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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. Here, i would like to express my gratefulness and many thanks to Andrew Drummond & Sudarat Sereewat for their kindest assistance. They had help in investigating our case and overcome the critical situation we are in. Truely efficient i would say. Thanks

    As my 5yo soon to be 6yo daughter would say from her favourite movie 'Hancock'......"good job"

  2. No problem re the 'joke'.

    But....what you paid plus costs could still be more than it is worth if you paid too much for example....not saying you have, just saying your justification for price may not suit others.

    Your price in Pm seems ok, but would then depend on site visit as many things can come into play obviously once there.

    Does the land flood ??

    As for advertising......put up a lot of those small signs all over the well travelled routes, main roads etc in the area, near busy markets etc....not only at the fron of the land.

    Most people in this country seem to buy land by word of mouth, or driving around the area that they want to buy in and look for signs.

    You mentioned having reg title....but what kind of title...there are several different types........chanote, NS3, or one of the lower tax titles such as PBT I think it is called.

    Good luck.

  3. Does my querie about this subject really make me sound that needy? LOL

    For sure.

    Try some dating sites, many have area specific search options, find other farang there and send them a message asking if they would like to catch up.

    Just explain that there is nothing sinister about your approach, but after your failures in the supermarkets and streets, you thought this might be a less invasive option.

    Good luck.

  4. Hi alll,

    What can you say about land. I am not sure who said :

    If you have to ask, how much something is you can't afford it.

    Whats it good for, what kind of question is that?

    Whats land relief . what in the name of God is that.

    Views yes. Soil yes. Water yes. Electricity yes.

    Phone Mobile. Climate Wet & Sunny.

    if i am been treated like a fool i might as well act the fool too :whistling:

    NewbePat :jap:

    You seem like a bit of a tool pat....someone asks you the price and you say if you have to ask, you cannot afford it ??

    Best you keep your little plot of land for your childrens inheritance then....cos we are not allowed to ask the price to see if you are asking a dreamers price, or a real price.

    I have a friend with land near there, I know what she paid and the supposed current value of similar riverside land.......

  5. Let those who pick fun of other people in photos, post a photo of themselves (and their partners)!

    Then we can have some real laughs.

    I'm pretty sure YA#15 would beat the looks of them/theirs.

    How much exaccery would you prepare to wager on this outcome ??

    But hey, if Miss15 floats ya boat, then you obviously have a much bigger pond to fish from than I.

  6. It's hard to get A quality steak in thailand.

    Really ??

    I bought all the steak in a shop a few years ago because it looked so good and at 300b per kilo, if it was no good, it would be fine for Thai dishes, or mince, or stews.

    It was one of the best pieces of meat I have ever had, very tasty, very tender.....it was Thai.

    I recently bought 4 kilo sirloin steak as one whole piece, cut it myself an inch or so thick....again, very decent steak, not the best....but tasty and tender.....at 450b per kilo.

    There ya go.

  7. People who think this

    and thisya15.jpggo well together, they have a lot to gain from a life of seeking companionship in Thailand.


    And this is what she looked like when I told her I was leaving. You think I am kidding? Look at the eyes.

    She looks pretty.....

    Pretty rugged even when she is all dolled up to look her best....

    Can imagine what she looked like at daylight.

    I found my wife unconscious one evening.....took her home and she never left.

  8. How long did he actually spend in jail waiting to get out ??

    Did he have to pay anything ??

    Strange really.....park your car and someone hits it and dies.....totally their fault.

    A 16yo girl kills 9 people and is out free and easy.

  9. Um. Did you look at his user name????

    Cannot say I did.....I been to busy running around organising shit for our kids......which we had together by the way.....

    let me go look now......

  10. I have to agree with Nawtier. Men certainly do 'suffer' from pregnancy.

    As for the question about why some women want to have many children, well just one answer in Australia is the get $5000. Since that was introduced you'd be amazed at how many unatached girls got pregnant, didn't want the father involved at all and then made a quick trip to the shop for a plazma tv.

    But then the government caught on this being done and has now decided to pay in small instalments only. Pregnancies of the unnatached has now dropped again.

    If woman are choosing to be lumped with a lifetime committment for a flat screen telly......then what does that say about their intelligance levels.....I would prefer to just max out the credit card

  11. Op is about the mother requesting this and that and how the Op is doing all the other work that is required when you both have children........not the actual birth itself.

    Then SBK calls him a sucker.

    As far as i am concerned it is more about the guy helping and both of you having the child. It is you girls that changed it around to suit your 'its all about me meme and my pain' of childbirth etc.

    I have a friend who had a child, the mother laid there to get pregnant, carried it for 9 months....then laid there some more while it was cut out....then ran off. The father has raised the child alone for several years now.......so, who has done all the work here then ??

    And SBK...i am not aggressive about it, if you think I am, it is more the reflection of your thoughts than mine.

  12. So when it is something that you think you have the sole right to and someone disagrees....its trolling huh ??

    There are many dads out there that put in just as much effort as the females do and its about time you acknowledge it, some even more, much more.

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