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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Those who talk the most, do the least. All the tattoos, steroids, stories, gold, LV bag...can't say I've ever seen a more insecure person.

    Typical "mommy died and left me some money, so I went to the 3rd world and tried to life like a bigshot.". Has fun until he accidentally falls off his hotel balcony. Only surprise here is that he is not Russian.

    He was an Orphan he made his millions in the Loan shark business, look up his court case in Australia where he was found guilty

  2. Openly declaring that he has Thai girls paying him money every month for his services.....

    Timothy may recieve a little visit from the Thai police and immigration if this video gets out.

    If there's one thing Thai authorities hate, it's Westerners publically promoting their illegal and immoral activities here for the World to see while making Thailand look bad in front of the World.

    The dunderhead should have kept his mouth shut, but then I suppose his inner needs would have gone on unfullfilled.

    Yes, the mind truly boggles. But we live in a world today where everyone is seeking their own 15 minutes of fame.

    I wonder if he protects 'his' girls from their Thai boyfriends when they smack them around. He is nothing like Chopper Read. A bloke like Read would have him for breakfast. So the 'hard man' has had a blue with a school teacher in a bar and he couldn't win without picking up a knfe and stabbing him.

    Certainly a kiwi, if you listen carefully to the accent. Not to mention some of the Tattoos. Which BTW it appears none are 'prison' Tatts. N wonder he headed across the ditch to the Gold Coast. The Scammer and Con Man Capital of Australia. He would have fitted right in.

    Hard to tell from just watching a 5 minute vid, but the bloke is certainly not the 'real deal'

    IMHO there is a village somewhere missing its idiot.

    Well posting things that you know nothing about could also indicate an idiot posting since this guy does not drink does not hang out in bars the stabbing from what o read was because the guy refused to pay the girl after she had done her job she called him to collect he probably should of just paid the 500 baht which was the amount he was trying to rip her off for. He got mouthy and got stabbed sharky was locked up for a couple days until bailed.

    For all the keyboard warriors on here he as a standing invite for anyone what want to meet him and tell him to his face what you type and post online safely tucked behind your computers LOL

    Any takers ???

    Nope didn't think so.biggrin.png

    Stick to hiding behind your keyboard where to can be as hard as you want LOL

    Pathetic, big hard guy stabbed the other guy over 500 baht according to your story and you think it was justified?

    The rest of your post is nonsense. Any given day there will be hundreds of guys in Patts that would do this guy in, they just don't need to make a noise about it.

    You'd think he's the hardest guy in the World the way some of you are going.


    Nope don't think it was justified a stabbing never is, as for him being hard well just do a bit of research on the guy and make your own conclusion, plenty out there to make your mind up, personally I would not like to tackle the guy after seeing him work out a punch bag LOL

    • Like 1
  3. Openly declaring that he has Thai girls paying him money every month for his services.....

    Timothy may recieve a little visit from the Thai police and immigration if this video gets out.

    If there's one thing Thai authorities hate, it's Westerners publically promoting their illegal and immoral activities here for the World to see while making Thailand look bad in front of the World.

    The dunderhead should have kept his mouth shut, but then I suppose his inner needs would have gone on unfullfilled.

    Yes, the mind truly boggles. But we live in a world today where everyone is seeking their own 15 minutes of fame.

    I wonder if he protects 'his' girls from their Thai boyfriends when they smack them around. He is nothing like Chopper Read. A bloke like Read would have him for breakfast. So the 'hard man' has had a blue with a school teacher in a bar and he couldn't win without picking up a knfe and stabbing him.

    Certainly a kiwi, if you listen carefully to the accent. Not to mention some of the Tattoos. Which BTW it appears none are 'prison' Tatts. N wonder he headed across the ditch to the Gold Coast. The Scammer and Con Man Capital of Australia. He would have fitted right in.

    Hard to tell from just watching a 5 minute vid, but the bloke is certainly not the 'real deal'

    IMHO there is a village somewhere missing its idiot.

