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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. However it is doen Donut, hope it is done properly.

    it does sound like going to the hosptial first for the check and then having been convinced, have the doctor report it and then the department contacts senior police, sounds like a good way to go to make sure action is taken.

    I would worry about walking into a police station alone and then nothing much happening for some time, or she given the wrong information and by the time it is all done, maybe to late to have checkup and then evidence gone.

    Not an easy country to do anything in.

    Has he been arrested yet ??

    Something strange i would think if not.

  2. So I gather you are there home with her now, good for you and hope all goes well.

    I am intrigued as to why the guy has not been arrested and is all this time a flight risk, where you may then not find him again for years, by that time all forgotten about from the Thai police side anyway.

    People were not interested in where you were donut, just why you were not mentioning why you could not immediately be by your daughters side. There are 101 reasons for this quite possibly and all you had to do was say you are arranging travel plans now, but for whatever reason....isolated location for example, immediate travle is not possible, it will take a few days. Thats all.......people like me with a daughter same age could not imagine a father not moving heaven and earth to be there.

    Anyway, best of luck with it all and good to hear she is ok and dealing with it.

    One thing.....dont let the cops talk you into a photo being taken when they arrest him, if they do, with your daughter in the photo pointing at him.

  3. Ah Ratty.....I am worse than you......but to embarrassed to tell.

    Well.....not really, i dont give a hoot.

    13 years now, still cannot speak any decent amount at all.

    I went to some lessons once, i was 15 mintues late for the first lesson and could not catch up....so never went back.

    I am thinking to give it one last effort one day...one day.

    I would think if you really looked, you could find someone in Korat to teach for the right price.

    There is a guy in Pak Chong for 400b an hour...i know to far, but Korat is 10 times the size and sure you would find someone for 200b an hour if you looked.

    Get someone to put up a sign at the university. 2 hours for a student that needs some cash to pay for tuition should be easy to find.....or even exchange english for thai....an hour of each.

  4. I have seen several cases like this in my time working at a Police Station in Bangkok and it was taken extremely seriously. One was a 70 year old Thai man watching porn and the neighbours 7 year old daughter walked in. He achieved digital penetration with the child and the mother of the child came with the child came to report it at the police station.

    All hell broke loose and the Womens and Child foundation was called and took over the investigation. The man got 25 years! He will die in Jail!

    The second case was a 4 year old boy who was similarily minorly molested by a man. He played with the childs penis. He also got a very serious problem and is doing I believe a 10 year sentence.

    When it is reported from my experience the police take it extremely seriously and have a special protocol for dealing with it which is very fair and confidential and exhaustive.


    Nice to hear.

  5. Does US$3050 for a family of 4, oldest 47yo health insurance seem ok for premiums ?

    Does not cover dental or outpatients, but has full coverage with no real limits for major illness and ongoing treatments.

    No repatriation as live here now and they would not send you back to country origin anyway.

    It goes up when you hit 65yo and again at 70yo but reverts to single membership then as kids will be grown and have own by then. 70yo is basically $US2400.

  6. so why do you not fly out to be with your daughter and assist.......you do not need to be a fluent thai speaker to assist and be with your child ??

    Most fathers would move heaven and earth to do it.....even if in employment difficulties, any employer worthy of working for would make arrangments.

    Just interested why....several have asked and you ignore.

    Being a concerned father at arms length is fine for falling of ya bike, or fighting at school, or sick and such....but your child being raped ?? I think not.

  7. Like I asked...why are you not coming home immediately to deal with it.

    It would have to extraordinary circumstances for me not to return and make sure things are done correctly and thoroughly.

    By screwing around, you run the risk of this guy taking off....especially now that he knows you are doing something about it.

  8. Are you not in a position to fly home to assist with this ??

    You coulld be contacting a couple of organisations that might be able to help and specialise in this, if you need the name of 2 such organisations, i could pass them onto you and you could at least make first contact.

    There could be course for an investigation here if as was said, he may have done this before.

    Do not wait for the thai's to do it, let them do what they do, but they have been known to not give a shit about many things.

    If you are financial enough, make sure it is known to them, via a lawyer perhaps, that there is a reward or similar waiting for the capture, arrest and incarceration of this guy.

    Well worth it possibly if not much seems to be moving in the right direction.

    To be honest, i am wondering why a 6yo girl is being taken, or picked up from school by what is in essance a stranger by her self, unsupervised. At least on school buses there is safety in numbers.

  9. yeah....certainly not a nice incident and hope he gets what he deserves in more way than one.

    Only positive is that hopefully she is at an age that she will forget about it later in life and have no real recollection of it, although 6yo is kind of borderline i guess.

    Best wishes to you and wife for dealing with it.

    having a girl one year under that age, it does worry me endlessly this sort of thing.

    I know what I would be doing if the same thing had happened to us without hesitation.

  10. how did this taxi guy get access to your daughter ?? alone I would assume ??

    And if you do not mind, but without the graphics...what level of molestation are we talking here ??

    Being overseas must be hard when something like this happens....i would be going crazy. I have a 5yo daughter.

  11. I remember as a youngster in the car with my family back home in Oz, i was probably 5yo or so and it was considered quite ok to throw your rubbish out of the window of your car as you drove along.

    Then campaigns such as 'do not litter' and 'cleanup australia' and so on came along and from the education, the entire country changed.

    I also remember years ago the attitude to chopping trees down was vastly different to know.

  12. IF...this area is a little different by way that if someone makes the right noise to the right people, something might be done....I still say might and that is better than nothing.

    I would hate to see every tree of this size in this valley gone because nobody did anything until it was to late.

    A road widening was stopped here recently because some people did something about it and made the right noise.

    These trees are massive and need some help, so I am trying to help.

    I need someone on here that may know somebody in any of these organisations that are interested enough to do something, or a foreigner that speaks good Thai to make a few calls to a number I can supply for one particular organisation.

  13. Quote

    ".....it died because the knobs built up the soil around the base of the tree maybe 1m and the bark rotted, disease and fungus' settle in and it dies a slow death."

    You don't know what caused this tree to die.

    I imagine you approached the various local organisations with your condescending attitude, so you are unlikely ever to be in a position to improve the situation.

    Thankyou for your input.....please ignore this thread from now on if you do not mind.....i am looking for people to assist with the request in the OP......you are obviously not one of them.

  14. I think the OP used a bad example.. What you see in the picture is a gardening issue, even if the OP was right saying that there was too much soil put around the tree. That would be a mistake, it's not an example of actively or passively destroying the environment; whoever owns that plot wanted that tree there. So.. mistake, or disease.

    Really....that tree was there long before any of the currnet landowners were most likely born......

    I used this tree as an example because it is what I said it was....the development of this plot built a garden around this tree and up against it, at least 1 metre of raised soil around the trunk of the tree.....if you think this is natural and healthy for the tree.....up to you.

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