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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. Thing is, these giant trees do not belong to one, the land owner or the government if on government land, they belong to the community and are a national treasure.....they should not be treated as they are and need to be respected and protected for all.

    This valley will be ruined if these large trees are all allowed to die simply from neglect, or lack of knowldege.

  2. When it effects trees that are part of the valley, trees that were here before them and that will take another 100 years to replace....if at all...i get annoyed.

    I can see several trees like this now that will be dead in a year or 2.

    Anybody got any thoughts on what to do...who to contact ??

    Look at the size of this tree in comparison to the cars.....it died because the knobs built up the soil around the base of the tree maybe 1m and the bark rotted, disease and fungus' settle in and it dies a slow death.

    I am going to take some pics of the other trees of this significant size and post them.

    I am wondering if anyone here has contacts with Thai people in environmental awareness campaigns that do in fact care and may be able to help in one way or another.

    It needs to be put in front of the people in charge of the area. It has been done before and can be done again. But I do not know who to contact, I tried a couple of local foundations and such, but they were either totally uncontactable, or did not care.



  3. if she will not go to the mountain...bring the mountain to her.

    Find a doc that will visit home and take a blood test....dont mention the dreaded disease, just that the doc wants to run tests to see why she losing weight, or cough or whatever...then get the tests done.

  4. All the drunks and alcies up in arms i see....cannot go for a night or 2 without a drink......'a thoroughly disgusting announcement' ?? ....really ??

    You must have a hangover to be so over the top about such a good decision.

    I hope they take it a step further and ban smoking in all the National Parks also.

    Oh yes, jolly good idea!

    In fact, maybe they should ban ugly people too. The parks would be so much nicer if they only let beautiful people in.

    Nawtier, I think you need to get a life. You come across as an obnoxios and intolerant bigot. A zealot who cares only for his own warped vision of how the world should be.

    God how I despise the self-righteous, holier-than-thou crowd, forever trying to tell everyone how to live their lives...

    You sound like you could be a smoker, the kind that drops his filthy butts anywhere he pleases, including a national park.

    You do not need alcohol to appreciate nature and get drunk amongst it, if you do, then perhaps this ban is a good thing and will keep your type away.

    A national park is a small part of the country, you can drink everywhere else to your hearts content......just not in a natural environment that is protected for the benefit of the wildlife, not you...the wildlife and flora...get it ??

  5. All the drunks and alcies up in arms i see....cannot go for a night or 2 without a drink......'a thoroughly disgusting announcement' ?? ....really ??

    You must have a hangover to be so over the top about such a good decision.

    I hope they take it a step further and ban smoking in all the National Parks also.

    Oh yes, jolly good idea!

    In fact, maybe they should ban ugly people too. The parks would be so much nicer if they only let beautiful people in.

    Nawtier, I think you need to get a life. You come across as an obnoxios and intolerant bigot. A zealot who cares only for his own warped vision of how the world should be.

    God how I despise the self-righteous, holier-than-thou crowd, forever trying to tell everyone how to live their lives...

    You sound like you could be a smoker, the kind that drops his filthy butts anywhere he pleases, including a national park.

    You do not need alcohol to appreciate nature and get drunk amongst it, if you do, then perhaps this ban is a good thing and will keep your type away.

    A national park is a small part of the country, you can drink everywhere else to your hearts content......just not in a natural environment that is protected for the benefit of the wildlife, not you...the wildlife and flora...get it ??

  6. Nawtier, I pity you! You'r too simple to reply on your remarks and too immature... B)

    really.....I guess you are one the weak that will sit in a minivan while the driver tries to kill you.

    It just takes a bit of balls dude to call an idiot an idiot and to stand up for yourself.....you may pick this trait up as you get older and mature a little yourself.

  7. All the drunks and alcies up in arms i see....cannot go for a night or 2 without a drink......'a thoroughly disgusting announcement' ?? ....really ??

    You must have a hangover to be so over the top about such a good decision.

    I hope they take it a step further and ban smoking in all the National Parks also.

  8. First of all pay five times the Thai price to get into these public attractions. Arriving there with nerves shattered through the insane driving of these mini-buses. Personally l require something a lot stronger than alcohol!

    I rarely pay the inflated prices for anything....in fact I have not for a long time now, if there is some place that insists on it, I dont go there....simple really.

    As for insane minivan drivers...why do you put up with it ?? Tell them to drive sensibly or stop and call for a new driver....or drive yourself......and don't pay. many ways around it, no reason at all to tolerate it.....more fool you if you do.

    Fix the first 2 problems and you will not need the alcohol...or stronger meds.

    Mind you...there are still plenty of other idiots to deal with.

  9. Just makes you wonder how many of these rock spiders are crawling around the gutters of Pattaya. How many is this now in the last month? Well into double figures. As a parent who loves his kids very much I personally would not take my children within 100 kms of Pattaya. They place frightens the hell out me hearing all the horrible stories comming out of the place everyday. (murders, serious assaults and pedophilles to name just a few)

    As a parent who also loves his kids dearly...i have taken mine to pattaya several times over the years and never had a problem.

    If you take care of your children and don't let them out of your sight, how can it be a problem and if you do not let strangers near your kids, how can it be a problem.....I also educate my kids to never talk or deal with strangers....if anyone ever tried=s to grab them, hold them, touch them in any such way....they are taught to scream, bite, kick, scratch and cause as big an attention getter as they possible can.....a licence to have a tantrum of global scales.

    Granted, the guy at dinner next to you could be looking at your kids...he could comment nicely on what lovely children you have.....but so could your neighbour.

    You can take kids there if it is the kind of place you like to holiday at.....usually we holiday elsewhere, but we might go here for a certain reason for something....or to visit a close beach for a weekend and thats it and you can stay away from the usual areas of concern, others are relatively fine.

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