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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. Precisely.....a voice of reason.

    We have had the local fishing experts in with countless numbers of nets over last 2 days....but their efforts were very disappointing and surprising.....they could not catch jack.

    Mind you, not that easy a pond to try in, but none the less, they caught maybe 10 fish all day long today and there is plenty in there.

    Want to clean it out totally, so if anyone knows anything to use...please advise.

  2. Thats why I do not think bamboo will suit because of the loss of leaves and the leaf little layer it brings, also how tall it is, unless you can get shorter versions and it spreads. I have seen some boundaries with a certain bamboo that look very nice and are heavily maintained....but still the litter.

    I wish to place it just inside our boundary, not well inside as I do not want land wasted....over 8 rai that is significant and we also have rice.

  3. I don't have the energy to fight against all of Asia.

    Yes, I could date an exotic dark-skinned girl, but if you were to live long-term in Thailand, you get a lot more respect if you are with an educated, fair-skinned girl.

    Now of course, that's not fair. It's not the way it should be it. I guess it is what it is.

    Also nice to see you cow tail into line of what others expect and respect.....you seem to have no self respect.

    I have lived here long term and have a rather nice golden skinned wife.

    I came from a white skinned country.....that prefered suntanned skin.....I find someone that supposedly might come from an educated western background to think like you seem to do is shallow and perhaps insecure enough to need to date girls that others think are ok.

  4. "Credit where credit is due. Stickmanbangkok (wrote this) a month Before Andrew".

    and "I would think Andrew got the idea for the story reading Stickmanbangkok.



    Thanks for that.No dispute, but I did not get the story for Stickman. I was, however, provided with the Stickman link by the original informant. I have provided a link to Stickman at the end of my story. Stickman and I operate in different worlds. I think he is fairly solid. But I am a journalist and I generally do not write stories, exposes or whatever without naming people as the Thai press do. I try to take the story to its natural conclusion if possible.

    Funnily enough when I was once charged with libel in court here I was asked by the judge: "Why did you name these people?".

    That is the cultural difference. Normally one would argue how can you warn the public unless you name the people you are warning them about. The appeal court, thankfully agreed.

    Whast was the libel case about ?

  5. Before he RAN away I used an architect to design and build a house...he never did the CAD drawings and apparently hired a design engineer to help the CAD guy..sure he had a uni degree in architecture but...waste of space.

    I finally did a fag packet drawing of what I wanted and used a design/structural engineer to do up the CAD drawings.

    It's up to you as they say... but architects are not a necessarily good managers of construction of your funds and interests...he is in it for his "CUT" and as some poster said a good builder will find problems of which the architect would probably not be aware of and if he was then would save face above all...maybe.

    There used to be a saying in my past life.... "...yesterday I couldn't spell engineer, now I is one"

    I should add that the builder suggested I add four additional 30cmx 30cm additional concrete support pillars under the hitherto cantilevered concrete veranda as well as additional small roof stringers.......which he did....

    What they charge at 5/10% of the build cost is quite scary in comparison to what they do.

    If you have no idea what you want or no design skills yourself, then you need one.

    I used a farang architect in Bangkok once....got rid of him because he was totally useless and i then completed it myself....

    Now I design my own and get an engineer to make what I want fit and structurally secure.....but remember that the engineers here will over engineer anything.....just like the doctors are not sure what medicines to give you, so they give you a party bag of 4 or 5 different medicines hoping one of them will work.

  6. Anybody have any ideas for specific plants and photos or examples of recommended plants for a boundary fence that will provide the following qualities.

    Cannot be too tall as wish to retain mountain views, but want to hide immediate buildings nextdoor, about 3m max I would think.

    Should not be too wide so as to take up a lot of space and/or protude over neighbours side to much if any at all.

    Needs to be as solid and leafy as possible so as not to be able to see through it very easily.

    Quick growing.

    Attractive and with flowers would be nice, but not essential.

    Stand alone, no support fence available as area is 8 rai.

    I was thinking bamboo, but to much leaf litter that will go into neighbours and it is rice land and also to tall, could be possible though if a short variety available and deal with the litter.

    Any help appreciated.

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