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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. I need to replace my rear tyres now also.....how many K's did you get from yours ?

    I like the All Terrain tyres, had them in Oz a lot, but I do not want any road noise and is seldom offroad, but still want some offroad ability even though obviously 95% of the time is spent onroad.

  2. Why is it that you Australian and other farangs dont mind your own business and concern yourself with you own country, that incidentaly I must remind you,you have deserted,and thats onother reason why did you???

    These so called Greyman People.

    Ex special forces?????

    Ya got to be kidding!

    God jockeys is what these perverts must be??

    I have always been of the opinion that it "takes one to catch one" and that the Kiddie porn cops,internet etc,have to be perverts themselves to understand the scene,and be succesfull in tracking perverts.

    Are you greyman people that way inclined??

    I would imagine so!!!!

    Not very wise are you wise man ?

    One might think that you are the perverted one when you champ the cause of the pervert by way of rubbishing those that wish good.

    Are you wiseman perosn that way inclined??

    I would imagine so!!!!

  3. . I will however chastise them when they turn their backs on their noble deeds and turn to me, the general population, in an effort to curry financial support for a method I have a right to disagree on.

    I have a son. I love him. I take care of him.

    So, you being the general population and voice of all can tell the likes of greyman to stop what they do because it is a fruitless saga ?

    When were you voted the voice of the general population by the way...I must have missed that broadcast.

    If you know of some magical software out there that can preclude you from graymans and any other similar organisation marketing approach, then please let them have it as i am sure they would prefer to direct target people that do want to help, or at least might want to.

    It is a fact that these organisations need money to help with what they do....if you do not like that, then it is so much easier for you to ignore them, than it is for them to not market to you.

    I actually agree with many of your points, but i do not think that as you do, people should not do anything when it comes to young children.

    You have a son...good for you, so do I as well as a daughter and an adopted one to boot.

    Now imagine your son as I did recently about mine, I am not sure how old your son is, but simply change the ages here to suit your sons age......recently I watched a video on child sexual abuse....it was not graphic, but the shots it did show were quite emotional to a father with a son of the same age as depicted in the video. The boy, 8yo was tied up, arms, hands to ankles, legs, gagged and blindfolded and lying on a bed. That is all that was to it.....but then place your son in that position, imagine what would be going through your sons mind and wondering where you were and why this is happening. That is a sickening thought and if that child, my child, anyones child tied up on that bed could be rescued by the Greyman....then what you are saying is you think it is a futile effort.

    It might be futile in that he is just one, but that one is your or my son say....is it futile then ?....there might be 10 more waiting to replace him...but should he be left there and be number 11 ?

    You paint a broad brush in that every child in this position is there because of parental neglect or sold there....what about the ones abducted and their parents are worried sick if they will ever see their child again and what is happening to them right now. If this child was theirs....would it be ok to leave them because it will only be replaced tomorrow ?

  4. Talk about a guy that seems to have as his religion 'walk on by' attitude......

    Take another cup of joe COC...and watch the world go by.

    If nobody tackled the huge problems of the world....or even in a single city...where would we be.

    You seem to prefer to leave fires burn....others do not and will not.....some like to do, rather than sit and say its all to hard.

  5. . This is a much more serious issue then the young whores in Thailand who ask their older sister for a copy of their ID card so they can go for the big money too. Little bitches they are they no need any help.

    Success with the activities.

    Your agenda shines through here....somewhat bitter hey....quite possibly I would be also if I had been ripped off by someone that has not exited her teens yet.....like you have obviously been.....cheer up chap, learn from the experience, they ain't all bad.

  6. It has to do with mental capabilities as well...which no 15 year old has.

    Wow....you give a lot of credit to young people don't you ?

    Were you ever 15 yo ?

    I never suggested 15yo's should be able/allowed to work in a brothel....i am saying that some do and of those that do, some do it of their own free will, but for whatever reasons....but no, they certainly at that age should not be working in any type of bar, gogo or brothel.

    I also mentioned 15/16yo's being borderline and that if resources are there and available for investigating this type of thing....i would much prefer to see it going to dealing with the far more sickening situation of very young children, be it boys or girls.

  7. Why the do the sting op in Thailand? Because that is where Bout finally agreed to meet. Stupid Bout...he did not research that the DEA and CIA were always based in Thailand.

