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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Anything that is not tourist related meaning a Gun Club that you can join and go shooting for example where to the local gun owners go to practice they certainly dont go to Mae Rim tourist shooting ranges :)

    So looking for a local shooting club for local thais of which some local farangs may also be members

    hope that is clear enough ;)

    • Like 1
  2. How satisfying to see her beg for justice. In light of her government's systematic destruction of justice and fair play. How quickly the game can change hey madam PM?


    I think she has handled this incredibly well and minimal loss of life which is more than can be said for Abhisit when he was faced with the same situation anyway this lady has handled it with class, intelligence and with obvious concern for thai people.

    It could of been a lot worse has she put up more of a fight and the red shirt disbanded their demonstration I KNOW WHO THE SMART ONES were in this debatical.

    But I dont see an end to this if Suthep gets his way we will see the Reds come out in force and we know how he and Abhisit handles protesters. dont we.

    • Like 2
  3. "Why are so many foreigners backing fascist Suthep" Their wife told them to...

    Or they have a brain to analyze instead of following some propaganda.thumbsup.gif

    As if one with half a brain, really believes PTP cares about people or countryw00t.gif


    Please google and read about Suthep, chequered past,then maybe you will realise that all governments are corrupt

    You might need to post instructions on how to do that for him

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  4. Mandela was a man of our era. Among the greatest of our era without any doubt. A person in the world today who doesn't know who he was is without a doubt lacking in a decent education. Some things are basic. He most definitely transcended his own country or continent.

    Perhaps it is true that most Americans also don't know who Mandela was but I actually don't think that is really true. Partly because of the link between Obama and Mandela (Mandela inspired him; not suggesting any kind of equivalence of greatness). So what? That would indicate their ignorance the same as it would with a Thai.

    Yes my wife knows him because I told her about him

    to jingting I disagree he was jailed after pleading gulty to 160 acts of terrorism blowing up men women both white and black and he was convicted for those crimes and jailed as he should of been.

    During that term in Jail he somehow became the face against Apartheid and was elevated to the forefront and then it snowballed and eventually he was freed as Apartheid was abolished.

    I believe when the man came out he was a different man than when he went in and believe he was sincere UNFORTUNATELY since the abolition of Apartheid it is now reversed and the whites of South Africa are being killed in the thousands along the lines of what happened in Zimbawe with over 4,000 white farmers mutilated and killed all with the blessing of the current ANC government and silence around the world about what is now the genocide of the whites.

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