    Well posting things that you know nothing about could also indicate an idiot posting since this guy does not drink does not hang out in bars the stabbing from what o read was because the guy refused to pay the girl after she had done her job she called him to collect he probably should of just paid the 500 baht which was the amount he was trying to rip her off for. He got mouthy and got stabbed sharky was locked up for a couple days until bailed.

    For all the keyboard warriors on here he as a standing invite for anyone what want to meet him and tell him to his face what you type and post online safely tucked behind your computers LOL

    Any takers ???

    Nope didn't think so.biggrin.png

    Stick to hiding behind your keyboard where to can be as hard as you want LOL

  4. his gold necklace looks very classy. where can i buy one?

    You could not afford it biggrin.png

    I saw his gold chain collection online somewhere and its 4 Kilos in weight LOL you do the math

    The guy is an interesting character and had close to 50,000 followers before facebook shut him down now he is back on FB and his twitter account has close to 50,000 followers so he obviously has something most of us on here dont LOL I only have 1500 fb friends LOL.

  5. Sectional sofa

    Looking to see if anyone knows where I could pick up a sectional sofa but a supersize one

    Any ideas where I can find a selection ?

    thanks in advance Catnapper-Catalina-431-SEC-Sectional-1-H

  6. I use these taxis ona frequent basis and the trick they try is to get the paper they give the girl and she tears it in 2 and keeps one and give you the other one they then try to get you to give them that which of course then you have no recourse.

    Upon entering the cab they say 450 baht, I always say Meter, they say no Meter, I say Ok i get out and go back to the girl,

    SUDDENLY meter is turned on and off we go.

    Very simple.

    • Like 2
  7. Lots of make up, High Heels, short skirts. combined with a few large changs job done

    She looks good at the time LOL just don't wake up with her


    As bad as she looks to you in the morning couldn't be nearly as bad as you look to her.

    But at least she has some monetary compensation. You don't.


    Well I guarantee I look way better than you do based on your avatar

    I aint one of those that bashes paying for it, she gets what she wants and the purchaser gets what they want its a win win they can both look like shit but each are happy with the result.

    Diamond King Scrubs up pretty well with a bit of make up, high heels and a mini skirt..so get your facts right biggrin.png

    EXACTLY biggrin.png

  8. Lots of make up, High Heels, short skirts. combined with a few large changs job done

    She looks good at the time LOL just don't wake up with her


    As bad as she looks to you in the morning couldn't be nearly as bad as you look to her.

    But at least she has some monetary compensation. You don't.


    Well I guarantee I look way better than you do based on your avatar

    I aint one of those that bashes paying for it, she gets what she wants and the purchaser gets what they want its a win win they can both look like shit but each are happy with the result.

  9. Gold signifies status, such as married or not. It can be worn on special occasions, or to display position within the social hierarchy. Calling the wearer a Thai chav is neat but judgmental. Tells you more about the name-caller's social resentments or fears.

    I know many Hi-So Thai folk that never wear gold at events.

    And I know many that do in fact usually its accompanied by additional Diamonds that require me to wear an extra dark pair of sunglasses biggrin.png

    Whether you like it or not Thailand is no different to any other country some flash the cash while others dont and the only people who know a persons real net worth is the person wearing the gold.

    My guess is its a combo of people wearing their entire net worth, to people wearing gold that have millions in the bank, and everyone in between

    • Like 1
  10. Thai chavs, the poorer they are the more gold they wear.

    Haha at 20,000 for 1 baht of Gold at the moment your post kinda makes you look a little silly LOL so if they are wearing 100 baht of Gold just like the Chav farang in this thread they are poor LOL. I think there might be a little jelously there chappie

    The guy in the picture has 4 kilos of Gold in his collection and is a multi millionaire (you do the math, and anyone who can wear that kind of money aint broke neither are the thais that wear it, its a sign of wealth and face just like those driving Mercs etc even hi so thais wear lots of jewelry, only thing is they wear farang jewelry which is worth less than the 96% stuff that the low so's wear.

    the only people saying what you are saying is those that cant afford to wear it LOL

    In reality its a form of security for some of the villagers and that is where they keep the majority of their wealth (they wear it) it can instantly be cashed in and many in the provinces prefer it to banks.

