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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. *****

    oldaussie, get your reading glasses: I clearly stated at the BEGINNING of my blog entry that I am QUOTING SOME BLOG ENTRIES. "May I qoute you now with: Please get your facts straight before you post such dribble." If your perception skills are those of the Grey Men, then help us god!

    So you just quote anything without taking it into context....and you never bothered to read the posts prior and read them properly to see that what you were quoting is codswallop......good job.

  2. "It is a fact that such organisations need money to help with their own paychecks. So what happens if anyone asks for transparency on the Grey Men's financing? Their top-paid guard dogs start a blog-campaign against those who ask the question here. How about the fact that in 2009, they managed to get their commercial aired on Aussi tv labeled as "documentary"? Well, it supposedly brought in over USD 21 mio in donations! Of which over USD 12 mio go for Grey Men's pay checks (see postings above that refer to their supposed financial disclosures). And of the USD 12 mio, the top 10 Grey Men cash in between 125'000 to over 200'000 EACH per annum! And a meager 192'000 out of 21 mio go to the "rescued" supposed victim's care. And what about the rest? The Grey Men prefer to stay hidden in the shades of anonymity."

    You are a bit of a retard 008 when you quote something like this and obviously have not absorbd one thing you have claimed to read....go forth and read it again....then come back here and apologise if you have the gonads.

  3. An utterly beautiful morning today in Pak Chong, after a pleasantly chilly night. Windy, transmuting to breezy. A faint haze. The light soft over the green valley to the distant hills beyond the highway. I've been living here a little over a year and I never tire of the view from my terrace.

    I argue with nothing that Joe ekkamai says above. One thing I have observed here is that most of the farangs I see in Tesco or around seem to strive to avoid contact at all costs. Perhaps it's just the effect I have on people, but I don't think so. A glance and a friendly smile is more often than not met with averted eyes. Its as if farangs come here specifically to avoid contact with other farangs. A Thai friend who lives, and has businesses, here assures me that there are a good 1,000 farangs in Pak Chong and she wants to establish some sort of club - like a very slimmed down version of the Pattaya expat clubs - for both farangs and English-speaking Thais. I'm not sure how far this will go.

    Land at 750,000 baht a rai has to have chanote or be very special. Outside the town centre almost all the land is porbrodor 5, registered with the puyaibaan and the obrador. Thaksin started the process to convert these titles step by step to full chanote and the Democrat government officially supports the intention. But it is a long, slow process and nobody - including lawyers with whom I have consulted - seems greatly concerned. Typical prices for the sort of land where one might wish to build outside town centre run between 250,000 and 500,000 a rai. Some of it is very beautiful, with spectacular views.

    I rent a little 2-storey house on top of a hill about 7 kilometres from town centre. Rent for a farang is 8,000 baht a month. The slightly smaller house across the road was rented to a Thai friend for 2,000 baht; a farang would probably be expected to pay 4,000.

    And yes, if you like peace and quiet, it's a very pleasant place to live. And only 2 hours drive from the stews of Sukhumvit Road in case you get antsy.

    I have to agree about the lifestyle here, it is wonderful. I walk outside around our balcony at 8ish at night and the stars are out and the valley is in darkness and so dead quiet.

    I also agree that a lot of farang you see in town do tend to ignore....I have only made eye contact with a few and only a couple have ever smiled or nodded back. One the other day gave me a nasty look, but think it was because I was perving at his girlfriend moreso.....

    I would doubt 1000 in the area, but you never know I guess.

    As for your land prices.....you must be talking the Northern side of the highway, cos no way you can find land around where we are for that low anymore......actually you can, but you need to buy a large parcel of 100 to 200 rais and that is still a large chunk of change you need upfront. We found 150 rai recently at 500k per rai.....but anything that is decent is around 2 million now.

    And also your comment re land only outside town being PBT title, that is way off, plenty of land around with titles from NS3 to full Chanotes, also as mentioned though plenty around with no titles. I found the perfect block for what I wanted, the kind with a spectaculer setting, the kind of place I would settle and live the rest of my life on....8 rai and 1 million per rai, but no title.

    Anyway, feel free to contact if you out our way for a coffee at our local coffee shop on the main road near the park entrance.

  4. I've been living in the Norng Sarai area of Pak Chong for a little over 3 years now. We have a farang style house that suffered massive flood damage last month. Want to buy it? :)

    You should not have built so close to the river or so low then perhaps......got any pics of the flood and damage ??

    We ate at the restaurant just past the Bangkok hospital on the left the other night, imagine they must have been somewhat underwater there as well.

    Luckily where we are, the catchment area is so short that nowhere in the immdeiate area flooded...down stream yes, but not right here as it simply cannot get enough to flood.

  5. hi,

    i'm a farang living in pak chong and have been for almost 2 years now and i can confirm the impressions that have been expressed here in other posts.

    farang style houses are hard to find unless you are prepared to look up the khao yai road where there are various offerings, but these tend to be developements of buildings which are intended for use as holiday properties (see links below for examples).



    i'm a little surprised to see quoted here that the going rate for land is so high (2/3mill pre rai??).

    there is an abundance of poorly developed land around where i live that doesn't seem to be generating enough income to justify those prices - disused golf courses, unfarmed land and land that just seems to be doing nothing....

    but as i often find in thailand prices may not follow normal market forces, and a rai of scrub that hasn't been farmed for years and generates nothing may well have a sale value as mentioned - especially when the potential buyer is a farang.

    another house that i looked at when i first moved into the area advertised at 1.4million miraculously jumped to 2.5million when i made a serious inquiry!

    the only drawback i have found is that there is a lack of any sort of farang community. some may consider this a bonus and certainly the fact that there isn't a farang bar with bar girls in it is a plus(!), but i have found that i do miss the chance to just hang out and speak english with a few foreigners occassionally. i do see a few guys in tesco lotus from time to time, but there is no "group" so to speak.