    That many AKs? FARC should know not to make themselves a target by using a different weapon system vs the ones carried by the US-supported Colombian army - M16s. Bout should have noted this discrepancy before placing the order or flying to meet the customer.

    Scopes to kill pilots... Really? The ones flying at 30K feet?

    The order was too good to be true.

    Lesson: Never agree to meet. Use the www. Still there always watching.

    You must be a fiction book writer...either that or one of them cia dudes living in Pattaya that cannot tell you they are cia...but do....but shhhh

  8. He said four Cambodian girls aged between 14 and 15 were rescued from padlocked rooms with bars on the windows.

    prostitution takes place in nearly every major city and province in the country

    This age of 15yo can be argued and totally depends on the independant countries own laws and we all know many 15yo girls are having sex and younger...on their own without any push and shove.

    However, the most vile act is forcing them and caging them up as what was probably happening in this case with the comment of them being locked up.

    It is not the under age sex thing when talking 15yo girls, it is how it is done....willingly or forcefully.

    Many 15/16yo girls go to willingly work in gogo bars and such.

    I somehow think that all the resources spent on rescuing these 3 15yo girls could be spent much better on doing the same in the places where much younger kids, both boys and girls are forced into this...the under 10yo kids. This is something any adult that has a decent bone in his body could not argue against.....15yo, dependant on the independant circumstances are borderline in my opinion.

  9. So what you are saying....and by way of scare tactics and excuses re the ILLEGAL and end up in jail same same bank robbers.....is that the many people around the country that do the odd deed should think twice about it because the boogy man will get them.

    Do you know how many people possibly go and visit Thai orphanages and drop of goods, or lend a hand for half a day every now and again ??

    How many people join in tree planting excercises and god know how many other examples there are.

    based on your arguments, they should not and be quaking in their boots that they could end up next to the Thai version of Ronald Biggs.....with less cash of course...and brains....

  10. Funny how many of you will gladly.....sidestep....the laws when it suits you....not wear a helmet maybe...pay a copper 100baht for something little bit not ok....but then when it involves something that you might feel a little guilty about, you throw in the 'illegal' towel.

    Like I said...no need for excuses to make yourself feel better.....just don't do anything....lots of people do nothing and that is fine...just do it if you want, do not if you want.....but don't make piss poor excuses to rest your heads upon.

    I guess your next suggestion will be doing a bank robbery or so, who cares about consequencies or the law uh? :D

    Then you come up with extreme and ridiculous arguments to argue your defense.

    Thing is, there is no need for response unless you are feeling guilty...but why feel guilty....just dont do it and nobody will give a rats either way....but here is the hint...don't make up excuses.

  11. No, not formal and emergancy first responder sounds ideal. Singapore also would be an ideal option.

    Somewhat more than first aid is wanted, I did that in Oz many years ago.....my wife and a staff member did it at the red cross in Bkk a couple of years ago also.

  12. Not when it comes to beating his kids or fighting off ladyboy robbers though.. :whistling: JFYI by his own public admission no speculation on my part..

    And that is the lighter end of his annebriated outbursts......what about the lawyer he threatened to kill ?

    He also threatened to kill drummond I believe and some gimp that poisoned his pooch.

    Plus plus....many other vile activities he gets up to over in his kingdom.

  13. Like I said...a lot of people use it as an excuse....no neeed for excuses...just dont do it if you do not want to.

    There is plenty you could do if you really wanted to.

    Is this a clear invitation to do illegal things which lead to a prison sentence or i am reading it wrong? you are not that guy that clean the beaches around asking other foreigners to join him, aren't you? To be unwilling to commit a crime which take you straight to jail doesn't look like an excuse to me, better you move your efforts to target the real cause of this situation my friendo....

    Funny how many of you will gladly.....sidestep....the laws when it suits you....not wear a helmet maybe...pay a copper 100baht for something little bit not ok....but then when it involves something that you might feel a little guilty about, you throw in the 'illegal' towel.

    Like I said...no need for excuses to make yourself feel better.....just don't do anything....lots of people do nothing and that is fine...just do it if you want, do not if you want.....but don't make piss poor excuses to rest your heads upon.

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