    To think that everyone that wears gold is a chav is a bit ignorant I know many thais that are minted and wear lots of gold and i know some that only have what they are wearing.

    ITS THAI and most thais DONT LOOK DOWN on someone wearing lots of gold they look up to them

    ITS THAI and most thais DONT LOOK DOWN on someone wearing lots of gold they look up to them

    Living in Issan are we?

    Too be honest I found them to be the worst, HiSo wannabes most of them.

    You know nothing of my financial position, but I dont suffer from such low self esteem as to try and flaunt something I dont have, a quick glance at my protfolio is enough for me.

    BTW, the question was, what do you think of Thais wearing gold, not farang.

    Naaaa mate I live in Chiang Mai and not married to an Issan bird not that I stereotype women from there which it seems you do. :)

  11. The guy does tons of good for the homeless animals and people on the streets of Pattaya he raised money for a motorized scooter for an young homeless invalid girl so she could be mobile and get around, that was several thousand dollars ($4500 i think it was) while he has a checkered past looks like he is doing good with his life now, he pulls no punches and tells you just like it is and he lives his life for himself and the people he helps.

    He gets a lot of stick by keyboard warriors on his twitter account who have no balls and would shit themself if he appeared next to them on their computers as they are typing away insulting him LOL , I like the guy straight shooter and treats people as they treat him and lives his life without giving a toss what others think of him.

    gotta respect that

  12. my opinion of ANYONE wearing gold is that they are asking to get robbed

    It is certainly a risk that I take.. but most of the time the gold is under my t shirt, plus its 18K gold does not come off as easy as Thai gold. I don't worry as much as I don't live in a tourist area and l don't look like someone who would be an easy target, and usually under my t shirt as its sentimental value.

    Anyway.. people have worn gold in all ages and its jewelry made to be worn. If it was just for investment get the gold bars and be done with it.

    Same here, I wear a Thai gold chain but due to the weight, it would be very difficult to snatch and grab it as its very strong, and like robblok I am not an easy target (6,1 and 260 pounds) its also worn under clothing and not flashed around.

    I really dont think its such a big issue, unless someone is dripping in it and flashing it around then your asking for trouble,

    The guy in the picture posted in this thread lives and walks all around Pattayabeach road in his gold chains, nobody has taken his yet and they are in full view..( I wonder why LOL)

  13. Settle I was on a wind up, his pic has nothing to do with the OP, to be fair if it was me I'd not be best pleased my pic was posted unless of course you or the guy who posted it is him.

    I never posted it and yeah I would not be happy having a picture of me posted without my permission which i thought was against TV rules because the guy who posted it aint him

    The guy that is on that pic is supposed to be famous in Pattaya and not someone to mess with. But hey keyboard warriors that are anonymous will do things to make fun of him. Not that I know the guy or care that much (live in BKK)

    yes your right LOL he does a lot of good in Pattaya but a smart person would not cross him and yes he is a convicted criminal, but still posting his picture on a forum like this is wrong no matter what his past is as it would be posting any other persons picture without asking their permission first.

    • Like 1
  14. The correlation between wearing lots of gold and being wealthy just proves the old adage money doesn't buy class.

    In my experience the real money ( both here and back home) don't flash what they've got. They don't need to. Everybody knows how minted they are. Last year at a function I was introduced to a bloke who's currently on the Forbes list of richest Thais. Quiet, unassuming, polite, dollar billionaire. I clocked he had a nice discrete Patek Philppe on his wrist, He didn't roll up like the bastard son of Jimmy Saville and Snoop Dogg or a Thai amulet trader/car tent owner.

    Nothing of genuine value requires ads.

    A really intelligent person will not show off.

    A really wealthy person will not show off.

    A really strong person will not show off.

    I think French have something like 'nuove riche' term, often used derogatory. (PARDON MY FRENCH).

    Any urge to show off, flaunt, make a statement is coming from insecurity, inferiority complex or desire to win by dazzling the stupid majority.

    What a Crock of S#$%T LOL

    Each person is different and while you have as many that wish to hide their wealth and be discrete, you also have those that like to flaunt their wealth, there is just as many of each.

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