    The prices quoted for land are in what is known as the 'Golden triangle'...that is an area between Mauk Lek, Juldis resort and Kirrimiya around abouts. Land here is expensive and this is not land being quoted to Farang....the Thai's know full well these prices and are paying it to an extent, although it has slowed a lot recently and not so much being sold.

    A lot of wealthy Thias are buying up land for holiday homes around here, many already have.

    Some land on the main road to the park is between 3 and 7million per rai.

    We have asome land here, we have not built on it yet, we rent a house currently. The retarded owner will not sell for a reasonable price and has had it on the market for a couple of years. it is 2 rai and he wants 7 million and the land has no title....i could go on, but I shall not.

    In Tesco they used to have a starbucks and that was a nice place to meet some other farang if you were in the mood and I had met a few in there myself. It closed however and they do still have the one over the road in the outlet village, but it is not so easy to get to. The coffee in Black Canyon sucks.

    I presume you live in town then and we are at the park entrance area, so a 30 minute drive. But there is a nice coffee shop nearby us here if you want to pop out for a chat sometime.

  6. By the way....i believe that in Thailand, the requirements for the formation of a charity or foundation, amongst many requirements, is that no more than 40% of income is to be used for costs to run/support that entity.

    The Thai childrens Trust, which is a UK charity I believe spent 36% of their income on expenses in 2009 if i read their report correctly.

    It costs money to make money right ??

    For sure, the other chairty mentioned above with the income of 21million etc and huge expenses, there certainly seems to be something wrong with it.

  7. By the imagined futility of the endless sea of victims, most as stated here in their expert opinion, supplied and sold by their own families and the endless supply of perps.....the same logic should be applied to all scenarios then.

    Murderers and rapists should not be pursued because they keep breeding and popping up day after day also right ??

    Thinking that you are contributing to the continued cycle of the victims by engaging them as adults in prostitution services is giving you wonderous credit of mind reading powers to know this in the first place and trying to place guilt where any normal person would have no idea of that persons past and is a ridiculous call.

    On one hand you claim it is a totally useless and wasteful cause, on the other you say you admire it...which is it....you agree with it or not.... having your cake and eating it !!

    As for my own child being taken and this happening to him or her, then yes i would take things into my own hands given the opportunity....but talking about that behind your keyboard and quoting a TV show is very strange. Personaly, I would be able to call the grayman and any other similar or better organisations to help me almost instantly....doubt they would be waiting for approval from someone to act if they were suited to do so. On the other hand....i would not be able to find my secret society as they are ....well...secret and not in the yellow pages.

  8. Is this selfproclaimed charitable organisation here to fight crime, or are they in for the money? That would mean that they simply prey on the exploited children for their own monetary advantage. I would like to see some facts such as financial disclosures (amounts received, amount of salaries and other administrative costs, percent of donations spent directly to benefit their clients, etc.).

    What do the Grey Men say about this? (http://www.ijm.org/r.../2009IRS990.pdf)

    To their discredit, their staff salaries total $12.7 million USD, out of about $21.8 million in donations. Their top 10 officers average annual compensation of about $145,000 USD in 2009. . . nice pay for CHARITY and during the recession. The lowest compensation is $128,000, and the highest is about $233,000 annually. A total of 16 individuals in this organization recieved over $100k USD in compensation during 2009. They spent a meagre $192,000 on victim aftercare expenses in 2009.

    So it seems to me a good idea for the Grey Men to hide behind their anonymity and expose supposed culprits by name. Who says that the Grey Men don't sell their info to the press and the highest bidder? What stops them from blackmail and extortion? They can't be taken to court: not in Thailand, because they "work" with the local police (and we all know what that means...), and not in Australia because they hide behind fictitious names. They put themselves outside the law, put on the noble mantle of charity and ride for their own glory and profit. I admire their marketing stunt to get the Aussi TV to make a free commercial - sorry: three part "documentary" - that apparently triggered donators to spend USD 21.8 mio where a meagre USD 192'000 might arrive at the victims level. There is a small line between charity and bravery on the one side, and froaud corruption, blackmail and extortion on the other.

    Wow Wooty....you really don't know how to read do you ??

    But you do know how to go off the rails about something unrelated to what you were trying to talk about.....well done.

  9. Should the head of these organisations, the ones that start it, the ones that put all their effort into it...be paid ??

    One would think anyone doing work, should be paid for their time and effort....but why not translate this to what the head of this organistation gets paid and what the head of an Aussie Bank gets paid and see who you think deserves it more......

  10. Wow 45k aint much...I just hit 80k and the rears need doing, front are still fine for sometime.

    So problem is to buy 2 of the same, or take all 4 off and try the All Terrain that I like.....

    Has anyone else used the AllTerrain here ??

    if its a 4x4 part time, all 4 need to be same diameter to avoid transfer case damage.

    Realise that....if I choose to replace only the rear, I will simply get the same tyre.

    If I replace all, I shall consider the AT's

  11. Wow 45k aint much...I just hit 80k and the rears need doing, front are still fine for sometime.

    So problem is to buy 2 of the same, or take all 4 off and try the All Terrain that I like.....

    Has anyone else used the AllTerrain here ??

    So what make of tyre do you have now ?

    Bridgestone Dueler H/T

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