bed in a towel ?

    I can state first hand that mine does not and has not for 99% of our time together...in fact i could count on one hand the number of times she 'might' have done so.

    You lot seem to think that there are no normal uninhibited girls out there.

    Mark also has a horrible habit of big noting his times spent with bar girls and hookers.....like he is some kind of HookaLeaks source of universal know it all knowledge on them.......

  5. Read these 2 comments amongst others in another thread that is now locked....but wanted to comment on them...

    :mark45y:..It is obvious that a Thai goodgirl wife still takes off her clothes under a towel with her husband after 20years of marriage so it is more cultural than any other issue'

    :andrewbkk:.. Some gentlemen here in Thailand seemnot to understand that many whores really are whores. They love it.

    Ultimately the proof is in the pudding. Go to bedwith a "proper" girl and try putting your finger into her bottom. Shewill almost certainly express surprise or shock or disgust.

    You guys have no real idea.

    As in any society, there are all sorts and your generalizations here are allowing your lack of experience shine through.

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